More Than Lies (More Than #1)(56)

“Maybe because Shawn has proof like he said.” Tara’s voice is raised from the normal soft sounds that usually come from her mouth.

“Butt. Out.” Sabrina grinds her teeth with each word. Her demeanor changes then her eyes roam back to me. “There’s no way you have proof. It’s your word against mine in fact. For all I know, you took that money out just to have a reason to get rid of me. I’ll sue.” The bitch smiles like she has just one-upped me.

“Like hell you will.” Tara is on her feet about to pass me when her words and actions sink in. I reach out, grabbing her by the waist and pull her into my front without thinking it through. My palm slides easily beneath her T-shirt to rest on the skin above the waistband of her blue jeans. I do this to calm her down, to bring her emotions into check, but in doing so, skin-to-skin contact with her has the opposite effect on me. She instantly relaxes against me whereas the muscles in my body are coiling.

“Is that a threat, Taralynn?” Sabrina lifts her torso, straightening her back.

“You’re lucky he isn’t calling the cops and having you arrested for stealing.” She makes an attempt to pull away from me, but I place my free hand on her other hip, keeping it on top of her clothes. No way I could get away with calling the first time a ‘slip of the hand’ if I do it again.

“Again, it’s his word against mine.” This time she crosses her arms across her chest.

“Give it up already.” Adam shakes his head.

“This ends now,” I assert. “You’re fired; end of story. Tara is right. I could easily press charges against you, but I’m willing to let this go. Just walk the fuck away, because my patience with you is shortening by the second. My suggestion, and I really hope you take it, is to pack whatever shit you have that actually belongs to you, and get out. You won’t get a last paycheck from me; I think you’ve taken enough money already.”

Her mouth falls open.

“I installed security cameras above the register earlier this week. You don’t have a leg to stand on.” Before she utters another word, I decide to provide a bit of caution. “If you speak, if you do anything other than stand and leave, I won’t let this go. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you’re prosecuted for stealing from this company.”

She hesitates, only for a few seconds, and then does exactly what I suggested she should do. She stands and starts to walk out of the door without another word. But before she can make it all the way out I stop her. I shake my head. Did this bitch really think she was that fuckin’ slick?

“Don’t you think you have something that belongs to me, Sabrina?” She stumbles and then her body freezes. She looks back at me with hatred in her eyes, they bore into mine, but that’s okay. She obviously isn’t too smart. “I watched you put the deposit bag in your purse before we came back here. Did you honestly think I forgot already? Hand over the money and then GET. THE. FUCK. OUT!”

She has fear in her eyes now as she hands over the bag to Adam and then scurries out the door like the pest she is. Finally, the only smart thing this bitch has ever done. She is lucky that little move didn’t warrant a call to the cops. She’s gone, and I’m fucking over the whole situation. This is done. It’s over and the company can move on. I can move on and concentrate on everything I need to improve around here.

“I’m outta here, man. See ya both tomorrow.” Adam drops the bag down on the desk and then follows Sabrina out, leaving Tara and me alone in the office. Her back is still pressed against my chest. My hand is still on her skin and I have no idea how to alleviate a situation that is now awkward.

It would be so easy to slide my hand up to cup her breast. I still remember what they felt like when I did it in Mac’s office. Her skin is soft, like velvet, and her tits are firm, and fuck—I have to get her away from me right now or she’s going to feel something pressed against her ass that she shouldn’t.

I rip my hand out from under her clothes and gently push her away with my other hand.

“I need to . . . I have a client waiting . . . probably. See ya, later.” I’m sure I do . . . maybe . . . hell, I don’t know. I can’t think, and I need to get away from her and away from the way she smells like things I want to taste.

I walk away, leaving her in the office.

Shit, I need to get laid.



After the fallout at the studio last week, I didn’t think today would ever get here. As I lay in bed, my thoughts keep returning to all the shop drama. Not only did Sabrina get fired for stealing, but Tyler and Hunter got canned a few days ago, too. Apparently, all three of them were in on it and were splitting the money.

What a flippin’ shame.

Hunter had an attitude problem, sure, and he lacked a decent work ethic, but the guy could tattoo beautifully. I don’t get it. If it was about the money, all he had to do was work harder. He never had a full schedule. He might do two or three tattoos in a day. Hunter’s always dragged them out. A simple one-hour design would take him three times as long to finish than anyone else.

As much as I don’t want to see anyone lose their job, Adam should have let Tyler go a long time ago. He didn’t work out as a tattoo artist. Then he was given a position as a piercer. Not that I want any other piercings than in my ears, but if I did, I’d never let Tyler touch my flesh.

N. E. Henderson's Books