Out of Breath (Breathing, #3)(127)

‘I won’t lie. It wasn’t easy to be around him, even though I like the guy. Except I knew it wouldn’t last,’ I told her with a grin, dismissing the ill feeling brought on by the thought of him kissing her.

‘What?’ she asked in surprise. ‘We weren’t dating, Evan.’

‘Whatever, you were together. It doesn’t matter what you call it,’ I said dismissively. ‘But you’re supposed to be with me, so any other guy is doomed to failure.’

I leaned over carefully and kissed her. When I pulled back, she said, ‘I love you.’ Those three words coming out of her mouth made me feel like I could conquer anything. I smiled back and said, ‘You and me, Em – no matter what.’ I got caught in the light reflected in her eyes – the eyes that had been so vacant I was afraid I’d lost her. She sat up on her board with a gorgeous smile on her face and repositioned herself in preparation for the next wave.

We continued to ride until my arms felt like they were going to fall off and my legs were shaky. The guys, along with Jared and Sara, met us mid-morning as the sun was breaking through the grey. They’d packed a cooler for lunch, allowing us to spend the day on the beach. Nothing else mattered today. I lived within the minutes I was in – not dwelling on the past, or fearing the future. I just let the day present itself as it would, and it couldn’t have been better.

Sara took hold of my hand and rested her head on my shoulder as we left the quaint restaurant hidden in a grove of lit trees. We’d had dinner, just the four of us, as she’d wanted. We’d sent Evan and Jared ahead of us so we could use the restroom, basically to talk about them.

‘I’m happy for you,’ she said, pulling her head back and smiling. ‘That you finally have him.’ She looked affectionately at the two of them in conversation by the car. ‘This is the way it should’ve always been … Wow, we were stupid girls.’

‘I know,’ I said, smiling softly.

She squeezed my hand and added, ‘More than anything, I like seeing you like this. He’s the only one that can make you glow. I’ve missed that ridiculous look on your face.’

I blinked back the emotion with a laugh. ‘Thanks, Sara. And thanks for putting up with me. I know the last two years weren’t great for you either.’

‘That’s what sisters do,’ she chimed, bumping my shoulder with hers.

Her laughter turned me around. Emma caught me looking at her. I walked towards her. She released Sara’s hand and took the one I offered. I kissed the top of her head.

‘So how was your birthday, Emma?’ I asked, taking a chance mentioning it.

She stopped. I turned to face her, fearing her reaction. Emma leaned up on her toes and kissed my cheek, allowing me to smile. She wrapped her arms around my neck and said softly in my ear, ‘It’s the best birthday I’ve had in thirteen years. Thank you.’


The Promise

A SHIVER DANCED DOWN MY BACK WITH HIS tickling touch along my neck.

‘The girls are about to come in here and jump on the bed,’ Evan said, his voice low in my ear. ‘You may want to think about getting up.’

As his warm lips pressed against my shoulder, mine curled into a reluctant smile. I squirmed back to feel him against me, still refusing to open my eyes.

‘Emma!’ Sara pounded on the door. ‘Get up! You need to help us get ready!’

Evan laughed as I swore into my pillow.

‘Told you.’

‘Why did I think this party was a good idea?’

I inhaled quickly when his hand slid under my shirt, along my stomach.

‘No one talked you into it,’ Evan murmured, teasing my neck with his tongue. ‘You were all excited about it last week, on your birthday, remember?’

‘That was … a weird day. I mean … a good day.’ I sighed, unable to concentrate on the conversation. ‘The Fourth of July … shouldn’t start … till after dark.’ I grabbed Evan’s hand, squeezing it when the warmth of his mouth sent shivers through my body.

‘Emma!’ Sara hollered again. Evan chuckled and rolled away.

‘I’m up,’ I called back, then mumbled, ‘Unfortunately.’ Evan slid off the bed as I pulled back the blankets. He was already dressed in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

‘I’ve been volunteered to pick up ice.’ I sat up on the edge of the bed and flopped my head against his stomach. ‘I’ll be back in a little while, okay?’ he said, running his hand over my hair.

I nodded. He pulled me off the bed into a hug. I dragged my feet to the bathroom as he made his exit.

‘Please tell me she’s up,’ Sara said as soon as I came out of the room.

‘Yes.’ I laughed. ‘She’s up.’

‘Hi, Evan,’ Serena chimed with a sparkling smile. ‘Do you have an iPod? Sara’s put me in charge of music.’

I looked towards Sara, who shrugged. ‘Yeah, it’s out in my truck. I’ll bring it in when I get back from picking up Nate.’

‘Can you buy some lemons too?’ Meg called from the kitchen.

‘Sure,’ I answered on my way out the door.

‘How’s everything at the house?’ Nate asked as we drove to the store.

Rebecca Donovan's Books