Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(25)

I heard him clear his throat and pictured him running a hand through his piecey, dark hair, a goofy smile on his beautiful face. “Well, yeah, I know how nervous you get about stuff like that.” He paused and my throat dried up, amazed and stunned by his level of forgiveness. Kellan narrowed his eyes at my reaction, but didn’t say anything. In the silence, Denny asked, “Should I not have called, Kiera? Is this…weird?” 69

Swallowing repeatedly, I shook my head. “No, no, I’m sorry. Yes, of course you should call me. And no, you didn’t miss it, and yes, I’m a little nervous.” Not liking the tension that had built up, I said all of that really fast.

Kellan crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head, but Denny laughed. “Oh, okay, good. Well, I just wanted to wish you well, and let you know that I was…thinking about you today.” He cleared his throat again while I blinked back the tears again. God, he was just too good of a person. Sometimes I thought I was an idiot for ever hurting him. Okay, all the time I thought I was an idiot for hurting him.

“Thank you, Denny…for remembering. That was incredibly sweet of you.” I felt a flush creep over my face as I peeked up at Kellan. He sniffed and quickly looked away. I felt that age-old guilt wash over me.

And just when I thought I’d never have to feel guilty again too.

Softly, Denny responded with, “No problem, Kiera. I know that Kellan,” he swallowed after saying his name, “is probably doing a lot to help you out today, so you probably don’t need to hear it from me, but, good luck.”

Not knowing how else to respond, I only whispered, “Thank you, Denny.” Kellan, still not looking at me, took a step away. I immediately grabbed his arm. He paused, but still wouldn’t look back at me.

Denny laughed a little into the receiver. “Uh, and tell your sister sorry for me. I called there first and I’m pretty sure I woke her up.” Smiling, I laughed. Anna did not like being woken up early in the morning. “Yeah, I’ll be certain to do that.” Kellan’s arm under my fingers turned rigid, but he stayed where he was, staring at the coffee pot like it was the most important thing in the universe. I hated that this was bothering him, but it shouldn’t. Denny and I were nothing anymore, and he knew that.


I soothingly stroked his arm with my thumb as Denny laughed and said, “Well, Abby and I are at a party for work, so I should get going.

She’ll fillet me if I stay on the phone all night.” Laughing lightly, I told him, “Alright. Tell Abby hi for me, and have fun.” After he responded that he would, I turned from Kellan, angling my head away from him. “Hey, thank you so much for remembering, Denny…that means a lot to me.” Before he could respond, I added, “I’m so sorry, Denny, about everything.”

He sniffed and was quiet a moment, then, “Yeah, I know, Kiera. Have a great day at school. I’ll talk to you later, goodbye.” Closing my eyes for a second, I exhaled, “Bye.” Hanging up the phone, I kept my eyes closed as I twisted back to Kellan. When I opened them, he was still staring at the dark coffee resting in the full pot. Although his face was blank, a myriad of emotions were shifting through his eyes. He took another long second, then finally looked back at me.

Smiling encouragingly, I brushed a strand of hair off his forehead.

“Hey, you okay?”

He nodded, a smile seamlessly brightening his face, if not his eyes. “Of course, I’m fine. Denny called to wish you luck, that was nice of him.” There wasn’t a trace of jealousy or sarcasm in his voice, but I heard it anyway.

Sighing, I laced my arms around his neck. “You know that doesn’t mean anything, right? You know that I love you, and Denny is nothing more than a friend now, don’t you?” I searched his eyes as his smile faltered. “Don’t you?”

He started to look towards the pot again and I caught his cheek, making him look at me. His smile returned, perfectly natural. “Yes, I know, Kiera.” In a softer voice he added, “I know exactly what you and Denny are.”


Not entirely sure what he meant by that, I decided to just take it at face value. Leaning up, I gave him a soft kiss. “Good. Because, although he’s important to me, you’re more important, and I don’t want me talking with him to hurt you.”

His eyes widened as he stared down at me, like he really was surprised to hear me say that. It hurt my heart a little that he still didn’t understand—I’d chosen him, I loved him. Kissing him again, I whispered,

“I know what you’re thinking, and you’re wrong. You’re not second. I could have fled to him, but I went to you. I couldn’t live without you. I chose you. I love you.”









feels…unreal…I guess. I’m not used to being…loved by someone. I keep waiting to wake up.”

Biting my lip, I shook my head. “Well get used to it. I’m not going anywhere, Kellan.”

After a leisurely breakfast, Kellan helped me get ready for school.

Well, okay, Kellan laid out on his bed and stared while I got dressed. I’d already had to tell him that he couldn’t help me in the shower. Firmly pointing at him to stay put on his pillows, I proceeded to slip my bra on under my towel. Kellan shook his head at me, rolling his eyes. “I’ve seen you naked, you know?”

S.C. Stephens's Books