Broken Trust: A Dark High School Romance(58)

“Excuse me?” I snapped back at them, unsure who had actually delivered the insult.

None of them seemed so brave as to further their insults while Beck, Jasper and Evan were all staring right at them, but the looks I got were pure poison.

“They’re getting bolder,” Evan murmured as the girls continued across the parking lot to their own cars. “Katelyn’s influence, no doubt.”

Beck grunted a pissed off sort of sound. “We need to handle her. Sooner, rather than later.”

“Handle her how?” I asked, frowning up at them. Damn. Why were these boys all so damn tall, even when I was in heels? “What do you mean by that?”

“Undecided,” Beck murmured, then turned to Eddy. “I hear you’re moving in with Jasper, huh? This is going to be fun.”

“What? How does he know and I didn’t?” Jasper grumbled, pouting and stuffing his hands in his pockets as we all headed for the cars.

Eddy snickered a laugh. “Because it was more fun to blindside you. Hey, we should have a housewarming party! Like a giant one, for all of the apartments!”

Jasper gave his sister a light, playful whack on the back of her head. “Security, dipshit. No parties, no guests.”

Eddy let out a groan. “I thought the rules would be different away from the compound. Come on, Jazzy, one little party couldn’t hurt.” She put on her very best puppy dog eyes, but I could have told her she was barking up the wrong tree on this one.

“The answer is no, Edith,” Beck said in response to her pleading. “If anything, security needs to be even tighter now that we’re out of the compound. There has already been a death threat sent against Riley, and need we remind you of the incident here at school just last week?”

Eddy’s face fell, and she gave me a guilty smile. “Good point. Sorry, I was just caught up in the excitement.”

“Don’t stress,” I replied. “We can just party it up at someone else’s place and leave them to clean up the mess instead. It’ll be great.”

This seemed to cheer her back up a bit. “Oh yeah, Friday night. Sick. Okay, I’m gonna grab clothes from Mom and Dad’s place and head over. You wanna come with?”

Just as I opened my mouth to accept, Jasper cut me off. “No, she can’t. I already booked Riley for Mario this afternoon.”

“Ugh, you suck!” She whined at her brother, but eventually got in her car and took off with a wave and a promise to be over soon.

“Mario?” I questioned Jasper. Beck still hadn’t let go of me, and if I was being honest I wasn’t really in any hurry to detach his arm from my waist any time soon. “I hope you either mean Mario’s Pizza or Mario Kart. Or both.”

Jasper grinned, and Evan laughed.

“I like the way you think, Spare,” Evan complimented me. “Both sounds fucking epic. I’ll swing past Mario’s Pizza and meet you guys back in Riley’s apartment, yeah?”

The boys all said their goodbyes and I—shockingly—ended up strapped into the passenger seat of Beck’s Bugatti. A seat I was beginning to think of as my seat, which was probably another item to discuss with my therapist, whenever I got around to that.

Neither of us spoke for the drive home, but the way he drove—taking the long route, slamming through corners and far exceeding the speed limit—was deliberate. By the time we pulled up in front of our building, I was practically trembling with adrenaline. Among other things.

Fucking Beck. Everything he did lately seemed to just be proving how well he knew me, and god fucking damn if he hadn’t just got me all kinds of hot and bothered right before we were supposed to hang out with the whole gang.

“Everything okay, Butterfly?” he asked with total faked innocence when we stepped into the elevator. My arms were folded under my breasts and my thighs were clenched tight, but still I gave him a tight smile like nothing was wrong.

“Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” I lied.

A small smile played at his lips. Smug fuck. “Okay, well if you need a hand with anything ... just let me know.” His wink told me exactly where that hand would go if I accepted.

Beck pressed the button for our floor and as the doors slid closed, my resolve crumbled.

I threw myself at him in a flurry of motion, my school skirt was bunched around my waist, my panties discarded, and Beck’s long fingers were buried deep inside my aching pussy.

I moaned, long and way too loud as he skillfully finger fucked me against the wall of the elevator, sending me crashing over the edge into a dizzying orgasm right before we reached our floor.

Thankfully, no one was in the corridor outside the elevators when the door slid open, because although he’d gotten me off with the speed of light, I was still riding the aftershocks of my climax as he smoothed my skirt back down and pocketed my underwear.

Beck’s strong arm around my waist was the only thing that kept me on my stupid stiletto heels as I wobbled out of the elevator, my knees like jelly and glow worms still dancing across my vision. Still, neither of us spoke until we reached my front door and he claimed my mouth in a bruising kiss.

“I should get changed, and so should you. The boys will be here any minute,” I warned him, and a devilish look crossed his face.

“Do me a favor?” he asked, and silly me with my post-orgasm euphoria, just nodded. “Don’t wear any panties,” he whispered, his voice dark and dirty and full of promise.

Tate James & Jaymin's Books