Wanting Winter(64)

Patrick is dragged out of the room. He looks at me with such angry eyes, and I just blow him a kiss, lifting my hand giving him the finger. I get joy knowing he won't ever see or feel a touch of a woman ever again.

I look at Trent. He is standing there amidst the chaos around him, watching me. I look back at him and he heads my way. I don’t move. I wait to hear what he is going to say.

When he stands in front of me, his chest is rising up and down. “It was Patrick all this time?”

“It was,” I tell him.

He closes his eyes shaking his head. “I should have clicked it was him. Him being jumpy, him never around, finding the photo album of you,” he tells me. “I am sorry I didn’t find you sooner.”

I shrug. “It’s done now.”

“You really have changed. You really did get us all back, didn’t you?”

I look up at him. “I was sick of people walking all over me.”

“Sweetie?” Mom comes over, hugging me. “The police need to speak to you, and me and your dad want to talk to you also,” she says with tears falling down her cheeks. I know hearing all this, what I have done, has changed her opinion on me, but I had to do it.

“Can I meet you later?” Trent asks me.

I look at him confused. “You still want to be with me? Even after everything I did?”

He shrugs. “What can I say? You still fascinate me.”

I chuckle. “You are fucked up,” I tell him.

“Look who’s talking. I told you, nothing you can do will make me stop wanting to be with you. We all deserved what you did. We all did fuck you over in some way when all you did was be kind and sweet to us.”

“I will message you once I have talked to the police and my parents.” I smile at him.

“Look forward to it.” He smiles down at me. I turn, walking away when he calls out to me. I turn looking at him and he is smirking at me.

“So are we even?” he asks me.

“That is something you will have to find out,” I tell him.

I will decide later if we are even. If not, I am sure I can think of something to even the score.

At the end of the day, I am the new improved Ice Queen.

Read on for an excerpt of

Drawn To You

(Lover to Stepbrother Romance)

Excerpt - Chapter 1


“Mr. Baxter, I would say I’m surprised to see you again in my office but we both know that I would be lying.” Principal Atkins sighs, glancing at his computer before looking back to me. I give him a shrug, leaning back against the chair. This is the sixth time I’ve been in here in the last two months for getting caught fucking a girl either in a classroom or the locker room. “I get you’re young and have needs, but I am sick of telling you to keep it in your pants.”

“I can’t help that the girls in this school can’t keep their hands off me.” I smile, placing my hands behind my head.

“I have no choice this time, Colin.” He leans forward in his chair. “You have got off with so many warnings so I think suspension is the only way you will learn.” I sit up straight.

“For how long?”

“Three weeks.” Fuck.

“You can’t do that. I have a big game before then and you know as well as anyone in this town that the team needs me.” I can even hear the panic in my own voice. Scouts are already interested in me and they will pull out if they know I got suspended.

“My hands are tied here. You may think you are God in this school, but you aren’t.” He rubs his forehead with his hand. I know he doesn’t want to do this. I can see it all over his face.


This can’t happen.

“Surely there is something else you can do. Punish me in some other way.” A knock on the door makes us both turn and I see a familiar head poke through. Sasha Bennett looks at us both then to the ground.

“Sorry to interrupt, I have those forms you wanted.” She quickly walks in, putting them on the desk and then quickly heads back out.

“Thank you, Miss Bennett.” She turns, giving him a small smile, and her eyes dart over to me before quickly looking away and leaving. I turn back around and see Principal Atkins looking at the sheets of paper. “Have you heard about the talent show that is being held here?”

“The one that’s raising money for charity?”

He nods. “A lot of known people will be attending and we are shorthanded on volunteers.” He doesn’t need to continue for me to know what he is getting at.

“You want me to help out.” I groan.

“Yes, as well as your friends.”

“Come on, you know the talent show is full of outcasts. My friends wouldn’t help out even if you paid them.”

“Then you need to see how loyal they are to you it’s either this or suspension. Your call.” I lean back, looking up at the ceiling.

“What do you want me to do?”

“I want you and your friends to help out with all the handy work, getting the students to come. That sort of thing.” I stretch my arms up, thinking it over for a second. I know I have no choice and Principal Atkins knows it.


J.L. Ostle's Books