Broken Trust: A Dark High School Romance(60)

I needed to cover my mouth to hide the startled laugh that escaped me at her suggestion. Beck glowered and turned back to me with a look of disbelief on his face, but I just shrugged.

“You heard her,” I chuckled, wiggling out from under him and making sure my vagina was covered before I flashed it at Eddy.

Beck grumbled something under his breath, but reluctantly stood up and adjusted his pants before glaring at Eddy again. “Never knew you to be such a cockblocker, Edith,” he muttered, but I could tell he was mostly joking. Mostly.

Eddy just shrugged and grinned. “’Kay, have fun with your hand tonight, Beck.”

“Think of me!” I suggested oh so helpfully as he stalked back out of my room.

Eddy dissolved into a puddle of laughter as the boys all left my apartment, and I whacked her with a pillow. Hard.

“Ow, what was that for?” she complained, still laughing.

“That.” I whacked her again. “Was for being a pussyblocker! Now I’m horny as shit, you asshole.”

This only seemed to make her laugh harder, but she rolled off my bed and grabbed a professionally wrapped gift box from on top of her bag. “Good thing I came bearing housewarming gifts then, isn’t it?” She winked, and I opened the box with suspicion, then started laughing myself.

“A vibrator? You bought me a vibrator as a housewarming gift?” I leveled an amused stare at her. “I can’t decide if you’re the best friend a girl ever had or the worst.”

She made a sound of mock outrage. “Clearly the best. It’s waterproof. Go take a shower and relieve some of that Beck induced tension so we can actually have a proper girls’ night.”

I had no idea what to do with the absurdity that was Edith Langham, so I just shook my head and went to do what she said. Why not, right?

School the next day was uneventful; it had been a quiet week on the old bullying front. There were still a few slut-coughs which probably wasn’t helped by the fact that all four boys seemed totally comfortable hugging me, holding my hand, generally shadowing me freaking everywhere. Then again, I didn’t much give a shit about what other academy students thought of me.

“Hey, how come there hasn’t been any blow back from the school admin about ... last week?” I asked Beck and Dylan after school while we waited for the other guys, and Eddy, to join us.

I hugged my arms around myself and shivered. I wasn’t really ready to discuss and dissect it but it had been playing on my mind that the whole school was acting like nothing had happened. I mean, Beck almost killed at least one student. There was no way the faculty didn’t know about it. It also made me wonder just where the hell all those teachers were during my attack.

“We had it handled,” Dylan replied, cryptic as fuck.

I scowled. “What happened to no more secrets?”

He nodded and sighed as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Okay, Delta made some threats, then softened it with a sizable donation to the school. In about a month, they’ll be breaking ground on a brand new Olympic grade polo stadium.”

My jaw dropped. “It’s that easy? Katelyn pays some guys to try and gang rape me in a classroom, then Beck puts them all in the hospital, and it’s all swept under the rug with money?”

Beck tilted his head to the side as he watched me. His back was against the side of his car and he looked totally relaxed, despite the content of our conversation. “Did you want to file criminal charges against them, Butterfly? We probably should have asked you instead of just assuming.”

“What?” I shook my head, frowning. “That’s not what I meant. And no, I don’t want to file charges and do the whole court hearing bullshit. Pretty sure they got what was coming to them anyway. Is that revolting cretin still alive, by the way?” By that, I meant Todd who’d clearly been the one leading the attack. I had a small hope that he’d eventually died from his injuries.

“For now,” Dylan murmured. “Oh look, here’s Eddy.”

I huffed, but let the subject drop seeing as I knew they wouldn’t discuss Delta around Eddy. Not that she didn’t already know way more than they realized. But whatever. Appearances.

“What’s the plan tonight?” she asked, bouncing up to us with Jasper and Evan not far behind her. “Movies and Indian food?”

My belly growled, but Beck shook his head. “Not for me, I’ve been called in for a Delta meeting.” He looked as happy about that as I imagined.

Just then, my phone buzzed with a message, and I swiped the screen to check it.

Richard: Riley, would you be able to stop by the house this evening? Catherine is away in New York. I promise you won’t see her.

“Apparently I’m popping by the Delta compound for dinner with Richard,” I told everyone.

“I’ll drop you over,” Evan offered, “I need to go check on my mom anyway.”

We all split up into our respective vehicles and headed out of the academy parking lot. I wasn’t super chatty with Evan, but there was a lot weighing on my mind. What Delta was calling Beck in for, and even stronger, what Richard wanted to discuss that couldn’t be done with Catherine home. Whatever it was, surely couldn’t be good or he would have just called.


Tate James & Jaymin's Books