The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(111)

“You are leaving Delvay?” Dray said in obvious shock.

“I have other promises to keep that I have already delayed too long.” Shade replied softly, but didn’t bother to look at Dray. His gaze was still fixed on the child and the stone she held. Absently he pulled a pouch from his pocket and dropped it on the foot of the bed before her. “That is for you and your father if he decides to not return to Arovan. When you give it to him please let him know that it isn’t blood money. Those are gems that I had hidden on my ship for emergency use. I want the two of you to use them instead. If he manages them carefully it should be enough for you both to live well and pay for your schooling in the future if you decide to attend the University.”

Zoelyn’s hands froze over the wound in Grim’s side. She had been trying to work and grant Shade as much privacy as he could until his last words. Tilting her head up silently she studied the dark circles under his eyes and the pale color of his skin. He didn’t look well at all, and his words weren’t the least bit reassuring. “You aren’t ever coming back?” she asked softly and watched the expression on his face closely as she spoke.

A flicker of grief lit his eyes for a breath and then it was gone. Shaking his head slowly he forced a smile on his face. “I won’t be welcome in Delvay after today.” He spoke the words calmly, but she could see the tension in his shoulders increase. Something was very wrong and she didn’t have the slightest clue what it was.

“What have you done?” Dray demanded as he pushed himself from the wall. The expression on his face was one of dread and anger. He was staring at Shade as if the man had just betrayed them all, and it was only then that she realized Dray was staring at Shade’s clothing rather than his face. He was wearing the blue and silver of House Morcaillo, and she hadn’t even noticed until that moment.

“Dray, it’s Shade!” Zoelyn snapped as she rose to her feet as well. “How many stories has Jala told us about Shade? You know better than to doubt him. Shade is the last person we should suspect of being a traitor.”

“Feel free to doubt me, Dray. I’ve done everything and I am most definitely a traitor.” Shade whispered cryptically as he turned for the door. “Don’t bother attacking me for it though. I’m sure Neph will want those honors.” He added as Dray took a step toward him.

Zoelyn watched the door close behind him and turned to stare at Dray. After several breaths she realized her jaw was still hanging open and hastily closed her mouth then shook her head quickly to force her mind back into motion.

“What the hell was that?” Dray demanded looking more than a little unsettled himself.

“I have no idea. Follow him though. If he is going to talk with my Brother I want to know what it is about and I have to finish on Grim before I can leave here.” Zoelyn motioned toward the door as she spoke and shook her head once more as Dray practically bolted to follow her suggestion.

Slowly she sank back into her chair as the door closed for the second time and stared down at Grim’s sleeping form. Shade had asked for her silence, but Grim would have to know. There was no other way for Syrah to explain the bag of gems or the goblin. It wasn’t going to be pretty when they explained it either, by the way Shade spoke something very bad was about to happen.

Still stunned and utterly confused she focused on the wound before her. It required most of her concentration to locate and remove the quills which was nearly enough to keep her from dwelling on Shade’s last words. I am most definitely a traitor. It was almost impossible to imagine Shade as a traitor. She had seen him throw himself into the thick of danger too many times. Shade couldn’t be described as anything other than a hero, and yet he was wearing the blue and silver of House Morcaillo. Grinding her teeth she forced her mind clear once more and pulled another quill from Grim’s side.

“He was lying to us.” Syrah spoke quietly breaking the silence of the room with her timid voice. “I watched him fight. He isn’t a traitor. He wouldn’t have killed his mother if he meant to return to his house.”

Zoelyn froze and slowly looked up at Syrah. “Matricide.” She whispered and felt her mouth go dry at the word. She hadn’t truly focused on Shade’s crime until now. Her mind had locked on the fact that he had saved Grim’s life and she hadn’t bothered to consider the consequences of Shade’s actions. There wasn’t a single house on Sanctuary that would condone the killing of kin, let alone killing a parent no matter what the circumstances were. “He is cutting his ties with us to protect us. He knows how everyone will react when word spreads.”

“So what do we do?” Syrah asked softly.

“We keep your Father asleep as long as we can so I can sort out what to do without him going for my Brother’s throat.” Zoelyn mumbled and let out a long slow breath. “And then we strangle Shade for putting me in this position. When I have to answer to Grim about all of this he will go for my throat.” She added in a softer voice.


She was finishing the last stitch as the door opened and glanced up to see Dray poking his head around the doorway. The Blight’s expression was troubled and she felt her own stomach knot in response.

“Have you finished enough that you can come to the main hall? Jala has just arrived and Neph is calling for everyone to attend in the Great Hall. Shade has refused to answer any of his questions and Neph is so pissed the vein in his forehead is standing out. You have to see this for yourself Zoelyn. Shade isn’t acting anything like he was in here. He is being a complete ass.” The words poured out of Dray and she could hear both excitement and dread in his tone.

Melissa Myers's Books