The Barbarian Before Christmas (Ice Planet Barbarians #17.5)(2)

"I do not think so,” Rokan says, gazing out at the water again before turning to me. "I must return. You and Aehako as well. We are needed."

My heart seizes in my chest. I clench his arm, terrified. "What have you seen?"

"Nothing bad," he reassures me, prying my bruising grip off of his bicep. "Just that you are needed at home. It is a feeling I have. And I feel my Li-lah needs me at home, as well. I think our new kit will be coming very soon. I plan on speaking to Vektal about this. Will you join me?"

I nod. It would take being swallowed by a sky-claw to keep me from this. Even if Vektal says no, I will venture home anyhow. If my Ell-ee needs me, I must be there.

Most of the newcomers are busy crafting huts along the distant cliff so that all of the island's tribes can be housed warmly. It is a task that has consumed many days, but there is much laughter and joy from them as they work. It just reminds me that we are not needed here as badly as we are at home, and I am all the more convinced that I should return to my Ell-ee.

We find the chief sitting with two of the newcomers, the golden male called Ash-tar and his female, the human Vuh-ron-ca. They gesture that we should join them near the fire on the beach. I sit down, and Rokan immediately leaves. "A moment," he says, and then I am left staring at the others. They look at me expectantly.

I cannot help but scowl. Rokan has a smoother tongue than I do. He should be the one talking, yet here I am alone. I consider for a moment, and then say, "I wish to return home to my mate.".

"You think I do not?" Vektal's tone is even and full of humor. "It has been far too long since I have laid eyes upon my Georgie and my daughters."

"Not all of us are needed," I continue, when Ash-tar and Vuh-ron-ca remain silent. "Some of us can start the journey home. We have been here too long already. These others can join us at the village," I say with a flick of my wrist to indicate the newcomers, "Or they can stay here to survive, but I will not remain."

Vektal's mouth flattens with displeasure at my tone. It sounds very much as if I am challenging him, but I cannot hold back. My need for my Ell-ee is too great. But Rokan returns a moment later, with a sweaty Aehako at his side, and they thump down by the fire next to me.

"Now we are all here," Rokan says. "So we can discuss our journey."

I notice Ash-tar puts a hand on Vuh-ron-ca's thigh, gazing out at us with a calm expression. His eyes seem to change color, which is odd to me, but there are many odd things about these newcomers. She puts her hand over his and clears her throat. "We were actually just talking with Vektal about traveling to the village. I wish to study with Maylak, learn more about healing."

My sister? Eh? I have forgotten that Vuh-ron-ca has a healer's gift as well. Excitement flares in my chest and I look back to my chief. "There is talk of a journey, then?"

"There was, before you came and sat with your demands," he tells me. "Eventually all will be returning. A few will stay—I have talked to Farli and Mardok, and they will stay for now to help the others. So will Buh-brukh and Taushen, since they are newly resonated and do not need to worry about a kit for now."

"The females Leezh and Har-loh are very pregnant. They will not wish to make the long journey back on foot, either," I suggest. If others will stay then that means I can go.

Vuh-ron-ca and Ash-tar exchange a look. "It doesn't exactly have to be on foot," the human female says slowly, and twines her fingers with her mate's. I notice they have the same number of fingers—unlike the sa-khui, who have four fingers to the human five—but his are larger and claw-tipped and far more dangerous. She continues, "There's another way."

"I do not mind staying, if I must," Aehako says, speaking up for the first time. "I miss my mate and my little Kae fiercely, but they will understand if others must remain. These hunters from the island are good at many things, but have you seen one of them get caught in a snow drift? It is the most amusing—"

"No, you must go with us," Rokan says, interrupting. "You are needed back at home."

Aehako goes still, and the friendly, open expression on his face disappears. "What have you seen?"

"I have seen nothing bad," Rokan continues. "But I know that you are needed at home, as is Bek."

Aehako exchanges a look with me, and his smile is gone. His jaw clenches and he rubs a hand along it for a moment, then says, "I can be ready to leave before the suns get high in the sky.”

I grunt agreement. He is like me—nothing comes before a mate. Nothing.

“Let us not go to extremes,” Vektal interrupts, raising a hand. “Rokan says it is nothing bad and he would know. There is no need to race out unprepared. The others that cannot go back will wish to send things along for family. I have already spoken with Leezh and Raahosh, and they are disappointed they cannot return yet, but they will stay for now and send gifts back for their girls. We will need food and supplies, and we will need a sad-full.”

Vuh-ron-ca clears her throat delicately. “Um. Saddle. A big one. Actually, Ashtar and I already have something in mind. We can be ready to go in the morning.”

I scowl at them, because a human female—especially this one, who is clumsy and weak—will only slow us down. “We do not need you to come with us. We will go faster without you.”

Ruby Dixon's Books