Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity #4)(49)

Anna frowned. “Is that supposed to make sense?”

He gave a shake of his head, his lashes lifting to reveal a simmering intent in the dark eyes.

“Maybe this will.”

Swooping his head downward, he claimed her lips in a fierce, relentless kiss. She moaned as his tongue slipped into her mouth, his finger moving between her legs in a steady rhythm.

Her body was swiftly melting beneath the hungry onslaught, but her mind was still reeling from his astonishing confession.

Turning her head from his marauding lips, she tried to catch her breath, succeeding only in filling her senses with Cezar’s spicy, erotic scent.

“Cezar?” He ignored her as he nuzzled her cheek, the curve of her ear, and down the line of her throat. Anna shivered in ecstasy. “Cezar, are you trying to distract me?”

He teased her nipple with the tip of his tongue, his thumb finding that tiny nub of pleasure between her legs.

“Am I succeeding?”

“Oh,” she moaned, her legs parting as her heels dug into the mattress. Holy crap, he was more than succeeding. He was a few strokes away from a complete, total victory.

He gave her nipple a last lick before trailing a line of heart-stopping kisses down her stomach, pausing to tease her belly button.

“How about this?” he husked.

She twisted her head on the pillow, no longer able to recall what had been so important. In this moment all that mattered was the molten heat that was pooling in the pit of her stomach.

His lips continued downward, nipping gently at her hip and then stroking a blazing path to her inner thigh. Anna’s eyes glazed over and her entire body trembled with anticipation.


Slowly he angled his head so he could meet her gaze, his eyes glowing like polished ebony.

“Don’t ever doubt how much I want you, Anna Randal. You are a part of me.”

As the soft words left his mouth his fangs struck, sliding smoothly through her skin into the vein that ran through her inner thigh.

Anna gasped, her hands tangling in the sheets as she felt his first tugs. Oh…God. A thundering wave of pleasure crashed through her, ravaging her senses and clenching her body with a climax that tore a scream from her lips.

It happened so fast that her head was still spinning when she felt Cezar shift over her and with one stroke he was deep inside her. Instinctively her hands lifted to clutch at his shoulders, her lips parting to accept his devouring kiss.

The tiny tremors were still wracking her body as he rocked his hips with a slow, steady rhythm, his smooth chest rubbing over her tender br**sts. Impossibly, she felt her hunger stirring again as she arched her back to meet his devastating thrusts.

Then again, maybe it wasn’t such a surprise.

She’d waited two centuries for another taste of passion. What woman wouldn’t be a little greedy now that she had this glorious vampire back in her bed?

Allowing her thoughts to drift away, Anna gave in to pure sensation, the feel of him moving inside her, the scent of his skin, the lingering taste of his lips on hers. She groaned in bliss, her gaze locked on the beautiful warrior’s face poised above her.

It was worth the wait.

Chapter 12

It was nearly two hours later when Cezar at last sprawled across the bed and tucked Anna close to his side. He had never felt so warm and utterly sated in his very long life.

A sensation that could be easily explained by having just enjoyed the rich, powerful blood that flowed through Anna’s veins, but Cezar wasn’t entirely convinced.

The contentment that filled him wasn’t that of a power rush. Or even just a wild, intense bout of sex. This contentment went bone deep. The sort of contentment that could last for an eternity.

Which was enough to send clanging alarms racing through his mind.

Thankfully the blissful feel of Anna cuddling next to him was enough to stifle the urge to explore the dangerous feelings. As long as she was safe in his arms, then he didn’t give a damn about anything else.

A smile that held an edge of smugness curved his lips as Anna allowed her fingers to trail lightly over his chest, drawing aimless circles that sent a shudder of pleasure through his body.

Soon the tray of food he called for would arrive and it would be time to rise and prepare for the coming nightfall. Until then he simply desired to soak in the peaceful pleasure that shimmered between them.

As the silence stretched, Anna at last tilted back her head, her gaze searching his content expression.

“You said that after you were…transformed, or whatever you call it, into a vampire, that you awoke in the uniform of a conquistador, but that you have no memory of being a human?” she demanded.

Cezar blinked, startled by her question. It certainly wasn’t what he’d been expecting.

Then he realized he should have been.

Anna was not the sort to give herself lightly to a man. Hell, she’d had no other lover but him.

It was only natural that she would need to know something about the creature she had put her trust in.

“I remember nothing.”

“That’s strange, isn’t it?”

“Not really.” He allowed his fingers to trail through the strands of her hair. “A vampire must first drain the blood of a human, and then before the human takes his last breath, he must make his victim taste of his own blood. That’s how the demon is transferred.”

Alexandra Ivy's Books