The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(107)

“I think you may be right.” Zoelyn agreed as she slowly crossed the room and peered through the door he had entered from. “I’m depressed and lost. Do you remember the way out?” she asked hesitantly.

“Perfectly.” Shade replied and moved silently past her and down the long corridor beyond the room.

Doggedly Zoelyn followed after him silently grateful that Shade didn’t seem to want to hear any details about Seth’s rescue. It wasn’t something she was ready to talk about, and from the look on his face she knew better than to ask any questions of him. By the way he was acting Grim must be dead, she couldn’t think of anything else that would dampen Shade’s spirits so thoroughly.

Within ten minutes of walking Shade led her out into the bright sunlit day and Zoelyn shook her head at how close she had been to escape when she had given up. A few more turns and she would have found her own way out of the fortress. Of course the odds were good that Shade wouldn’t have located her had she been wandering aimlessly through the city so it was likely for the best that she had given in to her sobs and collapsed.

Shade halted a few feet from the fortress and drew a battered silver case from inside his armor. His face was devoid of all expression as he pulled a cigarette from it and calmly lifted it to his lips and lit it while his eyes roved over the battered city. Stonevines wrapped every building she could see and there was no sign of anything living beyond a few stray horses that milled in the streets far below. Shade inhaled deeply and exhaled a stream of smoke from his nostrils as he seemed to consider things then pointed absently to his right.

“My ship is just over there. Go ahead and climb aboard. Syrah could probably use a hand with her Father and I have one more thing to do.” His voice was monotone as he spoke and he didn’t even bother to glance back at her. His gaze seemed riveted on the city with an intensity that kept her frozen where she was. “Suit yourself.” Shade murmured as he took another drag from the cigarette and raised a hand toward the sky. His eyes closed tightly and magic began to roil off of him as the sky above darkened.

Glancing up Zoelyn expected to see a storm such as Valor summoned, but instead her eyes found swarms of creatures she had no name for flying so thickly that their tiny forms blotted out the sunlight like the leaves of a thick forest. Even as she watched more of the tiny forms appeared in the sky and she squinted her eyes in a vain attempt to determine what the creatures were.

Shade’s eyes opened slowly and all warmth was gone from the dark blue depths as he dropped his hand to point toward the remains of Prendington. “Destroy.” He hissed and the creatures filling the sky above him descended like a swarm of locusts on the city. Shade watched them for a moment then glanced at her. “He wanted it leveled like Amdany. It will be leveled.” He promised quietly as he began walking toward the ship.

Zoelyn nodded slowly her eyes following the tiny darting creatures as they tore the city apart stone by stone leaving nothing but destruction in their wake. Shaking her head she jogged after Shade and slowed her pace once she reached his side. “What are those things, Shade?” She whispered as she glanced quickly toward the city then back to his pale face.

“Every raw nerve in my body given physical form.” Shade replied bitterly and the edge of his mouth turned up into a faint smile that didn’t hold a trace of warmth. “My anger, my grief, and my despair manifested. They don’t have a true name as far as I know and they won’t stay in this world long enough to need one. Once this city is gone they will fade as well.”

Nodding slowly Zoelyn stared at Shade for a long moment before stepping onto the ship. She had been studying magic with Jala as well as Seth for months, and her brother was one of the most powerful mages she knew of, but the spell Shade had just used was not one she had ever heard of. It had to be forgotten magic from beyond the Barrier or she would have heard of someone using it in some story. For the first time since she had met Shade she could see a dark side, and she knew what he had just shown her was only a pale glimpse of the true power he was hiding. The spell had to require immense energy to cast given how devastating it was, yet Shade didn’t look the slightest bit worn, which meant his magic reserves were well beyond what most mages possessed.

“All of the slaves, three Snow Cats, and a horse that belongs to Grim now.” Shade informed her as he motioned to the back of the ship on his way to the pilot’s seat. “I had no choice but the shrink them for transport. There were too many people to fit on the ship otherwise.” He explained softly as he dropped into the seat and pressed his hands over the control panel. A soft hum ran over the ship as Shade prepared for takeoff.

Zoelyn’s gaze moved to the stack of crates near the back of the ship and she felt relief well in her until her gaze landed on Grim. With a gasp she crossed quickly to his side and dropped down beside Syrah as she swiftly inventoried his wounds.

“Can you help him?” Syrah whispered in a pleading voice. Her wide grey eyes were full of tears and the expression on her fragile face was positively wretched.

Smiling softly Zoelyn nodded her head and hugged the child carefully taking care not to touch her with bare flesh. “I’ll do everything I can for him.” She promised as she pushed all other thoughts from her mind. Grim needed her full attention and she knew it. She didn’t have time to contemplate Seth or Shade’s strange behavior, and she was almost grateful for the distraction.

Melissa Myers's Books