More Than Lies (More Than #1)(102)

I step to Shawn’s side, but his arm shoots out catching me before his hand wraps around my side and keeping me in place. Preston glances at Shawn’s hand then up to my eyes. He ignores Shawn.

Shawn drops his hand, but I stay, standing at his side.

“I had a conversation with your father. I explained what was going on here and he asked me to bring you home immediately. That’s what I intend to do. We are leaving.”

“I told you she isn’t going anywhere.” Shawn crosses his arms against his chest. He’s pissed.

“This is between Taralynn and me. Please stay out of it.” Then Preston does something incredibly stupid: He grabs my wrist and pulls me toward him.

Shawn springs forward, pushing against Preston’s chest which knocks him backward and frees my wrist from his grip.

“No motherfucker, this is about to be between you and me if you touch my girl ever again.”

“Excuse me?”

“Did I fucking stutter? What wasn’t clear?” He grabs me by the hip with his hand, pulling me into his front as his other hand wraps protectively around the top of my chest. “She’s mine. She was never yours. You never had a chance, and you never will while I exist.” My adrenaline is kicking up with every word that falls from his mouth. “Understand this—and you can take it back to Jacob for all I care: She’s my girlfriend, and if you ever lay a hand on her, I’ll rip you apart.”

Preston glares at me. “You’re dating this nobody? Seriously?” Oh, no, he did not.

“You’re the nobody, asshole, now leave.” Preston glances between Shawn and me a couple of times before turning and going straight to his car. He leaves without any other incidents, and I’m glad.

After he leaves, I start looking around. Everyone is standing out either on the porch or in the yard, and all eyes are on us. It’s then that I realize what Shawn told Preston. He said I was his. Not only that, but that I’m his girlfriend—and he said it in front of everyone! My stomach is nothing but butterflies right now. I cannot believe what I heard with my own ears.

“Now that I’ve made that little scene out here in front of everybody, you are my girlfriend, right?” He chuckles nervously.

“Maybe if you ask me.” I so totally am.

“Tara, will you be my girlfriend?”

“Sure. Why not.” I shrug my shoulders.

“Oh, I’m going to make your ass so red tonight for that.”

“Promise?” He leans down, I turn my face toward him, and when I do, he kisses my dirty, disgusting mouth. His is equally as dirty, but I don’t care. That dirty mouth tastes pretty darn good right now.



My phone buzzes from inside my pocket for about the tenth time. I’m exaggerating, but she’s called me a lot today. Taking it out to look at the screen, I confirm I was right. I might as well get this over with; if I ignore her calls any longer she’ll suspect something is wrong. It’s gotta beat talking to and staring at myself in this mirror any longer.

“Hey, Mom.” I turn around, propping my ass against the bathroom sink to lean my weight against it.

“Hey, baby, happy birthday.” Her voice has a calming effect on me. It always has, but then again, she’s my mom, so that’s probably why. I’m sure other kids’ moms have the same effect on them. “Why haven’t you answered your phone today? I’ve been calling since before noon.”

It’s now a little after eight at night on a Friday.

“Sorry. Been busy with back-to-back clients.” It’s not a lie, but I feel like it is. I’ve had time to call her a few times in-between.

“Shawn Douglas.” That’s all she has to say to tell me she doesn’t believe my bullshit. “Tell me what’s really bothering you. And do not say nothing. I can hear it in your voice.”

Ah hell.

“I’m fine, Mom, just tired. It’s been a long day and Tara wants to go out to celebrate my damn birthday tonight.” I run my free hand through my hair. I’m not only going to break one girl’s heart tonight, I’m going to break two. When my mother learned Tara and I started seeing each other a little over two months ago, she was thrilled; beyond thrilled, even. She loves Tara, and I know she’s going to murder me after tonight. And I won’t blame her.

“That’s what you’re going with? Okay, fine, Shawn. I’ll let this go since it’s my baby’s birthday. Just remember, Sunday at our house is mandatory. I’m baking you a cake, so I know I can expect you, right?”

“Yes, Mom, I’ll be there.” If I’m still breathing, and if I’m still welcome there.

“Love you. See you then.” Damn that sweet motherly voice. It makes me want to crack and tell her everything. A smart man probably would have asked his mother for advice. I’m not, and I can’t. There is no way in hell she would understand or be supportive in what I’m about to do.

“Love you too, Mom. Bye.”

I end the call and slip the phone back into my pocket. Turning around, I look at myself again.

You’re a stupid motherfucker. I hope you know that.

I probably am, but it’s either end my relationship now, or do something really stupid and she gets hurt even worse. As much as I dislike the asshole, Jared is right; I won’t last through the long haul. I’m not relationship material. I’ll fuck up and possibly lose Tara forever. I’ll figure out a way to deal with not waking up next to her every morning as long as she’s still in my life.

N. E. Henderson's Books