Out of Breath (Breathing, #3)(59)

Jared sighed. ‘I’ll be there in a couple of weeks. Did you tell Nate you were arriving early?’

‘Yeah, I talked to him last night. No one will be at the house, but I know where the key is, so it’s not an issue.’

‘Good luck,’ Jared offered, leaning in for a quick embrace and smack on the back. He looked at me again before getting in his Volvo with a short laugh and shake of his head.

I didn’t try to find the girls. I knew we’d be on the same planes together all the way to Santa Barbara. I’d made sure of it after I saw their itinerary hanging on the McKinleys’ refrigerator. What I didn’t know was where they were staying while in Santa Barbara … or who else would be there.

‘Nate’s house is down the street from Cole’s,’ I told Sara, my nerves wreaking havoc. I thought I was about to be sick all over again.

‘What?!’ Sara exclaimed, drawing the attention of the passengers seated around us. ‘Why didn’t I know this until now? And how do you know this?!’

‘Uh … I ended up at a party at Nate’s over spring break, the week I spent with Cole. He kind of got me through a night of tequila when I found out I was at Evan’s best friend’s house.’

‘Holy f*ck!’ Sara gaped. ‘I’m trying to get over the fact that this is the first time I’m hearing this. But … holy f*ck. So … Cole knows Nate?’

‘Cole knows Evan,’ I admitted, staring out the window.

‘No. Way!’ she gasped. ‘Emma, this –’

‘Is going to be the worst summer of my life,’ I finished, thumping my head against the glass.

‘We don’t have to stay,’ Sara suggested. ‘Maybe we head back to Palo Alto when Cole goes back for the summer quarter in a couple of weeks.’

I sighed, disappointed that I might not have the quiet summer alone with Sara I’d hoped for. ‘Maybe.’

‘We’ll get through it,’ she assured me. I didn’t really believe her.

When we rolled to a stop on the landing strip at the small airport, the passengers started to stand and grab their bags. Sara and Emma were seated a few rows ahead of me, so they were off the plane before I was. I adjusted my backpack on my shoulder as I walked across the pavement towards the canopied baggage claim. I breathed in the warm air. I’d missed California.

Sara’s hair was hard to miss. I caught sight of the girls just as I heard, ‘Hey, Emma.’ I stopped short, nearly making the guy behind me run right into me.

Emma approached him, and he leaned in to kiss her.

‘Oh, f*ck.’ I stopped breathing for all of a minute, then eventually found the strength to keep moving towards the baggage area, unable to avoid them in the small space.

‘Evan?’ I looked over and Cole was eyeing me curiously. ‘I didn’t know you were coming back too.’

‘Hey, Cole,’ I responded, trying to keep my voice even and pleasant. ‘Yeah, I’m spending the summer at Nate’s.’ I looked from him to Emma, who wouldn’t meet my eyes, and said, ‘I didn’t realize you and Emma knew each other.’

Cole’s brows twitched, starting to put this entire scene together. ‘Yeah,’ he said, picking up her bag. ‘We do. Uh, you need a ride?’

‘What?!’ Emma blurted, her cheeks crimson.

‘He’s staying right down the street. So … do you need a ride?’

‘Sure,’ I responded, surprised by his nonchalant demeanour. I glanced at Sara and thought she was about to fall over.

Cole slipped his arm around Emma’s shoulder, and she jerked her head up in surprise.

This was about to be the worst summer of my life.


Give Me a Reason

I SLAMMED THE CAR DOOR AND YANKED my bags from the back, practically knocking myself over. I stormed to the front door and turned the handle. It was locked. Of course it was locked! I tapped my foot impatiently and waited for Cole, who was taking his frickin’ time walking over from the car.

I stared at the door. I didn’t look at Cole, who had betrayed me again during the drive by inviting Evan over for burgers. I didn’t look at Evan, who accepted without hesitation. And I didn’t look at Sara, who couldn’t seem to keep her mouth from dropping open every time the guys spoke to each other, like they were great friends and couldn’t wait to catch up. I just stared at the door and waited for it to open.

When Cole finally unlocked it, I cut him off and rolled my suitcase into the spare room. Sara scooted after me.

‘Umm … are we sharing this room?’ she asked, examining the full-size bed and flipping her eyes back towards me in confusion.

‘Uh …’ I fumbled.

‘Emma.’ Cole poked his head into the room. ‘You can put your stuff in my room.’

My breathing faltered. I nodded and rolled my suitcase back into the open living room.

‘Want a beer?’ Cole asked Evan.

‘Sure,’ Evan responded casually, looking around, running his fingers along the puzzles on the bookshelf.

Unable to stand seeing him touch the boxes, I tucked my suitcase by the kitchen table and continued out onto the deck, turning a chair around to sit facing the water with my arms crossed.

‘Hey,’ Sara said cautiously, sliding the glass door closed behind her. ‘I’m sorry this … sucks.’

Rebecca Donovan's Books