Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(37)

“You were sleeping pretty good. We figured Parker wore your ass out.”

“In more ways than one,” she responded, snickering and stretching again, arching her back so her ass rubbed against Hudson’s groin.

Hudson’s groan made her pu-ssy cream and her blood heat. “Oh, honey, you are asking for trouble this morning.”

“Really? What kind of trouble do you have in mind, cowboy?”

Sawyer beat Hudson to it, by turning to face her, and bent as though to kiss her. Without a thought, she threw her hand up to block her mouth, and laughed. “No way, Jose! Not with morning breath. Excuse me, fellas, while I go brush my teeth.”

Sawyer stared down at her like she had just told him she was leaving their bed to enter a convent. “Are you kidding?”

When she shook her head in the negative, Hudson started to laugh. “After spending the whole weekend having sex with not one, but all four of us, you are still worried about morning breath?”

Feeling embarrassed and now slightly irritated, she shoved at Sawyer’s chest until he backed up a few inches, and she was able to crawl over him and climb out of the bed. As she hurried toward the bathroom door, she had to bite her lip to resist responding when she heard Hudson say, “Well at least we get the reward of watching her walk around naked. Hurry back, Rach, I want to finish what we started.”

Several minutes later she was feeling fresh breathed and horny. After a dozen orgasms in the last thirty-six hours, she should be curled up in the fetal position nearly comatose, but instead she was invigorated. How many times over the years had she doubted her feminine appeal? This whole ménage weekend might be temporary, but it was still one hell of an ego boost.

Exiting the bathroom, she found Hudson still reclining on the bed where she left him, but Sawyer was curiously absent. Noting her frown, Hudson was quick to fill in the blanks. “He went to get something to eat for you. He’ll be right back. In the mean time…”

She grinned back when he wriggled his eyebrows playfully, and then launched herself across the room and on to the bed. His yelp of surprise was drowned out by her giggles as she bounced on the mattress and then climbed over him until she was straddling him with her hands pressed to his wide chest. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

“Whoa! Who are you and what did you do with my quiet and sedate Rachel?” he asked, with a teasing wink.

“I locked her in the bathroom. I figured you should meet the wild and crazy side before the weekend was out.”

“Oh? So she's not the same girl who had her finger up my ass yesterday? And not the same girl who accepted our invitation to share our beds for the weekend then?”

Rachel rolled her eyes at his continued teasing, “Do you want to fu-ck or talk about my multi-faceted personality?”

A grunt was his response, but his eyes flashed with irritation. “Actually, I want to fu-ck you and talk to you. Is that so bad? Why are you so afraid to talk to me, Rach? Afraid I might find out more about you and still like you?”

She stared down at him in shock. Was he serious? She was naked and sitting on top of him with his semi-erect cock cradled against her already damp pu-ssy, and he wanted to have a relationship talk. This was unbelievable. Pushing off him, she walked wordlessly to Parker’s dresser and dug through the drawers until she found a t-shirt to pull on. Once she was covered, she spun back to him and gave him her coldest glare.

“Look, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least I’m not living in some sort of fairytale land where everyone accepts everyone else and lives happily ever after. I get it, Hudson, you want a relationship, and to be honest I appreciate that you’re so transparent, but let me be crystal-clear. I can’t be what you four want. I promised you the weekend, and we only have a few hours left. We can either spend it having dirty raunchy sex and making fantastic memories, or you can just give me the word and I’ll get my shit and go.”

“Is that all this is to you, Rachel?” Parker’s voice was as strong and powerful as ever, but there was a vulnerability in his eyes when she turned to face him in the doorway. He was hurt. Behind him, Sawyer and Rogan were watching the scene solemnly. All four men were waiting for her answer. How much more fu-cked up could this get?

“What do you want me to say, Parker? I didn’t come out here with hearts and flowers in my eyes.” She stiffened her spine, but when his chocolate brown eyes shuttered and he flinched as if she had physically hit him, she regretted her words. “I’m sorry, that didn’t come out right. You guys are just so damn overwhelming. I want you all so much. I’ve wanted you for years…but just because you want something doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for you. I wouldn’t go on a week-long ice cream binge just because I craved it.”

She waited several heartbeats as they all continued to stare at her. A range of emotions flitted through the four men’s faces. Hurt, anger, frustration, but there was still desire. She could still feel their desire through it all, burning through her skin and branding her soul.

A silent conversation seemed to happen in the blink of an eye between the brothers, and suddenly Parker was holding his hand out to her. “Rachel, come here.”

She went without a second thought. It was like a soldier running for cover when bullets were flying. She knew no matter what happened Parker would protect her from whatever was to come. He was her safe place. Holding his hand, and standing just inches in front of him, she stared at the line of dark hair that sprinkled the center of his chest. His fingers came up and tipped her chin so she had to look up at him.

Lori King's Books