The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(100)

Movement behind the child caught his attention before he could turn to his ship and Shade stared in shock as Caleb staggered to his feet with his sword still clutched firmly in his hand. The Shifter swayed for a moment and his head lolled to one side. The shadows around the sword thickened for a breath and both Syrah and Shade continued to stare in silence as the sword began to fold back on itself as if melting. Caleb’s form shifted back down to his human shape the moment the Shadowsteel touched his skin. Pain flickered briefly across his slack face and the muscles in his arm convulsed as the Shadowsteel slithered up his arm and began to meld into his skin. His head lolled forward on his shoulders and then snapped back as his spine went rigid.

“What in the bloody hell…” Shade murmured as he stared in sick fascination.

“A bargain kept.” Caleb answered quietly though the voice was not his own. It was a deeper voice that rang hollowly with every word. His head came forward once more and piercing black eyes settled on Shade. He sighed heavily and looked mildly disgusted. “You however I did not count on.” He continued as he stepped carefully from the rubble brushing the dust from his armor as he walked. He rolled his shoulders and a faint smile creased his lips as he stared hungrily around the remains of Prendington. The smile faded as his eyes found Shade once more and he sighed again. “I owe you.” He spoke the words in what almost seemed an accusation then took another slower breath and forced the smile back onto his face. “The Dragon Fire would have destroyed his body before I could claim it, and thus you are owed by me as much as I may dislike it. So what will it be Morcaillo? What boon would you ask of me? Riches? Magic? Knowledge?” Caleb’s black gaze swiveled slowly to the remains of Shade’s ship and his forced smile became a genuine one. “The secret of Shadowsteel perhaps? If your ship were made of Shadowsteel repairing it would require no more than a thought from you.”

“Ryvenken?” Shade asked hesitantly. He thought he understood what was going on, but had to be certain. Caleb had said the sword was sentient, but none of the stories he had ever heard had mentioned weapons that were able to possess their wielder so completely.

The black eyes settled on him once more and annoyance flashed across Caleb’s handsome face. “That was the arrangement. I wasn’t far from claiming this one anyway, and he wanted Kevala’drin so badly. Name your boon Morcaillo. I would be done with this place and onto more pleasant diversions.

“It’s a life boon. You said the body would have been destroyed so this is more than just riches or one secret to repay what I have done.” Shade replied softly.

The annoyance returned to his face and he waved impatiently with one hand. “Fine then, name it, I hardly care how greedy you are. I cannot leave here in your debt.”

“I want my friend back. Time has no meaning to you. Give us back Caleb for now and bide your time at living for a better era. You don’t want to be part of this world right now anyway. It is tearing itself apart.” Shade said calmly.

“Are you mad? I offer you treasure, magical knowledge, bloody Shadowsteel and you ask me for this?” Ryvenken demanded furiously.

“I don’t ask it. I demand it. You owe me a life and I want his back. Return his body to him and bide your time.” Shade informed him in the same calm tone.

“We will meet again Morcaillo, and I will remember this. I never forget.” Ryvenken hissed through Caleb’s lips as he staggered forward. The pitch black of his eyes faded almost instantly and agony filled his face as his left hand grew black. Moving quickly Shade caught Caleb as his knees began to buckle and held him upright. The ring of metal on stone sounded as a black dagger fell from Caleb’s hand and bounced across the cobbles toward Syrah.

“Don’t touch that!” Shade warned quickly as Syrah stared down at the dagger then took a hasty step back at his words. Caleb shifted in his arms and tried to pull himself upright. “Easy, I’ve got you. Let’s get you to the ship.” Shade murmured as he turned on his heels but Caleb tugged weakly against him.

“Ryvenken.” Caleb gasped and reached one hand toward the dagger in a vain attempt of reaching it.

“You don’t seriously want that thing back do you?” Shade demanded incredulously.

“It’s a curse when you are bonded with it, but it’s a much more dangerous curse when your enemy bonds with it.” Caleb whispered in a hoarse voice and reluctantly Shade helped him kneel to pick up the Shadowsteel blade. “Thank you Shade.”

“Don’t thank me yet.” Shade murmured as he half-carried Caleb toward his ruined ship. His gaze fell on Grace’s body as they grew closer and he felt his throat go dry in response. “No one will thank me by the time this day is over with.” He added softly. There was still so much he had to do before the night was over, but by the time he was done everyone would be safe, and everyone would hate him.


Thick vines choked the outer walls and Zoelyn hesitated as she watched another stone tumble from the crumbling building. The entire Fortress was ensconced in the Stonevines Grim had summoned and from what she could tell they were the only thing holding the building upright. Her eyes moved to what remained of the doorway and her unease increased. Zachary stood a few feet away examining the fallen stones clogging the door and seemed to be trying his best to ignore Havoc’s impatient glare.

Melissa Myers's Books