Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(26)

Flushing as I turned around, I muttered, “I know, but you just staring at me like that is…different.”

He snorted and I peeked over my shoulder at him as I slipped on some clean underwear, also under my towel.

Grinning crookedly, he raised an eyebrow. “It’s just skin, Kiera.” Sitting up and scooting to the edge of the bed, where he could just reach me, he grabbed my knee. His hand started to slide up my leg. “And it’s far too beautiful to keep covered up.”

Loving the shivers he was sending up my body, but knowing that I couldn’t lounge in a bed with him today, unfortunately, I stepped away 72

and again pointed to his pillows. “I don’t need to get you any more riled up than you constantly are, by giving you a peep show.” Expertly slipping on my jeans while still having the towel firmly around my chest, I watched him chuckle and relax back down on his mattress. “Fine,” he muttered sullenly. “I’ll just remember that the next time you’re staring at my body.”

I paused in pulling my blouse out of my bag and met his eye. Knowing that I actually did stare at him quite a bit, I sighed and let the towel drop to the floor. His smile was glorious as he took in my plain, cream-colored bra and I looked away, embarrassed and a little turned on by his attention.

Quickly counting to five, figuring that was long enough for him to have a decent mental picture for the day, I tossed on my fitted, button-up shirt. Pulling my long hair out of the back, the bulk of it still damp, I rolled my eyes at the heat in his expression while he continued to stare at my covered-up chest. Men.

Clearing my throat finally brought his eyesight up. Locking gazes with me, he smiled devilishly. “Well now I’m turned on and you can’t go.

You’re just going to have to stay here with me today.” Laughing, I leaned over the bed to kiss him. He seemed to think that was a green light and grabbed my body, pulling me on top of him. Giggling in his mouth while we softly moved against the other, I was grateful that his mood had improved from the conversation earlier this morning. I really didn’t like him down about Denny, especially since he had no reason to be. I understood though. I’d hurt him so many times while I’d been with Denny. Both of them really. I had no desire to ever hurt a man again.

As our kiss got more intense, Kellan’s body started telling me that he really hadn’t been kidding about being in the mood. I reluctantly pulled away from his mouth. “I wish I could stay with you.” Frowning, I sulked. “I’m not really looking forward to today.” Sighing, he cupped my cheeks and searched my eyes. “Someday, I’ll get you to feel like the confident woman who was prancing around in 73

her underwear last night, all of the time.” Running his hand back through my hair, he added. “You are a beautiful, intelligent woman with a boyfriend who adores you. You have nothing to fear…ever.” Smiling, I blushed and looked away. “Easy for you to say, rock star.” Pulling back, I stood and found my comb. Running it through my locks, I watched him laugh and sit up. “I get nervous.” I gave him a very wry smile as I stopped mid-stroke. Yeah, right. Kellan Kyle was never nervous. Not around people. Not about his body or his looks. He oozed confidence in nearly everything he did.

Tilting his head, he shrugged. “No, it’s true. In the beginning, I used to get nervous on stage.”

Scrunching my brow, I finished unsnarling my hair. “Let me guess, you picture the crowd naked now?”

Chuckling, he stood up. “Nah, I had to stop doing that…turned me on.”

Pushing his chest back as he came up to me, I laughed unintentionally.

“You’re impossible.”

Shaking my head, I rolled my eyes; he only grinned and shrugged.

“We all have our weaknesses,” he muttered playfully, sneaking around behind me and holding me tight. “You will be great and I’ll drive you every day if you want.” Chuckling, he added, “Maybe I’ll sit in on a class or two.”

I laughed at the image of him bored beside me during lectures. “I doubt the professor would like you snoring during class.” Chuckling more, he kissed my neck.

Sighing, I rested my wet head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, letting his peaceful scent wash over me. I’d decided to forgo wearing his tshirt to school, but maybe I could get his scent to leech into my clothes.

Keep him with me olfactorily. God, what was I saying about not being consumed by him? I couldn’t help it. He was…consuming.


Much sooner than I would have liked, the time was up for me to go to class. As promised, Kellan drove me to school. His smile was peaceful as he leaned back in his seat, one hand draped across my thigh, the other casually holding the wheel straight. He seemed like someone returning to a favorite activity after a long absence. It made me smile that driving me around was such a pleasant experience for him. I’d think most people would get tired of it after a couple of weeks. Not Kellan though, he never complained about all of the various places that I needed to go. It was just one of the many ways he showed his affection. For never having been a boyfriend before, I was constantly surprised at how good he was at it.

Then again, Kellan was good at most things he tried…except pool…and, as I’d found out last night, poker.

Smiling at the image of him in black, silky boxers, pizza in hand as he twirled me around the kitchen, I didn’t even notice when we finally stopped. I blinked and looked around when he shut off the car.

S.C. Stephens's Books