Out of Breath (Breathing, #3)(62)

I was about to venture into the unknown. But that’s what life with Emma had always been. The truth might be more than I could handle, but I knew it would change everything.

I walked up the steps to the deck and slid the glass door open, stopping short. I hadn’t anticipated a room full of girls.

‘Where’s Emma?’ Sara asked, sitting on the chair across from me.

I thumbed back towards the beach, meeting one set of eyes after another.

‘Hi, I’m Serena,’ the girl with powder-white skin and dark-lined eyes said cheerily. She jumped up from the stool and offered me her hand. Her frail, thin hand got lost in mine as she stared up at me with a broad smile.

‘Nice to meet you,’ I said, still having no idea who she was.

‘These are Emma’s room-mates,’ Sara explained, reading my confused expression.

‘Oh,’ I said, still thrown. I’d always pictured Emma living by herself, for some reason.

‘I’m Meg.’ The girl with the curly auburn hair and cautious green eyes waved from the couch, clearly not as thrilled to see me as Serena.

The petite blonde just glared at me.

‘That’s Peyton.’ Serena leaned towards me. ‘She doesn’t like you very much.’

My mouth opened in shock at the honesty.

‘Shut up, Serena,’ Peyton snapped, obviously overhearing her.

‘O-kay,’ I said slowly, not exactly comfortable with the judging eyes. ‘I think I’m going to go now.’

‘I’ll drive you,’ Serena offered in a rush. ‘Peyton, give me your keys.’

Peyton rolled her eyes, but tossed the keys to Serena anyway.

‘I’ll see you later, Sara,’ I said, uncertain why I was a little afraid to get in the car with Serena. Sara nodded. I picked up my things and followed the girl dressed all in black out the front door.

‘So you went to the funeral,’ Serena said, hopping in the red Mustang parked on the street. Her voice was upbeat and friendly, not at all reflective of the Goth persona I’d expected.

‘Yes, I did,’ I answered cautiously, very aware this was more than just a polite offer to drop me off.

‘And she was a disaster, right?’ Serena sounded like she already knew the answer.

I nodded, eyeing her apprehensively.

‘We should’ve gone. I told the girls we should have gone, even though Emma told us not to.’

‘I don’t really know if that would’ve helped, if that makes you feel any better.’

‘But still. We should’ve been there.’ She appeared upset by this.

Nate really didn’t live far from Cole. I was actually surprised at how close the houses were. I could have easily walked.

Serena pulled the car to the kerb and turned towards me. ‘I’m glad you went. I’m glad you were there for her. Thank you.’

I nodded in acceptance, still wary of her friendliness. ‘Thanks for the ride.’ I removed my bags from the back seat and started to walk towards the large beach house.

‘Evan,’ Serena called to me. I turned around. ‘We’re going to fix her.’

A bright smile full of certainty spread across her face before she spun the car around and headed in the opposite direction.

I watched her drive off, and a smile crept onto my face too.


Guilt Trip

‘GOOD MORNING,’ COLE MURMURED WITH his head against the pillow. He was alert and waiting for me.

I groaned, still half asleep.

‘I was a jerk yesterday,’ he confessed, running his eyes along my face in concern. ‘I’m sorry.’

Cole hadn’t touched me when I crawled into bed last night, after the girls had left and Sara had gone to her room. But I knew he wasn’t asleep either as he lay with his back to me.

I went to say something, and then clamped my mouth shut with a grimace.

Cole chuckled. ‘Go do your bathroom thing and come back here.’

I slid out of the bed and emerged a few minutes later, a little nervous to hear what he was about to say.

‘So,’ I started us off, ‘last night was beyond awkward.’

‘I guess I was … jealous,’ he admitted. ‘I wanted to be there in Connecticut, but you asked me not to. And … he was there. I’m not the jealous type … and I hated how I was last night. So, I’m sorry.’

I could feel his discomfort. It wasn’t what he did, expressing himself.

I smiled and set my hand on the red of his cheek. He closed his eyes to my touch, absorbing the charge. I felt it running along my arm, speeding up my pulse. It soothed me, momentarily erasing the torment I’d been through in the past few days. I needed it … him … to help me forget.

I scooted closer, and he slid his hands along my waist.

‘I didn’t want you there,’ I whispered, leaning closer to his lips. ‘I wanted you here, for when I got back.’ I ran my tongue over his lower lip, and he inhaled quickly.

Cole’s grip on my waist tightened as I ran my hands over the definition of his chest, tucking my nose into his neck and brushing my lips along his pulse. ‘Don’t be jealous.’ I continued to whisper. ‘There’s nothing to be jealous of. Please don’t be like you were last night again. I didn’t like it.’

Rebecca Donovan's Books