A Life More Complete(11)

“Yes,” I mutter.


“Yes, really.” I take his hand in mine leading him into the house and giggle at his impressive smile and the excitement that exudes from him. Being with Ben is simple and comfortable, calming. There was a time in my life when I wanted nothing more than someone like Ben, yet I ran from him. It stops today and I will give way to what is right.

I pull him into the bedroom, his arms wrapping firmly around me, I press my lips to his and softly caress his mouth with my tongue. He returns the kiss and feel myself melt into him, like I always do. Tonight will be different, not drunken rough sex or a quickie due to our work schedules. Ben and I will make love, kind and gentle, quiet voices and total regard for each other.

The bedroom is chilly and dark, pitch black, as a breeze blows through the open windows, making me tremble at its coolness. Even with my fear of the dark threatening, I can’t help but feel safe in Ben’s arms. His body covers mine as his hands run over me, first my breasts, my stomach, my hips. My body shakes and I press my hips up to meet him. He senses my urgency and responds easing into me. I know Ben’s body as well as my own, but today in the darkness it’s all new. For the first time I feel Ben’s loneliness, his desperation, the need that drives him to pursue me and I want him more than ever.

---Chapter 4---

We both lay silently in bed, my head cradled under his chin, as we give way to the calm. When Ben heads to the bathroom, the dim light coming from the doorway just barely lights the room. Rolling over I notice a picture of a young couple on the nightstand. The woman, absolutely beautiful, long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes with full lips and a content smile. Her head is resting on the arm of the man next to her, her arms woven around his. He’s Ben’s twin; tousled dark brown hair, sultry brown eyes as he stands gazing down at her. I hate photographs, but I’m drawn to this one. I know Ben’s parents are dead, but I’ve never had the courage to ask what happened. He in turn has never offered to share that information. He guards that part of his life with secrecy and I allow him that respect.

Ben emerges from the bathroom wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs and I smile wearily at him. I grab the picture frame from the nightstand, holding it up I ask, “Are these your parents?”

“Yeah. Olivia and Jesse, the most amazing couple ever. They were obsessed with each other even after twenty years of marriage. My father always looked at her like he was seeing her for the first time, like she was the most beautiful person in the room. I was named after my mom. Her maiden name was Bennett.” He stares off as if he remembers something significant. “I hated the way they were when I was younger, always kissing and hugging; their constant touching made for uncomfortable moments when I would catch them in the kitchen making out. My brother and I walked in on them several times in...” he pauses briefly, “compromising positions.” He flips on the TV and fills the room with an unearthly blue glow. “Once I caught my mom on top of my dad as he worked in his office. She jumped off of him quicker than I have ever seen her move and shouted something about helping fix his chair.”

“What? That’s hilarious! Did you say anything?”

“No. I just closed the door. It sort of became the norm. I learned a ton from my parents that I’m pretty sure they didn’t intend. I used to tell my high school girlfriend to wear shorts with no underwear, because we could do it without ever taking off our clothes. She never found that very entertaining. She was a prude.”

“Next time I’ll wear no underwear,” I say as seductively as I can manage without sounding too slutty.

“Why bother? You end up totally naked in my bed anyway.”

He rolls onto his side and props himself up on his elbow. His hand glides absentmindedly between my breasts and onto my stomach, stopping his hand to cover my belly button. He leans over and kisses me slowly letting his lips linger on mine. Desire begins to loom over me like a dark cloud. How does he manage to create that feeling with the most indiscriminate touch? Rolling onto my side, I slide my body closer to him. He slips his arm under my head, cradling me against him and pressing his lips to my forehead. I sigh deeply. I finally feel myself relax, as I grow used to being this close to someone. I giggle as I recall my first meeting with Ben.

“What?” he asks, pulling back and glancing down at me.

“I was just thinking about when I first met you on the beach. Remember? Roxy followed me.” Hearing her name causes Roxy to feel like it’s an invitation to join us on the bed. She spins at the foot of the bed and lies down quietly.

Nikki Young's Books