Defending Hayden (Second Chances #7)(30)

“Thanks, Officer.” He lifted the gate, and I pointed to the space beside my truck that had orange cones in the center. I picked them up and moved them out of the way so she could park. She got out of the car and giggled. “Please tell me you didn’t put those there for me?”

I shrugged. “It worked, didn’t it?”

When she walked around the car toward me, I raked my gaze down her body. She was wearing her hair in a ponytail with a Carolina Cougars T-shirt and short denim shorts. The guys were going to get hard up over just one look at her. There was no doubt about that.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

I blew out my breath and put my arm around her. “Because I just realized I can’t leave you alone with the guys.”


“They won’t know how to handle themselves, especially since they know we’re just friends. Trust me, it’s best you stick close to me. I don’t want to have to kill anyone tonight.”

She giggled. “I can handle it, McLaughlin. I get hit on by men from time to time.”

The thought made my blood boil. I didn’t want to imagine her with other men. Then again, I didn’t have any rights to her; she wasn’t mine. “All right, let’s go.”

When we got inside, I wanted to get her past the locker room, but the guys weren’t going to let that happen. Waiting by the door was Chris, his eyes almost bugging out of his head the second he noticed Hayden.

“Brace yourself,” I whispered in her ear.

Chris walked out into the hall, his smile widening the closer we got. “Aren’t you a pretty thing,” he said, reaching for her hand. “When McLaughlin said he was meeting a friend, I had no clue it was going to be someone as beautiful as you.”

“Thanks,” she said, shaking his hand. “I’m Hayden.”

“And I’m Chris Waters, the best player on the team.” I snorted, and in return, he brushed his shoulders off. “The others just don’t want to admit it.”

Cooper pushed him out of the way. “Don’t listen to him. He only wishes he was the best. I’m Cooper Davis,” he told her.

Her eyes brightened. “You’re the quarterback, right?”

Cooper winked at her. “Yep. I think Derek’s going to take you to Kate so you can sit with her during the game. She’s my wife.”

Hayden looked up at me and I nodded. “We figured you’d enjoy the game more, being with another female.”

“Sounds good to me.” I guided her away from the locker room and she waved at them in passing. “I hate that I don’t know who all the players are.”

“I’m sure you’ll know them all soon enough. There’s going to be a party tonight after the game. Do you want to go?”

“Do you want me to go?” she countered.

“I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t.”

A small smile appeared on her lips. “Then I’ll go. It might be kind of interesting.”

I snorted. “You got that right.” I would have to keep her at my side to make sure no one put the moves on her. Coach Joel’s office was just up ahead, and I could hear Kate’s voice. I said to Hayden, “Kate’s really nice, and I know you’ll like her. She’s one of our team physicians. I’m pretty sure you’ll both have a lot in common.”

“Great, I can’t wait.”

I led her into the office, and everyone froze. “Everyone, this is Hayden Hunter. She’s here to watch the game.” To Kate, I said, “Cooper and I thought it’d be a good idea for her to stay with you. That way she’ll have someone to talk to.”

Nodding, Kate beamed at Hayden. “Of course. I’m always happy to have more females around here.”

Hayden glanced up at me, and I could tell she was a little nervous. “Have fun and I’ll see you after the game, okay?” I said.

“Okay. Good luck with the game.”

“Thanks, love.” I walked out of the room and winked back at her. “See ya.” Fuck, I was in trouble. I was already giving her nicknames. When I got to the locker room, the guys were all ready for the game. I hurried and put on my pads just as Coach Joel waltzed into the room.

Chris came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. “If Hayden’s just your friend, does that mean I can ask her out? She’s sexy as f*ck.”

“You do and you die. Stay away from her.”

He burst out laughing and backed away. “That’s what I thought.”

Chapter 13


I followed Kate to another room where medical supplies were stacked high on both sides. “I had no clue Derek was dating again,” she said happily. She grabbed a handful of gauze and I helped her.

“Oh, we’re not. We’re just friends.”

“Even so, it’s nice to see him bring someone around. He hasn’t done that since…” She stopped and regarded me with a sad smile.

“I know about his girlfriend,” I told her. “He doesn’t talk to me about it, and I don’t bring it up.”

She frowned. “He doesn’t talk about it anymore. In fact, he doesn’t really talk to anyone. I keep wondering if he’s okay.”

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