More Than Lies (More Than #1)(81)

“No?” I can feel his smile spread across the back of my head. “I don’t think that’s what you were thinking two years ago when you sucked the motherfucker off.”

Well, hell. Why couldn’t he have forgotten about that? “Nope, it was a penis then too.” And it was. Not that I didn’t enjoy blowing him, because, well, I like giving blow jobs. But it was a one-time thing. We were both drunk. Very drunk. So drunk that I didn’t remember it happening until later the next day.

“God, you sure know how to kill a hard-on,” he jests as he releases me and rolls off his bed.

When I got here last night, Mason didn’t ask questions. I know he spoke to Shawn on the phone, but I don’t know what was said, and I didn’t ask. He tossed me a T-shirt and a pair of boxers, and I was out within minutes of washing off my makeup and crawling into his bed.

“Thanks for letting me crash here last night.” I feel bad showing up the way I did, unannounced and so late. I know his parents have rules about friends not coming or going after a certain hour, and I’m sure he’ll be hearing from his mom this morning about it. I want to be gone when that happens. That lady scares me. She is tiny, just like Ky and Layla, but fierce.

“You doing okay? Because you know if you aren’t, you can talk to me about anything.” The playful Mason is gone. Concern is etched in his voice. I love him for it. Mason is a great guy and a wonderful friend.

“I’ll make it.” I turn my face, giving him a small smile. I don’t know how I’ll make it in life without Trent, but I guess I have to.

“And last night?”

“Just a misunderstanding; no biggie.” I was an idiot to try anything with Shawn again. He’s made it clear he doesn’t want to be with me. I guess being around him most of the day yesterday with of all that physical contact gave me hope. Evidently, I wasn’t thinking clearly. “I sent Matt a text last night before bed. I’m going to ride back to Oxford with him this morning.”

As if on cue, my phone chimes telling me I have a message. Picking it up, I confirm it’s my best friend.

Matt: Waiting outside.

“He’s here. I was going to change and then get my bag out of Shawn’s truck.” Mason stares at me, but doesn’t say a word. I grab my dress off the top of the dresser and make my way into the bathroom, but I’m stopped as I place my hand on the doorknob.

“No need to change into your clothes from yesterday. Just grab a pair of gym shorts from the bottom drawer over there.” He points in the direction of the tall chest of drawers across the room. He’s not looking at me; instead he looks to be texting on his cell phone.

Thinking about it, I really don’t want to put back on a dress that’s only going to be constricting. Loose, comfortable clothes are exactly what I want right now. Mase’s will do until I get home to shower and put on my sweats.

“Okay, thanks.” I pull out a pair of black basketball shorts. After I have them on, I roll the band a few times because I can’t stand them falling pass my knees. When I’m done, I grab my purse and head toward the door that leads to the back yard. “Thanks again. You coming home today?”

“Yep.” He smirks down at his phone. I wish I were in on whatever is so humorous. I could use a laugh right now.

Exiting, I stop by Matt’s car and place my purse inside.

“I need to grab my stuff. Be right back.” He doesn’t say anything, but nods.

Walking up to Shawn’s truck, I open the back door. He always leaves his truck unlocked at home and at his parents’. I’m not sure why. Probably isn’t smart, but it’s not like the neighborhood is shady.

Before I’m able to reach in and grab my heavy tote bag, someone wraps their hand around the bend at my elbow and yanks me backwards. In a quick motion, I’m turned and my back meets the steel of the side of the truck. It doesn’t hurt, but I’m caught off guard.

“What the hell, Tara? Why did you take off last night?” I look up to see hurt eyes looking back at me. I wanted to avoid this conversation. That’s why I asked Matt to pick me up this morning. I didn’t figure Shawn would be up this early.

“I don’t want to deal with this. Let’s forget it ever happened. I’m going home.” I point toward Matt’s car to indicate my ride is here and waiting.

“Well, too bad. We are dealing with this. Right now.” He crosses his arms over his broad chest and leans back a few inches.

He can go blow smoke up a bear’s butt. I don’t give a crap. I’m leaving, and I’m leaving right now.

“No!” Screw it. He has to come home eventually. I’ll get my things out of his truck then. I make a move to get past him, but Shawn quickly stops me by stepping in my path.

“You aren’t leaving. We need to talk.”

“Move,” I bite out. Last night was embarrassing enough as it is. I don’t need to hash it out; not with him anyway.

“Not until you listen.” I don’t think so. I step in the other direction only for him to mimic my move. “Just hear me out.”

“Why?” I don’t give him time to respond. I don’t want him to. “There’s no point. Bye. See you later.”

I don’t get a chance to move an inch past him. Instead, I’m picked up and tossed over his shoulder. He starts to walk, but not in the direction of where Matt and Mason are standing next to Matt’s car. My guess, he’s walking toward his parents’ front door.

N. E. Henderson's Books