If Ever(70)

He chuckles and stands, meeting my eyes. "Have you forgotten that the first day we met you wore barely any makeup, and your hair was scrunched in a messy ponytail?"

I nibble at my lip and think back to how nervous I was that day. I guess not that different than now. He kept looking at my behind. "I haven't been with a lot of guys," I blurt.

A slow smile crosses his lips. "Is that supposed to bother me? Because it's doing the opposite." He grazes my shoulder with his fingertips and kisses my neck.

"No. I don't know. I just don't want you to expect something and be disappointed," I blather on.

He lifts his head and steps back. "Chelsea. If you’re not ready, we don't have to do this."

His eyes are deep blue, gorgeous, and aroused.

"No, I want to. Oh, God, I really do. I'm just nervous, and when I get nervous I talk too much, which has got to be an incredible turn off."

"Actually, it's not." He laughs and kisses my lips, conveniently quieting me. His eyes lock with mine in a standoff of desire. He runs his fingertips lightly from my shoulders, down my back, and over my behind. His eyes light in surprise when he discovers my cheeky lace panties. His hands linger, caressing my backside. "God, I love your ass," he murmurs, stoking the flames of hunger inside me.

I laugh, thankful for whatever luck made him want me, and reach my arms up around his neck and toy with his hair. He cups my bottom. His hands are large and warm and his sexy grin is greedy. Then his hands slide up and unhook my bra. It springs away and he slides it down my arms, tossing it carelessly onto a chair. My breath hitches as I stand before him. I want to cover myself, but I love the entranced look on his face.

"You are breathtaking." He touches my breasts with feathery softness.

He's taking his damned time, and I want him so badly, so I tug at his sweater. He reaches over his head and pulls it off in one fluid motion, revealing his flat stomach and muscled chest and arms. He's perfection, strong and confident, like someone who knows himself.

My fingers light on his chest and I release my breath. His skin is soft, and yet he's solid underneath. I trail my fingers over his chest to his shoulders and down his arms. I cut across to his stomach. His muscles tighten from my light grazing. He pulls away and laughs. "That tickles."

"Sorry." I smile, then swallow my courage and reach for the waistband of his jeans, releasing the button with a pop. There's no turning back now. I hesitate and glance at him for reassurance. His eyes are heady with desire, his cheeks flushed. I grasp his zipper and lower it, amazed at my brazen behavior. The other two guys I've been with, one, an awkward teenager's first time, the other a drunken groping session. This is altogether different. Sexy and intoxicating.

I take a breath and push his jeans down. He takes over, kicking them aside, along with his socks, leaving him in a pair of colorfully patterned boxer briefs. I cock an eyebrow and smile.

He grins and steps closer so we're finally skin to skin. His hands roam over me inch by inch as if a blind man needing to map my body. My hands explore his chest, up the contours of his neck and face. I pull his mouth to mine, my base urges taking over. He meets me at every turn, hungry, desperate and filled with need.

With my body trembling, he slides my panties off and places light kisses on my hips, navel and stomach before lowering me to his bed, climbing up, stretching his body over mine, but not quite touching me.

"Oh, please," I murmur.

"Are you sure?" he asks, his eyes intense.

"God, yes."

He rolls to the side, slips off his underwear, and tears open a condom with his teeth. Geez, I forgot about that, thank God one of us is still thinking straight. He rolls back over me, kissing me while one hand trails down to that warm spot pulsing with need. His touch drives me mad.

"Please. I need you now," I say, desperate to feel him inside me.

His hand moves away and he slips his knee between my legs, urging them apart. He gazes into my eyes and enters me. I press against him throwing my head back, every nerve ending singing with energy. "Yes."

He takes the note and moves. My body matches his rhythm. I trail my hands around to his back, touch his warm flesh, and inhale his scent. His breathing quickens and his eyes lock with mine. Every movement sends me one step closer to the edge until finally, it's too much. I try to hold on, but cry out. He strains against me, releasing all control until he collapses, leaving us both spent and breathing heavy.

I press my cheek to his, a rogue tear of joy leaks from my eye, sliding down the side of my face. I wipe it away before he notices.

"Chelsea, you are the most amazing woman."

"That was incredible," I say trying to cover my emotions. I've had sex before, but tonight was different. It felt like making love.

He leans up on an elbow and his mouth curls into a crooked smile. "Not bad for our first time."


The next morning, I return from the kitchen with bowls and spoons in one hand, a jug of milk in the other, and a box of Fruit Loops under my arm.

Chelsea takes the bowls as I climb back into bed. "Seriously?" She eyes the cereal box. "I don't think I've seen you eat one unhealthy thing until now."

"Fruit Loops are healthy, just read the box. Vitamin Fortified... blah, blah, blah." Her mussed hair proves she's spent a wild night in my bed. I say nothing or she'll smooth it down.

Angie Stanton's Books