Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity #4)(46)

There was a piercing screech as the doors reluctantly parted to reveal the empty shaft. Without hesitation, Cezar leaped onto the descending elevator, landing lightly on his feet and instantly reaching to rip open the trap door.

Anna stood in the center of the elevator, never even glancing up. She didn’t need to. The blast of wind knocked Cezar on his ass even as the elevator jerked to a halt and she was stepping out of the compartment.

Dammit, he had to stop her before she reached the streets.

If he didn’t then Viper would.

Dropping through the open trap door, Cezar darted out of the elevator and entered the underground parking garage. He hissed softly as he watched Anna walk through the shadows, her power tossing expensive cars out of her path as if they were no more than twigs.


Now he understood the Commission’s belief that this woman was born to be an Oracle. Even untutored, her power was an awesome sight to behold.

Unfortunately, it was also a pain in the ass. At least in this moment.

Cezar was accustomed to his own (not insubstantial) strength enforcing his will. Now he not only had to find some means of halting a woman who could crush him with a thought, but one he couldn’t hurt, no matter what the circumstance.


Following in her destructive wake, Cezar resisted the urge to physically try to halt her steady retreat. Instead he closed his eyes and concentrated on his psychic skills. She was too strong-willed for enthrallment, but if he could reach her mind then perhaps he could help to break whatever spell held her captive.

Using his senses to keep from stumbling over the rubble left in Anna’s path, Cezar closed his mind to all but thoughts of the woman before him. The fact that he held her blood within him made matters far easier, giving him a bond that went deeper than a mere sexual connection.

Or at least it should have been easier.

As they neared the ramp that would lead to the streets of Chicago, Cezar found his thoughts ramming into a steel wall.

Someone was already in there. Someone who smelled of pomegranates and who was determined to keep him out.

A trickle of panic wormed through his heart. Already he could sense the heavy approach of dawn. If Anna made it to the streets he would be unable to follow her for long. Always presuming that Viper wasn’t already out there waiting with his guards.

He had to get into her mind. And he had to do it now.

Clenching his teeth, Cezar gathered his will. There was no way to do this subtly. He would have to crash through and simply pray that Anna wasn’t hurt.

Focusing once again, he sidestepped subtle and went straight for one swift, brutal thrust.

Pain shot through him as he crashed into the thick barrier, nearly going to his knees as he battled not to be thrust out. For a moment the intruder was laid bare to her senses, revealing her greed, her conceit, and her ugly lust for power. More importantly, she revealed her identity. Morgana le Fay. Then, Anna stumbled as well, falling to her knees and clutching her head in her hands.

Reaching her side, he stretched out his hand to touch her face. The intimate contact strengthened his powers, allowing him to at last breach the power that held her captive, shattering it with enough force to send him sprawling backward and to make Anna cry out in pain.

“Anna?” With a shake of his head to clear the lingering shards of agony, Cezar crawled forward, not trusting his legs to hold him as he gathered a trembling Anna into his arms.

Just for a moment she stiffened in fear, then her beautiful eyes cleared and she gasped in a deep breath of air.


“I’m here.” He gently pushed her hair from her face. Her hazel eyes painfully attempted to focus on his face. Then they widened in horror at the cuts that had yet to heal. “Oh God, Cezar.”

“Sssh.” He touched a finger to her lips. “It’s okay.”

“I hurt you.”

He savored the feel of her in his arms, his body trembling with relief. For a moment there he truly feared he might not be capable of breaking Morgana’s hold on this woman.

“Nothing that won’t heal.”

Her hand lifted in a weak motion so her fingers could touch the gash on his forehead.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop it. It was like I was possessed or something. A part of me realized what was going on, but I couldn’t stop myself. I had to…” She broke off with a shake of her head.

“Had to what?” he prompted.

Her brow furrowed as she struggled to remember. “I had to get somewhere. This voice kept calling to me and I had to follow it.”

“Morgana,” he said bleakly.

“Are you certain?”

“I glimpsed into her mind while she held you captive.”

Her tiny body stiffened in his arms. “She possessed me?”

“In a way.”

The air around her began to heat. Whether out of anger or panic was hard to determine.

“Damn her.”

He brushed his lips over her curls. “You’re safe, Anna.”

“Yeah, but for how long?” she demanded, her voice unsteady. “If she can take control of my mind then there’s nothing to stop her from making me go to her whenever she wants.”

It was a thought that Cezar refused to contemplate. He had every intention of putting an end to Morgana before she could strike again.

“I’m here to stop her.”

Alexandra Ivy's Books