Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity #4)(44)

Morgana ignored the warning as well as the weakness that was attempting to claim her body.

“Come to me.” She whispered the powerful command over the miles. “Come.”

Cezar’s mood was dark as he returned to the Viper’s Nest.

Not unusual after a confrontation with the Oracles.

After the tedious journey to the caves, he had endured a fierce grilling on everything he had discovered concerning Anna, as well as the death of Sybil and his belief that Morgana was the threat they had sensed.

On the plus side, they hadn’t struck him dead for having dared to drink of Anna’s blood, he acknowledged as he entered the building and made his way to the upper floors. They hadn’t even mentioned the fact that he was covered in the scent and taste of her.

Of course, they had also refused to provide him any assistance in keeping her safe. Just a bleak warning that if anything happened to her, he would be held personally responsible.

As if he wouldn’t welcome a stake through his heart if Anna was harmed.


Weary from the journey and the approaching dawn, Cezar struggled to smooth his features and ease his tension. He didn’t want Anna worried when he joined her.

At least, no more worried than she already was.

The elevator doors slid open and Cezar blinked in surprise at the sight of Viper standing directly in front of him. Instantly alarmed, he reached out to haul the silver-haired vampire forward, his expression stark with fear.

“What is it?” he demanded. “Has something…”

Viper gave a soft laugh, managing to rescue his velvet shirt from Cezar’s death grip.

“Everything is well,” he assured Cezar. “At last check your Anna was fast asleep. Did you meet with the Oracles?”

Cezar wearily rubbed the muscles of his neck. “Yes.”

Viper’s elegant features hardened with distaste. Like Styx, the ancient vampire deeply resented the Oracles’ hold over a fellow brother. And of course, there wasn’t a vampire that walked the earth who didn’t have authority issues.

“I suppose it would be a waste of time to ask what plot they have brewing?”

Cezar assumed a bland expression. “They’re here to rule on the werewolf king, as Styx requested.”

Viper narrowed his midnight eyes. “Something that should have taken less than a few hours to complete.”

“The Commission works at its own pace.”

“And are not to be questioned?”

Cezar arched a brow. “Not if you value your skin.”

With a grimace, Viper took Cezar’s arm and pulled him into a corner as the elevator opened to spill out a dozen drunken fairies.

“Did you at least request their assistance for your Anna?” Viper demanded in a voice low enough only another vampire could pick it up.

The lights flickered at Cezar’s blast of anger. Although not as ancient as either Styx or Viper, his powers were swiftly growing beyond those of all but a handful of vampires.

“They refuse to intercede.” He gave a disgusted shake of his head. “They claim her destiny must unfold without their direct involvement.”

“Meaning they don’t intend to get their own hands dirty.”

“Something like that.”

Viper leaned against the wall, his intricately braided hair gleaming silver in the dim light. “Do you know, I have the strangest feeling that Anna’s arrival in Chicago at the same time the Commission is visiting is more than a coincidence,” he murmured.

Cezar regarded his friend with a blatant warning etched on his face. He had spent enough time with the Oracles to know that they didn’t screw around when it came to ridding themselves of unwanted curiosity.

“Speculations like that can get a vampire killed, amigo. As thickheaded as you might be in your philosophy of the origins of demons, I wouldn’t like to see you left to roast in the sun.”

“I wouldn’t particularly like to see that either,” Viper said dryly. “Still, it truly pisses me off that those Oracles hold you like a dog on their leash and then refuse to grant you the one thing you desire.”

Just a day ago Cezar would have readily agreed with Viper’s dark mutterings. He’d been virtually imprisoned by the Commission, with the added insult of being forced into celibacy (an insult that could get people killed). Now, however, he couldn’t manage to stir even the faintest sense of regret for the grim years.

“Actually, the Commission is responsible for giving me precisely what I desire,” he said, his gaze instinctively turning toward the doors at the end of the long hallway. “Now, I must discover how the hell I’m going to keep her alive.”

Viper lifted his brows, but he was wise enough not to press the issue.

“You should know that Styx called.”


“The Adar managed to slip away before he could kill it.”

Cezar cursed. Couldn’t one damn thing go right? “Did Levet catch its scent?”

“No. It never entered the estate.”

“Morgana must have commanded it to return to her when he found Sybil’s location.” He imagined his hands around the Queen of Fairies’ throat as he choked the life from her.

“That would be my guess,” Viper murmured. “Which means that she also knows that Sybil was in the hands of vampires.”

Alexandra Ivy's Books