More Than Lies (More Than #1)(85)

“Shawn asked me to cover you for lunch.” When her eyes glance in his direction, mine follow. He’s at his station, leaned over a set of legs. Looks like he inking the back of a woman’s thighs. I frown. I can’t help myself. Her shorts are practically nonexistent. Slut. The fact that they have to be short for him to tattoo her properly does not take precedence over that fact that he’s eye level with her butt that’s hanging out of the material.

“Well, okay. He didn’t mention it, but I am about to leave. See ya in an hour.” Natalie grabs her purse and walks from behind the counter toward the front door. Laughter catches my attention and I turn toward the back of the shop where all the artists’ stations are located. That laughter came from Shawn’s table. I roll my eyes as the phone rings. Looking away, I turn around to answer it.

“Wicked Ink, this is Taralynn, how can I help you?”

“Hey baby doll.” Chance’s voice greets me. I smile. “I wasn’t expecting your bright voice on the other end of this line. I thought Miriam trained the new girl well? So what are you doing answering the phone? Happy birthday, by the way.”

“Mir did an excellent job with Natalie. I’m just covering while she stepped out for lunch. Thanks for letting us borrow Miriam for a week.” Miriam works for Chance in Las Vegas. She’s his studio manager and runs the front desk, too. Thankfully, when Shawn finally hired a replacement for thieving Sabrina, Chance and Miriam agreed to have Miriam come to Mississippi to train our new receptionist. Two weeks later, Natalie is killing it up front. Not only that, the customers love her.

Other than looking like she came in wearing what she wore the night before, she is great. Her customer service skills are awesome. She has an extroverted personality and can talk to anyone. She doesn’t sport any ink work on her arms, but the dragon tattoo covering her back with one paw hanging over her shoulder and its tail wrapped around her legs is pretty neat.

“You’re welcome, doll. We’re both glad we could help Braden out. Tell him I’ll catch him later. I only called to see how well the new chick answered the phone and if Miriam’s training was retained. I’ll take your word that it was. Later, sweet girl.”

“Later, Chance. Tell Eve I said hey.”

“Will do.” I hang up the phone. When I turn around, my bitch-o-meter dials up a notch thanks to Slutty McSkanks-a-lot squeezing on Shawn’s arm. He’s finished the tattoo and they are standing. I guess she likes the job he did.

Shawn pulls his arm slyly away from her grip. I’ll give him that; he does look uncomfortable.

As if feeling eyes on him, he looks in my direction. His eyes grow bigger as if he thinks he’s been caught. He’s not technically mine, so he doesn’t really have a reason to feel guilty. I’m probably just reading too much into that look, so I turn away.

Less than a minute later, I feel a presence behind me, and then I see Shawn’s client standing on the other side of the counter in front of me. She isn’t looking at me. She’s ogling his sexy body and shooting him a flirtatious smile. Didn’t she have enough time to get all of that out when she was lying on his table? Tramp.

“Tara will take care of you.” Shawn brushes his hand over my hip, squeezes, and then walks away. She watches him the whole freakin’ time. I quickly scan the appointment log to find out how much she owes.

“That will be seven hundred and fifty bucks.” She finally looks my way. After pulling out her credit card, I scan it through the card reader. This is a new addition to the business. The studio is no longer cash only.

“So do you know if he’s seeing anyone?” She nods in Shawn’s direction.

Be polite, Taralynn. Be polite.

“He’s not the dating type, honey.” That is true. Shawn and I have been sorta seeing each other for over a month. We have sex. That’s all it is. Great, awesome, phenomenal, I can’t get enough of him sex, but just sex. Only sex. We aren’t dating. He made it clear weeks back when we returned from Tupelo that he didn’t want anyone to know we were sleeping together. Talk about a crusher.

“Well, now, I’m not opposed to a little fun. Maybe I’ll see him around then.” Her eyes brighten then she turns and walks away after retrieving her credit card from my hand.

Happy birthday to me.

“Happy birthday.” Shawn perches his elbow on the glass countertop and leans into it. I look over. There’s only about a foot of distance between us.

“You told me that this morning before I got out of bed.” Oh, the memory.

“I said it when my mouth was on your pussy. It doesn’t count.” He smirks. That smile and those eyes; I have to look away. Glancing down, I scan the appointment calendar looking for Shawn’s next client. Hmmm . . .

“Your schedule is blocked off, but it doesn’t say who your next client is.”

“She’s already here.” I look up, there is no one waiting in any chair. Turning my head, I look Shawn in the eyes.

“Where?” Seriously, who the heck is he going to tattoo? A ghost?

“I’m looking at her, babe.”

“Me?” His eyebrow lifts. “I’m not following.”

“I want to give you a birthday present. I want to tattoo you, and I want you to allow me to do it, and let it be a surprise.” He’s joking, right? “You trust me, don’t you?”

N. E. Henderson's Books