Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(28)

Hovering by the front doors, I watched a familiar redhead with tight, bouncy curls talking to a couple of her friends. I recognized all three—Candy, and her two chatty spy-friends. They’d each bugged me about Kellan before. Candy the most, since she was the one that found sleeping with him an enjoyable pastime.

Well, that diversion was shut to her now, and she’d just have to get her kicks somewhere else. A small smile on my face, I watched as they laughingly trailed down the hall a few paces in front of me. I sighed when they all walked into the classroom that I also needed to walk into.

I’d had a class with Candy before, last spring actually, when Kellan and I had finally gotten together for good. Guess I had another class with her.

And, of course, this would be the class I had every day. And an ethics class to boot. Joy. I bet the universe was laughing its head off at the irony.

Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I walked into the room amidst a small flurry of butterflies in my belly. They settled quickly once the people already seated looked up, then looked back down. Well, all but three looked back down. Candy and her friends continued to stare as I made my way to a section nowhere near them. I felt the eyes on my back as I sat down and grabbed a notebook, doodling like a mad woman.

I waited to feel the presence of Candy moving to sit beside me. When I finally felt a body approaching, I cringed and peeked up. It was only some strait-laced guy, though. He gave me a look that said, Good, she doesn’t seem like a talker, maybe I’ll be able to hear if I sit next to her, then sat down beside me. I resumed my drawing, glad that at least Kellan’s ex-fling wasn’t going to disrupt my learning.

No, she left me completely alone…all the way until after class.


Mentally going over the teacher’s explanation on the difference between ethics and morals, I didn’t notice her approaching at first. I didn’t notice her until she and her friends had me sort of surrounded.

Looking between the three walking out of the class beside me, I sighed softly and prayed that Kellan was waiting for me by his car, and not right outside the front doors.

Sidling up close to my side, Candy tilted her head at me. “So, rumor has it that you and Kellan Kyle are a thing now. Like, a real thing.” Peeking over at her, I considered stopping and extending my hand in a formal introduction, since we’d never, ever had one. I didn’t though, only shrugged and muttered, “Yep.”

She scoffed, her clone-like friends around her giggling. “So it doesn’t bother you that he’s a whore.”

Stopping in my tracks, I glared over at her and wondered if I could slap a girl in the middle of school and not get in trouble. This was college, right? Wasn’t it all about the freedom of expression? “He is not a whore. Don’t ever call him that again.” I felt the heat in my tone and was a little proud of myself that my voice wasn’t shaking at all.

She put her hands on her hips, her friends moving to stand behind her, like backup singers or something. “Huh, I guess you’re right.” She leaned in, an eyebrow raised. “Whores get paid. He does it for the fun of it.”

I literally had to grab my jeans to not deck her. Seriously? Deciding getting arrested for assault wasn’t a good way to start the school year, I stormed off down the hall. She, of course, followed me.

“What? Can’t handle the truth? I just wanted you to be aware that he still gets it on with every girl he can.” She laughed, dryly. “It’s not like being with you has miraculously turned him into a good boy now. Men are what they are, and Kellan is a sex addict.” Tears of anger stinging my eyes, I twisted to face her. “You don’t know anything about him. You don’t know anything he’s been through.” 79

Leaning into her, I raised my own eyebrow. “I know you’ve slept with him, but don’t confuse sex for intimacy.” Irritated that I’d let her get to me, knowing full well that she was just trying to rile me up, I jerked open the front doors. Luckily, Kellan was not there.

Right on my heels, she snapped back, “Hey, I‘m doing you a favor.

You think he’s changed, you think he’s suddenly a faithful, one-woman man now? A tiger doesn’t change his spots!” Groaning as I dashed down the steps, I tossed over my shoulder, “A tiger doesn’t even have spots. Get your metaphors straight.” Prissily she marched beside me. “Whatever, my point is, Tina here,” she jerked her thumb at the blonde striding next to her, “saw him after a show on the Square just last week.” Smirking, she yanked on my elbow to hold me in place. “He was shirtless and about get it on with some skank.”

Tina nodded her agreement, adding, “And in a storage closet too…how romantic.”

Glaring between the two of them, I felt ice pour through my body. He had several shows during the week that weren’t at Pete’s bar. He got home really late after those shows, because he had to help clean up their stuff. He could have… I shook my head. No, not after everything…he wouldn’t do that to me. A nagging voice in my head added, “Right, just like you wouldn’t do that to Denny?”

Ignoring that voice, I narrowed my eyes at the gossipers. “You didn’t see what you think you saw. I trust him.” With that, I jerked my arm away and sauntered off.

Light laughter followed me, along with, “You know, him having your name across his heart doesn’t mean he’s not loaning out other parts of his body!”

S.C. Stephens's Books