More Than Lies (More Than #1)(60)

Kylie is one lucky woman.

If I find someone that treats me half as good as my brother treats her, then I’d consider that a score. Trent is a rare find.

The four of us arrive at Weston’s house half an hour later. When we get inside, Trent quickly introduces me to his old buddy from high school. I vaguely remember the guy. Pretty sure he was on the soccer team with Trent, but he isn’t looking so fit and trim now. Tonight he’s sporting a beer belly underneath his polo shirt.

Trent hands me a bottle of Corona that I gladly take from him. The cap has already been removed and a lime wedge has been shoved inside. Perfect! I take a sip.

“I’m going to head out back with Ky. Come with and hang out with us.”

“Mason is over there.” I point toward the television where Mason and few other guys are standing around talking and probably watching some sporting event. The TV is blocked from my view so I don’t know what’s on. “I’m going to walk over there and talk for a few, but I’ll come out in a bit, okay?”

“You sure about that, sis?”

“Yeah, Trent, of course, I’ll be out there soon. You know I want to soak up as much time with you before you head home.” He raises an eyebrow. What? I’m not lying. I do want to spend time with him. I don’t see my brother nearly enough.

“Not what I meant. Your mouth might have said Mason, but your eyes were on Shawn.” I turn away. He’s right, but I didn’t think I was being obvious about it. “Look, until he’s ready to man up, there is no sense in torturing yourself by watching him hit on some random slut.”

“How do you know she’s a slut? Aren’t you being judgmental?”

“Is the Pope Catholic?” I say nothing in response. “Okay, then. Look, go hang with Mase, then come join me out back. I just want you to have fun when you’re hanging with me.” He makes me smile. I roll my eyes, but I’m not annoyed and he knows it.

“I’ll be out there in a little while. Go to your friends.”

He walks off as I down more of my beer. I must be a glutton for punishment, standing here and watching Shawn Braden lay the moves on another woman. He’s leaning against a wall in the living room. The teeny tiny female standing in front of him, well she looks like a little girl in his presence. Is she even over five feet tall? Surely he would crush her. Not that she seems to be weighing that as a con. She clearly wants him. Her front is pressed against his and her arms are wrapped around his waist. The strain in her neck has to be killing her by the way her head is leaned as far back on her shoulders as it will possibly go just so she can see his face.

I am not jealous.

I proceed to drain the liquid from my bottle in one long swallow without breaking my eyes from the other side of the room.

As if feeling someone’s eyes on him, Shawn looks up from little miss hoochie. His eyes lock with mine, and I know I’ve been caught. I don’t look away, though. I’m done pretending, acting as though I don’t have strong feelings for him when he and everyone else knows I do. I’m done lying to myself that this doesn’t hurt.

I think my brother is right. Not about Shawn having feelings for me that he won’t admit, but about me needing to move after graduation. I wonder if distance and time is what will make me forget about him. Can I forget how I feel? If it’s a possibility, shouldn’t I do whatever it takes to try?

Shawn’s eyes turn hard moments before I feel a hand snake around my waist and another beer comes into view in front of me.

“I think that one is finished. I brought you a fresh one.” I smile, wrapping my hand around the bottle and taking it out of Jared’s hand. He takes the empty one from me. Turning, I wrap my free hand and the one holding the beer around his neck for a hug.

“How have I gone over a month without seeing you?” I exclaim. I’ve missed Jared. He can be a good friend when he isn’t trying to bring the subject of “us” up. Don’t get me wrong. Jared is great in bed, and I wish I wanted a relationship with him. It would make life easier and cause less pain on my heart, but I can’t force myself to feel something that isn’t there, just as I can’t force myself to stop feeling something that is there with Shawn.

Love sucks.

Why is it marketed in all hearts and roses and pretty colors? Lies. All lies. B freakin’ S is what love is.

“Life, baby.” He turns his seductive smile on me and I know he wants something.

“What? Just spill it, Jared Dawson.”

“Can we talk?”

“Sure. What do you want to talk about?”

“Not right here. Let’s go upstairs where it’s quiet.” I raise my eyebrow. I’d say he can’t be serious, but this is Jared. “Not for the reasons you’re assuming, but I’m not opposed. You know that.” He brings my body flush with his own. “I’ll never be opposed to that, Taralynn.”

I push him backwards, but I already know I’m going with him if he wants to talk away from everyone else. Jared knows that too, because he grabs my wrist gently, wrapping his palm around it and pulling me toward the stairs.

I ascend the stairs; following behind him giving me a nice view of his jean-clad rear. It’s a very nice view, especially naked. His butt is taut, tan, and sculpted to perfection. There have been numerous times I’ve wanted to smack his the same way he enjoys hitting mine. I’ve never tried, though. Jared brings a wild side out of me, but I’ve never had the guts to really let go.

N. E. Henderson's Books