Out of Breath (Breathing, #3)(107)

‘We’re going shopping,’ Sara announced. ‘And don’t you dare sulk. You need some dresses.’

‘I disagree, but … whatever.’

Meg stood, ‘Hurry up and get ready. We’re going to brunch before we shop.’

Serena hopped off the bed and followed after the girls. She turned to me before she left and said, ‘I like him, Emma … a lot. And I think you know exactly what you feel for him. Stop fighting it.’

She shut the door behind her, leaving me staring.

The bathroom door eased open, and Evan stepped into the room just as I threw a pillow at him.

‘Hey!’ He caught it with a quick laugh. ‘What was that for?’

‘You didn’t have to listen, Evan!’ I hissed, trying not to raise my voice.

He chuckled. ‘You were talking about me. Of course I was going to listen.’

Her face was flushed all the way down her neck.

‘They’re relentless, aren’t they?’ I noted with a shake of my head. ‘I’m glad I’m not a girl.’

Emma whipped the blankets back and got out of bed. ‘I can’t believe you heard that.’

It was hard not to laugh at her dramatic reaction. ‘You knew I was listening, Emma. And it’s nice to know they don’t hate me.’

‘Why would they hate you?’ she asked. ‘You didn’t do anything wrong.’

I shrugged. ‘I know, but they’re protective of you, and if they didn’t like me it would suck.’

She grinned. ‘Why do you want their approval?’

I’d said too much. ‘No reason.’


‘I’m going out through the patio to take a walk on the beach,’ I announced suddenly. ‘We don’t want them to see me sneaking out of your room, do we? They may think we kissed or something.’ She threw another pillow at me.

‘Shut up, Evan.’ Her cheeks were bright red.

I laughed, picking up my camera from her dresser.

‘Have fun shopping.’ She stuck her tongue out at me just as I took the shot. I smiled at her small tantrum as she shut the bathroom door with force, adoring the fiery side that I had a tendency to bring out in her.

I was surprised that the girls hadn’t spotted my camera on the dresser or my bag sitting on the chaise. They were probably too intent on drilling Emma to even notice.

Easing the gate open, I peered around the corner of the deck to make sure no one was outside. I quickly crossed to the steps and reached the beach just as I heard the screen door sliding open.

‘Hey!’ Sara called out, stopping me in my tracks.

I reluctantly spun around, knowing I’d been caught.

‘You just came from Emma’s room, didn’t you?’ she accused, her hands on her hips. I shrugged guiltily. ‘Evan, can we talk?’

‘Sure,’ I said with a heavy breath.

Sara hopped down the steps, and I began walking alongside her, bracing myself.

‘Did anything happen between you and Emma while I was away that I should know about?’

‘No,’ I answered. ‘Nothing you should know about.’

‘Evan –’ she scowled – ‘you know I just want to make sure she’s okay.’

‘I know, Sara. I do. I heard everything.’

‘Why did you stay in her room? I don’t understand what’s up with you two.’

‘Neither do I,’ I replied. ‘And I’ll tell you the same thing Emma did – we’re just talking. That’s it. And I have no idea where it’s going, but please don’t force her to figure out what she feels for me. I don’t want to push her away again, especially when I’m getting to really know her for the first time ever.’

Sara drew her brows together. ‘What does that mean?’

I considered how to explain it. ‘Emma’s not the same as she was a couple of weeks ago. Her eyes aren’t vacant any more. She doesn’t look like she’s about to break apart at any second. I can’t really say what happened, but she’s finally opening up and –’

‘Becoming the Emma we used to know?’

‘No.’ I shook my head. ‘She’s not her either. I don’t think she’ll ever be her again. But I think she’s trying to heal, to be better. She’s letting me in, and she’s never done that before. She’s actually trusting me, and I don’t want to lose that because she’s afraid of what might or might not happen between us. I know you care about her, and so do I. But I’m just asking you to back off a little. Let us figure it out.’

‘Do you trust her?’ Sara asked.

I stared out at the ocean as we continued to walk. ‘I want to,’ I answered. ‘I really want to.’

‘But you don’t,’ Sara concluded, hearing the reluctance in my voice. ‘That’s not right Evan. You need to trust her enough to tell her what you went through when she left. If you don’t tell her, then you’re doing the same thing she did to you. She should know.’

‘She’s already about to collapse from all the guilt that’s been dumped on her her entire life,’ I argued. ‘She already knows I have nightmares. That’s enough.’

Sara’s eyes tightened slightly. I hoped she wouldn’t ask …

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