Out of Breath (Breathing, #3)(104)

If I’d heeded Nate’s warning about his Satanic tweener cousins, I would never have exposed Sara and Emma to them. I don’t know how, but somehow we survived dinner without anyone ending up stabbed in the eye or floating face down in the pool, although I could tell by Jared’s menacing glare that he was thinking it. We escaped as soon as we could, making an excuse about a movie. Nate and the guys disappeared to a party to save themselves.

‘I think I have barbecue sauce on my back,’ Emma said as we drove home. She was trying to wipe it off her shoulder blade, but was unable to reach it. ‘I didn’t know anyone could be so annoying.’

‘Dude, I am never having kids,’ Jared declared. I glanced in the rearview mirror and noticed Sara staring at him. He quickly added, ‘Like that. Those two kids were hatched by gremlins, I swear.’

I reached over and ran my finger across the brown streak on Emma’s back.

‘Thanks,’ she said, turning her head to look out the open window.

‘What time are Serena and Meg arriving tomorrow?’ Sara asked. Emma turned towards her, and I grinned at the flush of colour that my touch had caused.

‘Late tonight. So we won’t see them until the morning. James is supposed to be coming too,’ Emma told her, then appeared alarmed when she noticed my expression. ‘What?’

I shrugged innocently, but couldn’t keep from smirking as we pulled into the driveway. This only made her redder. I exhaled a quick laugh.

‘Just tell me,’ she demanded. ‘Did that little brat write his initials on my back or something?’

‘No.’ I shook my head.

‘But he was trying to look up your shorts every time he purposely dropped his fork under the table,’ Jared shared.

She looked to Sara for confirmation. ‘Did he?’

‘He tried,’ Sara affirmed, ‘until I dug my heel into his hand. I think I may have scarred him for life.’

‘Nicely done,’ Jared said proudly. He pulled her into him and kissed her on the forehead. I looked away from the mirror. Their couple status was definitely uncomfortable to witness.

‘Sara, you’re cruel,’ Emma accused playfully.

‘Yes, I am,’ Sara gloated, causing Jared to laugh loudly.

When we entered the house, Sara announced, ‘We’re going to bed,’ practically dragging Jared up the stairs behind her.

Emma and I exchanged glances, very aware that they were not going to sleep. And just to make it obvious, Sara leaned over the railing at the top of the stairs and said, ‘You may want to put on music, or the TV, and turn it up.’

My eyes widened as Jared laughed, trailing after her.

‘Wow,’ I said, ‘that was …’

‘Awkward,’ Evan finished for me. ‘Uh, so …’

‘Want to go for a walk?’ I suggested. We both looked down at the Band-Aids on my feet.

‘What if I built a fire on the patio instead?’ Evan suggested.

I glanced at the clock – it was later than I thought. And in truth, I really didn’t want to talk, which I knew would happen if we sat out on the patio.

‘You know what, I think I’m going to go to bed,’ I declared. ‘I’ll read until I fall asleep.’

‘Oh,’ Evan replied with disappointment. ‘Okay. Well …’

Sara’s exuberant laughter carried down the stairs. Evan eyed the second floor in dread.

‘You can stay in my room … if you want,’ I offered.

‘Are you sure?’ he asked cautiously. ‘I don’t want it to feel like we’re –’

‘I know,’ I responded. I was very aware of what we weren’t, and I didn’t need to hear him say it.

‘I’ll be right down,’ he told me. ‘I need to get my bag.’

Evan rushed up the stairs, probably not wanting to be within earshot of them any longer than he had to. I continued to the bedroom to prepare for bed. Evan knocked lightly on the bathroom door while I was brushing my teeth. ‘I’m changing out here, so give me a minute before you come out.’

‘Okay,’ I responded, my voice garbled with a mouthful of toothpaste. And of course, the only thing I could think about was Evan changing.

I rinsed my mouth and washed my face, patting it dry just as he knocked again.

‘You can come in,’ I announced. Evan opened the door, dressed in a pair of shorts and a worn T-shirt that left little to the imagination about what was concealed underneath. I let out an exasperated breath as I passed him.

‘What?’ Evan laughed, obviously reading my expression.

I got into bed without responding and clicked on the bedside lamp. I could hear the water running as Evan brushed his teeth. Eyeing his bag on the chaise, I wondered just how many nights he planned to spend in this room.

I opened the book as Evan emerged from the bathroom, setting the oak leaf on the pillow next to me. He slipped under the covers on the far end of the bed.

‘That’s a good book so far,’ he noted. ‘I was reading it earlier today.’

‘Want to read it with me?’ I offered, without really thinking it through.

‘Have you ever done that before,’ he asked, ‘read a book at the same time as someone else?’

‘No. Have you?’

Rebecca Donovan's Books