The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(101)

“I have an overwhelming feeling this is one of those moments that Victory would call us both idiots and suggest another plan.” Zachary said cautiously. His dark blue eyes moved from the blocked door to settle on Havoc and he slowly shook his head. “I think the vines are the only things holding the walls up, and this slide of rocks seems to be one of the pressure points. If we clear here it might bring the rest of the ceiling down.”

“I’d like to know what else we are supposed to do. We have already circled this building once and this is the only opening where we can get through the bloody vines. We are searching for prisoners from Delvay and Arovan. They will be in the main keep. No one would keep slaves or captives that were that valuable anywhere else. I suppose I could just set fire to the vines and hope we find another weak point in the stones, but I don’t think that would end well for anyone.” Havoc snapped as he waved his hand for Zachary to move from the doorway.

“I’m not sure this is going to end well either. This part of the fortress doesn’t look sound at all.” Zoelyn began but fell silent as Havoc’s annoyed glare snapped to her. Frowning she shuffled back a few steps from the two men to stand beside Dray.

“He is going to melt the rocks at the door which will weaken the structure further and five minutes inside that wreck the entire place is going to fall on our heads.” Dray predicted grimly with a shake of his head.

“I think that is what Zach is predicting too.” Zoelyn agreed with a sigh.

“I’m almost certain that if I were holding Oblivion right now I would call you a fool and walk away from this. Sentiment fades before logic when I’m holding Oblivion and I’m rather certain no logical person would walk inside this building.” Zachary pointed out calmly before letting out a heavy breath and stepping back from the door. “Please be careful.” He added as Havoc stepped into position with a smile lighting his tanned face.

“Oh of course, careful, always, and by the way, that logic crap is one of the main reasons I hate talking to you while you are holding Oblivion.” Havoc muttered as he drew his hands back and inhaled deeply. The air around him began to glow faintly and with a grunt of effort the Firym threw his hands forward sending a fireball the size of a hay wagon into the rock strewn doorway. Shards of stone exploded from the crumbling doorway and the entire Fortress gave a low shuddering groan as the rock slide melted. With a wider smile Havoc winked at Zachary and waved his hand to clear the foul smelling smoke from the air before him. “See there is a way inside now and the ceiling didn’t collapse.” He pointed happily toward the still molten stone and started forward apparently oblivious to the creaking noises the structure was still making.

“I do believe I said be careful. What part of careful involved a fireball of that size?” Zachary sighed as he stepped closer then seemed to think better of walking into the still glowing stone that was slowly cooling on the floor.

“The part where it was only that size and not bigger.” Havoc responded from somewhere inside. If the Firym had any concerns about the building coming down on him it didn’t show in his voice. He almost sounded as if he were enjoying himself.

“Is he legally insane amongst his people or is this normal behavior for a Firym?” Dray asked dryly as he moved closer to Zachary.

The Blight’s expression was so doubtful that Zoelyn wasn’t even sure he would enter the building once the stone cooled. She could see his muscles tense every time the building made the faintest creak.

Zachary frowned for a breath and then looked to Dray with an amused smile. “Havoc waited for me to move before using fire. That makes him quite rational amongst the Firym, almost too cautious by their standards.” He replied in obvious amusement.

“Never going to Firym.” Dray concluded then glanced back at her. “What do you think?”

“I think that the children inside that fortress are most likely a lot more frightened than we are.” Zoelyn replied without hesitation and stepped forward nervously. The molten stone was no longer glowing, but she wasn’t fool enough to think it had set in such a short time. She’d have to move across it quickly or damage her boots. Considering she was wearing the armor Seth had given her there was no way to replace anything she damaged without begging the Demon, and that was not an option in her mind.

“Let me go first.” Dray began, but she ignored him and crossed through the doorway as quickly as she could. She paused once clear of the slide to wait for the others and allow her eyes time to adjust to the shadowy interior.

“The vines are covering all of the bloody windows. Have you got nightvision?” Havoc asked from somewhere in the shadows to her left.

“Not really.” Zoelyn admitted bleakly. She turned a slow circle gazing at the darkened room around her. There were piles of rocks littering the floor near her, and the broken remains of a long table; everything beyond those details however was lost in darkness.

“I can guide her. I’d rather not light a torch.” Dray suggested as he moved up beside her and took her arm.

She shifted slightly moving his arm further up her coat and away from the gap between her sleeve and glove. The curse was gnawing at her so strongly that she didn’t even want to take a chance of Dray touching her bare wrist. She needed all of her concentration to focus on what they were doing, and if she were distracted by keeping her curse in check she would be tripping her way down the entire hall.

Melissa Myers's Books