More Than Lies (More Than #1)(79)

“I hope you’re happy.”

“I wouldn’t call any of this happiness, sir.” No point in pushing his buttons any more today. Maybe not even the rest of the year.

“You don’t have any idea what just happened do you?”

“I was here. I heard every word, sir.” Can I please go, yet?

“Taralynn will be graduating with honors. Until two minutes ago she would have received a full scholarship to college. With a suspension on her record, she won’t be getting it now. That’s what you did. That’s what you took away from her. To save my soul, I have no idea why she did that for you, but I hope one day, you make her sacrifice worth it. Out of my office, Shawn.” Oh, shit.

“What did you say?” Katherine’s vile voice tears me away from the memory of four years ago. “You-you did what?”

Tara turns into Matt, mouthing something I can’t make out, then turns her head toward her mother. “Yes.” I want to laugh, but I hold it in. Tara’s tone has a bite to it.

“Why on earth would you do that?”

“I’d like to know the answer to that as well, young lady.” Her dad comes to mirror Katherine’s stance.

“Well, you see,” Tara’s voice is rich with sarcasm, “some people care about their friends so much that they’re willing to make sacrifices for them. Something I don’t think either of you know anything about.”

“You ungrateful little—”

“Katherine,” Jacob silences his wife. Probably the best thing he could have done. I won’t physically hurt a female, but I have no issues with lashing out at one verbally. “Taralynn, we’ll talk about this later, but know that whatever you think you are doing with this boy, it isn’t worth it. I just . . . I can’t believe you right now.”

Tell me how you really feel, Jacob. Not that I didn’t already know.

Self-worth to these two is on a whole other plane that I’ll never get to.

“Don’t you dare, Jacob.” There is venom in my mom’s voice. “Don’t speak about my son like that.”

“Oh, come on Pam. Don’t sit there and tell me you can’t see it as clear as I can. Do you want history to repeat itself?” What the hell does that mean?

“Enough!” My father stands. “Jacob, a word.” My dad stalks toward Jacob. They both stare at each other before turning and walking out of the room.

Tara’s mother remains. The look in her eyes is unmistakable. Hatred. Her green eyes are trained on Tara as Tara is looking back at her too. Looking at them both, you’d never guess they were related. Tara’s skin is tanned like Jacob’s. She doesn’t share any resemblance to her mother the way Trent did.

Tara pops up off Matt’s lap and walks away. She doesn’t want Katherine to see her cry. I could tell she was on the verge. She makes her way to the stairs, ascending them until I can’t see her anymore. When I turn back around, my mother and Tara’s are glaring at one another. If I hadn’t seen it for myself, I’d have never believed it. My mom hates Katherine.

My parents left after dad had a private talk with Jacob. I don’t know what they discussed, and I don’t care. Tara’s parents are fucking assholes. She’s perfect, and they don’t deserve her.

Tara’s been alone long enough, so I head upstairs to find her. When I reach the top of the steps, I stop in front of Tara’s bedroom door. It’s wide open, but she’s not in there. That tells me I’ll find her in Trent’s old bedroom. I don’t knock before entering the room. I can see from the crack under the door that it is dark inside. Night has finally taken over. It’s been one long day. One I want to see end, sooner rather than later.

She doesn’t stir as I gently turn the handle and push the door open. Her body is stretched out diagonally across the bed. I can tell she’s sleeping from the rhythmic rise and fall of her torso. She’s laying on her stomach with her hands underneath her face, making the hem of her black dress rise up to meet the top of her thighs just a few inches below her ass. Memories of my lips kissing that same area of flesh start to filter in. I remember being so turned on by biting her ass cheek while my fingers where inside her. She came the same moment my teeth bit down, coming all over my finger and running down my wrist.

The shit she does to me. I don’t want these feelings, but not because I don’t want her. I’ve wanted her longer than I care to admit. But I’m realistic. I know a relationship with this perfect girl laying in front of me would never last.

“Tara.” I won’t leave her here. Evidently my mother feels the same way, since as she was leaving with my dad she barked out an order to me insisting I bring Tara, too, when I come home. “Tara, wake up,” I call out, a little louder this time.

I place my knee onto the edge of the bed and lean over. Giving her a gentle shake, she stirs. I let go of her shoulders, and she rolls onto her back, propping herself up onto her elbows. Tara looks around the dark room briefly before her eyes land on me.

“How long was I out?”

“Not long; less than an hour. I’m here to collect you. We’re going to Mom and Dad’s. You can crawl back into bed when we get there.”

“Um . . .” She looks torn. If she thinks she’s staying here after the way her parents treated her, she can think again.

N. E. Henderson's Books