More Than Lies (More Than #1)(103)

My mind flips to last week when I overheard him and Tara speaking in the back at Mac’s.

“What do I have to do to get through to you?” His voice is raised. He sounds somewhat angry. “This is Shawn Braden we’re talking about.” When I hear my name, my jaw locks. What the fuck is he doing talking to her at all, let alone about me?

“Stay out of it, Jared.”

“No, baby, I won’t.” He really should not call my girlfriend baby. He’s already pissed me off just by standing that close to her. Now he goes and does that. I haven’t fought in years, but tonight I might end that streak. “Shawn doesn’t love you. I love you. He’ll never love you like I do, Taralynn. You deserve more than he’ll ever give you.”

I’m pretty certain getting stabbed with a knife would have been less painful than hearing another man tell Tara he loves her. Sure, I saw it written awhile back in a text message, but it’s much different from hearing it said. It makes it real; too real.

“You don’t know that.” Her voice cracks. “Stop doing this.”

“No. You belong with me. I need you to see that.” Tara looks down, but Jared pulls her chin up so she faces him again. “He’s going to tire of the relationship, Taralynn. I’m surprised he’s lasted this long without different pussy. Who knows, maybe he’s fucking on the side. Ever think of that?”

That son-of-a-bitch.

“He’s not. He’s with me every night, asshole.”

“I’m not the asshole here. He is for stringing you along. He. Doesn’t. Love. You.”


Closing my eyes and shaking my head, I try to get the memory to leave. It’s no use. The more I try to forget what I heard, the more I dwell on it.

She just thinks she loves me. She doesn’t really. We’ve only been dating a couple of months. Love should be nowhere in the equation with us at this point.

I can’t hide in the bathroom any longer. My last client should be here by now.

I open the door, exit and head back toward the front. When I round the corner into the open space that is the tattooing area, I see Tara standing against the front desk. She’s talking to Natalie and her friend, Samantha. The three of them are leaning in, deep in conversation together.

Sam has been hanging around a little more lately. She’s been a good friend to Tara, and I’m pretty certain my best friend is banging her.

I stop at my station. Once I have everything gathered that I’ll need for the next client, I place it on the tray next to my chair. When I turn back around, Tara’s standing in front of me.

“Hey, babe.” Why does that voice have to be so damn enticing?

“You about to head out?”

“Yeah, I’m going to run home to shower and change. Do you want me to come back here and pick you up? I’ll be your designated driver tonight.” She smiles, but I can tell it’s forced. She knows something’s up. Either she can see it written on my face or she can feel it.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll meet you at Level when I’m done here. We can cab it home if need be.”

“Okay, well . . . see you in a bit.” She’s reluctant for a second, but when I don’t say anything, she turns and leaves.



Something’s up with Shawn; I just don’t know what it is. He’s been acting different for over a week now. It’s like he is pulling away from me, and I don’t like it. With the exception of last night, we’ve slept in the same bed every night for the past few months, but we haven’t had sex in five days. Maybe that doesn’t seem like a lot, but for us it is. Last night, he never crawled in my bed with me. The night before that, I fell asleep in his bed trying to wait up for him.

He’s been drinking more, too. Before we started dating, I would never have thought anything of it, but after he made us official, going out clubbing was something we’ve done maybe twice in the last two months. We’ll still hang out at Mac’s a few nights a week after he gets off work, but even that’s increased this week. He’s been there every night and hasn’t gotten home until early in the morning.

Samantha and I arrived at Level close to an hour ago. I spent extra time getting dressed tonight, perfecting my makeup and making sure my hair was styled perfectly. It’s Shawn’s birthday, and I want him to remember tonight. I want him to remember me, so I made more effort than I usually do, just for him.

A few days ago I came across the hottest dress I’ve ever placed on my body. It’s not a dress that I’d normally wear, but I’m not wearing it for me; I’m wearing it for Shawn. It’s all white and clings to my body like a second skin. The scooped neck line comes so far down that there is way too much of my cleavage on display for my liking. And it is short—really short. So short that I have to keep pulling down on the hem to make sure it’s not riding up my butt.

I can do a little uncomfortable for a few hours. I got this. I hope.

This dress is so not me, but even I have to admit I look hot in it. It didn’t help that Samantha took one look at me in it and screamed. She said if I didn’t buy it, she would buy it for me and dress me herself if she had to.

So here I am, in a dress I hate-love, while my boyfriend is literally walking away from me. Something is definitely wrong with him, and I don’t understand why he is shutting me out. Why doesn’t he just talk to me?

N. E. Henderson's Books