More Than Lies (More Than #1)(77)

“It was a stupid joke. Come on, even you’ve got to find the humor in it.” He takes a deep breath, pulling air in through his nose before releasing it via his mouth.

“No, Shawn, I don’t. That’s just it; no one but yourself finds the things you do funny.”

“Now that’s just hurtful. Plenty of people were laughing throughout the halls earlier.”

“Shawn, you’re failing to grasp the severity of this.”

“If you’re planning on suspending me, then please go ahead and get it ove—” There is a light knock on the door before I can finish my statement. As Mr. MacIntyre looks past me, I turn in my seat to see who’s decided to prolong my stay in this chair. Without being given permission to enter, the door opens slowly. Tara appears within seconds with a nervous, scared shitless expression across her face. If I didn’t already know she worked in the principal’s office during third period, I’d think this was the first time she’s ever been in here.

Tara is the good girl. No, let me take that back. Even good girls get into trouble every now and again. But not her; not little miss perfect girl. Tara reminds me of a rose, just as it’s starting to bloom: exceptionally beautiful, perfection in all things . . . superior. Like I said, little miss perfect.

“Miss Evans, what can I help you with? And please make it quick, I’m in the middle of something.” He looks back at me, only briefly, but I know I’ve been successful in getting on his nerves today. Ah, the joys of high school.

Tara enters the room, closing the door behind her then proceeds to walk closer to where I’m sitting. Her hesitant eyes meet mine, only for a moment, before she takes the seat to my right and looks straight ahead at Principal MacIntyre. She doesn’t say anything for a few long beats, as if she is trying to collect her thoughts. I’m baffled as to why she is even in here.

“I have,” her whispered words are followed by a short pause. She looks down then glances back up as she straightens her posture and takes a gulp of air. “I need to tell you something, Mr. Mac.”

“Go on, Taralynn, I’m waiting.” Mr. Mac’s voice is much softer as he speaks to Tara versus when he was addressing me. Go figure. She has him wrapped around her finger, too. I sit back in my chair, proceeding to lean my head back and slouch down once more. I’ll never find a comfortable position, but I might as well make the best of it while she takes her sweet time.

“It was me.” My ears perk up. Why do I get the feeling she’s in here about me? Was it the look she gave me, the emotions in her eyes, or her words? I’m not sure. “I did it. I wrote Holly’s number across the lockers, not Shawn.”


The room is silent. I sit up, looking to my right where Tara is sitting, not looking at me, but chewing on the left side of her bottom lip as she awaits Principal Mac’s reply. Hell, I’m waiting for it too, because I’m not sure I heard her correctly. Did she really come in here and confess to something I did? Not Tara. No way did I hear that right. What the hell is wrong with this girl? Why on earth would she take the blame for me? Tara may not hate me, but she surely doesn’t like me.

“Miss Evans,” Mr. Mac finally speaks. “You don’t expect me to believe that, do you?” His eyebrows are pulled in and he’s staring at Tara as if he’s trying to read her. He probably is. He’s always doing that. He thinks he can read me like a book, but I’m not that transparent to anyone.

“Mr. Mac, with all due respect, and I really mean that, I’m not sure it actually matters what you believe in this case. I’m telling you I did it. And you don’t have any real proof that Shawn wrote that message, do you?” Her hands clasp together in her lap, and she is squeezing them tightly as if she doesn’t want to chicken out and back down from the lie that just spilled from her lips.

Taralynn Evans just lied!

Holy shit, I never thought I’d see the day. On top of it, she lied for me. I have no idea why, either. It makes no sense. It’s not like I’m scared to get in trouble. The worst he can do is suspend me from school for a few days, maybe even a week. Okay, been there, done that, not a big deal. A few days off will be nice.

“Considering he gave his confession in my office, and the fact that he and his friends were laughing about it, I’d say I have enough to go on. Now, Miss Evans, I’m going to overlook this. You’re going to go back to class, and I don’t want to see you in my office again unless it’s during third period and you’re working in here. Is that clear?” So he does have a fierce voice when it comes to the perfect one. Hell, his tone might be bordering on scary . . . if I were a girl.

“No, Mr. MacIntyre, I’m sorry, but we aren’t. I’m telling you, it was me, not Shawn. And based on what you just said, you don’t have any real proof Shawn did it.” I’m getting whiplash, I think. Tara’s voice has taken on a bold confidence I’ve never heard before. I might even like it, if her dumb ass weren’t in here trying to get me out of trouble.

“Very well, Ms. Evans, I’ll humor you.” He relaxes into the softness of his plush chair, leaning back as he continues to speak to the crazy chick I’m wondering if I know at all. “Please explain to me, why on earth you would write, ‘For quick and easy fun, call x number,’ and that number being Holly Torres’ home phone number? Please tell me, because I’m dying to know that reason.” Sarcasm is dripping off his lips.

N. E. Henderson's Books