The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(105)

“It’s the only option you have.” Kali offered lightly and pushed a wooden box through the doorway. “Look I’ve already packaged the brats up for you nice and neat Lord Dark. Shrunk just like you pretty shiny knights transport your horses.”

“Take them and go Zachary. I would be satisfied just to know that the children of Delvay are safe.” Zoelyn urged quietly.

The faint rustle of feathers rose behind her and her thundering heart froze in her chest as a warm hand gently moved her aside. Seth’s gold eyes met hers for a breath and a faint smile creased his lips as he continued past her to stand beside Zachary. “Your third option would be allowing me the honor of killing them while you leave with Zoelyn.” Seth’s voice was low and far too casual for what he was suggesting. She had seen the illusions of the last fight between Seth and Hemlock and she didn’t want to even think of Seth kneeling on the floor in a pool of his own blood again.

Hemlock sighed heavily as he twirled his dagger lazily in one hand. “It’s amazing how we find ourselves repeating history isn’t it, Seth? Me with children as hostages and you about to watch the woman you love die, again. Really this story is getting old.” He snarled as he kicked the wooden box toward Zachary. “Go ahead Lord Dark scamper away now.” He snapped then pointed down the hallway directly at her. “I’ll see you very soon sweets, and I’ll leave his blood on my daggers just for you.” He added in a sickeningly sweet voice.

“I am in your debt, Seth.” Zachary said stiffly as he gingerly picked up the box and backed away from Hemlock. Kneeling quickly he pulled Havoc to his feet and looked to Dray. “Bring Zoelyn. We need to be away from here now!” he ordered with anger layered thick in every syllable.

“We can’t just leave him here to face them alone!” Zoelyn protested and tried to pull away as Dray’s hand locked firmly on her arm.

“We can and we must.” Zachary returned firmly as he started down the hall at a brisk pace with Havoc hanging limply from his arm.

“He is right Zoey.” Dray murmured and pulled her along quickly on Zachary’s heels. She tugged at his hand and tried to pull away but his grip tightened as the first ring of steel filled the shadows behind them.

“Seth.” Zoelyn gasped and felt tears welling in her eyes as the tempo of fighting increased behind them while Dray pulled her further away with every step.

The Blight slowed as they caught up with Zachary and the Lord nodded impatiently toward the closed door before him. “I can’t open it with Havoc and the children, and climbing back out isn’t an option so batter it down any way you can Dray and we will pray we are heading for an exit. I’m not sure how much time Seth can buy us, but I don’t plan to waste a second of it.”

Dray nodded and his grip on Zoelyn’s arm loosed for just a breath as he moved for the door. Twisting quickly Zoelyn pulled her arm free of his and backed quickly away from them shaking her head. “I can’t do it.” She gasped as the first few tears poured down her cheeks. “I can’t leave him to die for me.” She added hoarsely and turned back the way they had come at a quick run.

“Let her go and get the door open. You can’t save someone who doesn’t wish to be saved and Havoc is dying as we speak.” Zachary snapped.

She didn’t bother to listen for pursuit as she stumbled blindly toward the sound of fighting. Even before she closed on them she could feel the magic in the air. Slowing her steps she flattened herself to a wall and forced her breathing to calm. It took all of her will to move with what little stealth she could summon, but she knew it would only make matters worse if she ran headlong into the fighting.

Kali had moved further into the hall and stood with her back to Zoelyn. For a moment Zoelyn was torn on whether she should try to sneak up on the mage or simply rush her, and then Kali unleashed a spell on Seth causing the demon to stagger forward off balance and the decision was made. With anger burning away all trace of logic Zoelyn sprinted toward the mage and slammed a hand down hard on her bare shoulder. The curse drained deeply as Zoelyn spun Kali around to face her and slammed her fist hard into the stunned woman’s face.

The mage reeled under the blow and staggered back against the wall with her eyes rolling back in her head before sliding slowly down to the floor.

With a snarl Zoelyn shook her stinging hand and turned back to the fight in time to see Hemlock’s dagger sink deeply into Seth’s side. The demon shuddered and one of his swords fell from his limp grasp. As he turned toward her she could see the damage Kali’s spells had wrought and her throat tightened at the sight of his blackened skin. She hadn’t seen any fire light the hallway but his entire right side looked burnt and she could see he was barely managing to keep his feet.

“Seth!” Zoelyn screamed as Hemlock casually slashed the dagger across Seth’s face splitting his cheek open to the bone.

“Just like old times eh, Seth?” Hemlock murmured as he took as step back and smiled widely.

“With the exception of one thing.” Finn’s voice rose over Seth’s rasping breaths as his sword plunged through Hemlock just under the Assassin’s ribcage. “He serves a Master who cares about his well-being now.” Finn added coolly as he withdrew the sword slowly.

Blood bubbled on Hemlock’s lips as he staggered forward wheezing in an attempt to regain his balance. The look on his face was one of absolute incredulity as Finn stepped casually around the Assassin slowly wiping a cloth down his sword blade and studying the blood covered cloth with a faint smirk.

Melissa Myers's Books