Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(75)

I grinned, shaking my head. “Yes, I don’t think that’s ever been in question.”

Denny laughed genuinely and I reveled in the sound, my mind picturing the goofy grin he always got, the warmth in his deep eyes. Once the moment of levity leveled, he asked, “What about Kellan? Do you think he’ll be…honorable?”

I blinked that he’d basically asked me if Kellan would cheat on me. As if, he too, questioned the solidity of our relationship. “Um, yeah, I think so…” I bit my lip, hating that I couldn’t give Denny a definite and re-sounding, “Yes, of course, don’t be ridiculous.” That sort of bravado was pointless with Denny, though. We both knew Kellan’s past, and we both knew how Kellan and I had gotten together. Kellan was capable of being with someone in immoral situations. Our relationship was proof of it.

Denny sighed. It was a sympathetic sound. “I’m sure he’ll be good, Kiera.” He paused a minute while we both reflected on his statement.

Softly he added, “He’d be an idiot not to be.” I smiled and sighed, feeling oddly reassured and a little sad. It wasn’t as if I’d left a bad relationship for a better one. I’d left a good relationship for a different, and also good, one. Things would have been easier if I could have painted Denny as an abusive, emotionally cutoff *. But he wasn’t. He was as close to the perfect boyfriend as they come. Truly, his habit of getting wrapped up in his work was his only real fault. And that was pretty minor, compared to the horror stories that I’d heard out there.

Shaking my head, I murmured, “Abby is very lucky, Denny.

You’re…a really great guy.”


He laughed once. “Yeah, I tried to tell you that…” I laughed once, too. “I know…I miss you.” He didn’t respond and I quickly added, “I should let you get back to your brunch. It sounds like you have some cooking to do.” I did miss him, his friendship, his sweetness, his loyalty…but I shouldn’t tell him things like that. Kellan had my heart, wholly. I didn’t want to be misleading.

Denny started chuckling, and I could hear the joy come back into his voice. “Yeah, Abby is many things, but cook isn’t one of them. I don’t even









of…unscrew-up-able.” I smiled, knowing that I couldn’t seem to make a decent pancake either. I guess Abby and I had at least one thing in common. Well, two really. We both deeply cared for Denny, just in different ways now.

“Goodbye, Denny.”

“Goodbye, Kiera. Everything will be fine, I promise.” I started to respond to that but he clicked off the line. “I hope so,” I said anyway, the dust bunnies the only things around to hear me.

Walking into Pete’s a while later, I couldn’t help but look up at the empty stage. Jenny’s beautiful drawing stood out on the black wall, and seeing our boys immortalized did help to ease the ache. But I’d really rather walk in on the foursome slinging back cold ones. That was one of my favorite things about working at Pete’s—waiting on the band. Even Griffin, in a weird, unexplainable way.

It was a quiet night. Since the fans knew that the band was gone, only a handful of them came in. Pete let Jenny go home early, but I stayed late with Kate, wanting to do something productive with my time.

Exactly at midnight, Kate handed me a note. She had a devilish grin on her face when she did. I bunched my brows together, wondering what she was up to. Giggling, her bouncy pony tail swishing over her shoulders, she pointed at the folded piece of paper she’d handed to me.

“Kellan made me promise to give this to you at exactly midnight tonight.”


Her topaz eyes lit up as she sighed. “He was so sweet when he asked.

Sigh…I need a boyfriend again.” She twisted her lips and glided off after her comment, leaving me wondering when Kellan had talked to her. When Kellan had talked to everybody. He sure had been busy before he left.

My heart started to beat a little harder as I held his note in my hands. I leaned back against the bar. Rita, sullen as she stared at the empty stage, the half-empty bar, ignored me. Biting my lip, I unfolded the note. It wasn’t sealed in any way, so I was pretty sure that Kate had already read it, but upon glancing at his handwriting on the paper, I didn’t care. I was too happy that he’d left me another surprise.

Hey, just in case I’m a schlump and haven’t called you yet, I wanted to say that it’s not because I don’t miss you…I do. Most likely my delay has something to do with Griffin…I’m sure the jackass will be a constant irritant on the road.

Well, at least he won’t be mentally undressing you for a while…that’s my job.

And in case I’ve never told you…I do it constantly. When you walk past me, I picture those slim hips bare under my fingertips. When you lean over to hand me my beer, I picture those firm breasts, your rigid nipples just begging for my mouth.

My face flushing bright red, I stopped reading and glanced up at Kate across the room from me. Oh my God, had she read this? Noticing me staring at her, note in hand, she started laughing. I figured she had then.

Well, at least Kellan had given this to her and not Rita…I probably never would have gotten it if that had been the case. My face heating even more, I considered reading the rest somewhere else, somewhere private.

S.C. Stephens's Books