Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity #4)(45)

“And it won’t be a great leap to suspect that her prey was there with us.” Spinning about, Cezar smacked his fist into the wall with enough force to make the floor shake. Thankfully the reinforced lead kept the damage to a minimum. “I’m commanded to protect Anna, but given no direction of how I’m supposed to do it. Morgana has shrouded herself in such mystery I don’t have a damn clue what powers she possesses or if she has any weaknesses.”

Viper watched him in silence, waiting until Cezar had managed to regain his composure before placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

A wise move considering vampires were known to bite first and think later when they were upset.

“I might know someone who could help.”

Cezar struggled to contain the emotions that pounded through his body. It had been so long since he had felt anything beyond frustration that it was far more difficult than it should be.


Viper paused. “First allow me to contact him. He rarely meets with others.”

“He’s a vampire?”

“Yes.” Viper’s expression remained closed, as if he were hiding something. “He’s a dedicated scholar who has collected the legends and fables of every demon to walk the earth.”

Cezar’s brows snapped together. “Dammit, Viper, I can’t keep Anna safe with legends and fables. Not unless Morgana can be killed by a fairy tale.”

Viper held up a slender hand. “Among his books is a vast collection of forgotten histories. Many are so obscure that not even Styx has seen them. It could be that he has information on Morgana that has been forgotten over the centuries.”

A great big hell of a maybe.

Cezar kept the thought to himself. Viper was trying to help. “I suppose it’s worth a try,” he said wearily. “It’s not as if I have any other brilliant ideas.”

A hint of concern touched Viper’s elegant features. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, my friend. You’re doing everything…”

The words of comfort came to a dramatic halt as there was an explosion of air and the doors at the end of the hallway shattered, sending a bombardment of deadly shards through the air.

Cezar knocked Viper to the ground as the wooden splinters flew over their heads.

“By the gods, what was that?” Viper breathed.

Cezar flowed to his feet as the last of the splinters lodged into the wall, his gaze trained on the ragged opening into Viper’s private rooms.


Viper cautiously rose to his feet, his pale skin a distinct shade of white at being nearly skewered.

“You told me she possessed the powers of an elemental, but you said nothing of being able to rip apart my club as if it was made of cardboard.”

A nasty chill inched down Cezar’s spine as he watched Anna walk toward them wearing nothing more than the short, terry cloth robe, her hair floating as the air swirled around her. There was something wrong.

“Her powers are still untutored and only emerge when she is in the grip of a strong emotion,” he muttered, studying Anna’s blank face and the lifeless hazel eyes. It was almost as if she were completely unaware of her surroundings. Certainly there was no recognition on her beautiful face as she approached. “She has little control of them.”

“So you’re saying she’s a loaded bomb with no off-switch?”

Cezar grimaced, knowing his friend wasn’t far off the mark. “I don’t think she would intentionally hurt anyone.”

“And unintentionally?” Viper stiffened as Anna came closer, his own power beginning to fill the hallway.

Cezar didn’t blame him. Already the force of the wind was stinging his face. Still, a growl sounded deep in his chest. If push came to shove he was quite willing to battle Viper should he threaten Anna.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on, amigo, but I need you to stand aside and let me handle this.”

“Cezar, her power…”

“That’s not a request,” he hissed, his gaze flickering toward his companion in a silent warning.

Viper’s expression tightened, but with a small nod he melted into the shadows, no doubt hurrying off to call for his guards. Whatever his seeming agreement there was no way he would allow Anna to harm any of his vampires.

Including Cezar.

Which meant he had only a few moments before all hell broke loose.

Chapter 11

Standing directly before the open elevator doors, Cezar ignored the wind that whipped around him, and braced for Anna’s approach.

“Anna? Anna, can you hear me?” There was no response. Not even a flicker of her dull, unseeing eyes. Not until she lifted her hand and pointed it in his direction. “Anna.” Her name was wrenched from his lips as the blast hit him and he was tossed away from the elevator and into a wall.

Glass shattered and screams filled the air as he struggled back to his feet, indifferent to the deep gashes that marred his skin. Impatiently wiping away the blood that flowed from his forehead and dripped into his eyes, Cezar watched as Anna stepped into the elevator.

“No.” Launching himself forward, he was too late.

Smoothly the elevator doors slid shut, cutting off the violent winds and leaving behind a trail of destruction and an eerie stillness.

There were shouts and screams behind him, but Cezar barely heard them. Nothing mattered but getting to Anna. Reaching the elevator doors, he ignored the buttons and simply punched his fist through the metal. Sticking his fingers into the hole he’d made, he gathered his strength and pulled the elevator doors apart.

Alexandra Ivy's Books