Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(32)

All of this sex was bound to take a toll on her body, and she was definitely tender, but it was the most pleasurable pain she could imagine. Every time she shifted, the material of the t-shirt she snatched from Parker’s dresser rubbed against her bruised lower back, and when she shifted her legs she felt the pull of muscles in her thighs and ass. Excruciatingly sensual, and delightfully decadent. No matter that it was almost over, or that she would never get to experience it again. She just wanted to enjoy every second of it while it lasted.

The credits began to roll and she shifted positions, pressing her head against the solid wall of Parker’s chest and inhaling his scent deep into her lungs. He pressed a kiss to the crown of her head surprising her, and she tipped her head to look up into his dark eyes.

“You doing okay, sunshine? Tired?”

His concern for her made her throat tighten, but she forced out a small smile. “I’m good, a little tired, but I could probably handle another movie. I’m not ready to move yet.”

Parker’s grin of pleasure surprised her even more. He was normally such a hard ass, so it was wonderful seeing him act normal. “You got it, Rach. Do you want to pick this time?”

Rachel laughed when all three of his brothers groaned. “Hey! How do you guys know I’ll pick a movie you don’t want to watch?”

“It’s inevitable. You’re female,” Sawyer said despondently, and Rachel smacked the back of his head.

“You weren’t complaining about that this morning now, were you, lover?”

Sawyer flipped on her, knelt between her knees, pressing her back into Parker as he took her mouth in a hot kiss. When they broke apart he winked, “Never, baby. I wouldn’t dare complain about your female parts. Now, pick a movie while I make more popcorn. Hudson can get you another drink.”

Rachel accepted the hand he held out so she could rise from the couch and she headed for the bookshelf full of DVDs. Scanning the titles she could feel Parker and Rogan watching her from behind. Feeling just a twinge of naughty, she rose up on her toes to reach for the highest shelf. The t-shirt she wore rose up, exposing the crease of her ass cheeks, and both men groaned. Giggling as she dropped back flat on the floor, she turned to show them her selection.

“Good choice,” Parker said with a raised eyebrow.

She handed the movie to him with a wink, “I know what my guys like.”

The moment the words left her mouth her stomach dropped to her feet. She had just laid claim. Something she swore not to do, and there was a triumphant look in Parker’s eyes that made her knees wobble. Refusing to confront it, she spun on her heel.

“I need to…um…I’ll be right back.”

Once she was standing in the bathroom with the door locked, she gulped down large breaths of air, and clenched her eyes shut.

You did not just tell them that they were yours!

Her conscience was wavering, because she wanted so badly for her statement to be true. If only it wasn’t all four of them. Why couldn’t she be normal and fall for just one man who alternately loved her and made her crazy?

After using the bathroom, and splashing water on her face, she forced herself to go back into the living room. The four men were talking in hushed tones until she stepped into the room, and then all eyes were on her. It was very disconcerting.

“Did you really pick out Lara Croft Tomb Raider, or is Parker trying to pull a fast one?” Sawyer asked with a grin.

She shook her head and returned the reassuring smile, “Yes, I really picked it out. I like that movie. It has a strong woman who kicks ass in it.”

“Hmmm…you just keep surprising us, Rach,” Hudson said, grabbing her hand to pull her back to her spot in the middle of the couch.

This time Parker and Rogan switched spots, so Rogan’s chest was the one her head rested against, while Parker settled in next to her, hip to hip and thigh to thigh. She couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye, because she was afraid he would see her feelings in her gaze. Instead she focused on Sawyer who playfully tickled the arch of her bare foot before kissing her ankle, and settling her legs comfortably over his shoulders again. His brown hair brushed the insides of her knees, and his hands felt hot on her shins where he gripped her.

The bowl of popcorn was passed to her and she took a small handful, mindful of the fact she had already indulged way too much this weekend in junk food. The movie began to roll, but she couldn’t focus on it. Instead the men surrounding her consumed her thoughts, driving her mad with desire and confusion.

“Rach, why are you so tense?” Rogan whispered into her ear, but she knew Sawyer and Parker were at least close enough to hear.

“I’m not. I’m just getting tired I guess.”

“We can shut it off if you want to go to bed,” Hudson said, looking deeply concerned. Ever since she walked out of the bathroom he had remained slightly distant from her, watching and waiting for her next move. It was disconcerting to say the least. The other brothers hadn’t mentioned the argument, although she knew logically they had to have heard it.

She shook her head, “Nah, I’m alright, but if I fall asleep first, you have to promise not to draw a mustache on me, or dip my hand in warm water.”

That got everyone laughing, and she relaxed a little. Parker’s eyes caught hers and held her gaze. He lifted one eyebrow, “You know, sunshine, it seems like you only get uncomfortable when all four of us are here.”

Lori King's Books