Broken Trust: A Dark High School Romance(59)

I should have told him to go shove it, that we couldn’t just go back to playing happy families because we’d had one little group heart to heart. I should have told him that sex was not the answer to our problems, and that it was only confusing the situation more. I should have told him that I wasn’t interested in letting him toy with me, in allowing the sexual anticipation and excitement near drown me until the rest of the guys fucked off later that night.

I should have. But instead I just gave him a smirk of my own and let myself into my apartment, leaving him out in the hall without an answer.

Which, really, was answer enough.


As it turned out, letting my libido rule my actions was a terrible idea. Or an excellent one. The jury was still out on that case. I’d not only followed Beck’s instructions of leaving my panties off, I’d gone one step further and changed into a casual sweater dress, rather than the sweats I’d been planning on.

While I was perfectly safe sitting in one of my twin recliners to whoop Jasper’s ass in Mario Kart—proving I was a better driver than him on and off the roads—it was when I relinquished the controller to Evan, and Beck pulled me into his lap on the couch, that I was in trouble.

He wasn’t even subtle about toying with me, either. Eventually it was getting all too heated, and I excused myself to get a glass of water from the kitchen.

And by glass of water, I meant that I needed to go stick my head in the freezer for a quick second.

“Hey,” Dylan said from behind me as I was neck deep inside my ice box, and I jumped with fright. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” he apologized with a knowing smile. “Looking for ice cream?”

“Huh?” I blinked at him for a second. “Oh, uh, yes. Yes, that’s what I’m doing. Looking for ... ice cream.” I chewed my lip and avoided eye contact so he wouldn’t see the clear lie. Not that he probably hadn’t already worked it out. Ugh, I badly needed to work on a Delta face of my own.

“So what’s up?” I asked him, grabbing the first carton of ice cream I could touch from my freezer and plonking it down on the counter to grab a spoon.

Dylan started to say something, then stopped himself and scratched the back of his head uncomfortably. “I just wanted to check you were okay,” he finally said. “The other night at the gala—” when I kissed him...

“I’m fine,” I assured him, cutting off whatever else he was going to say. “We’re cool, right?”

He frowned at me for a long moment, concern evident on his face. “Yeah, always. Just so long as Beck didn’t—”

“I’m fine,” I said again. I didn’t really want to hear what he thought Beck might have done after seeing me kiss his best friend, but I was pretty sure fucking me fast and dirty in the bathroom wasn’t it. What could I say? We had issues.

Dylan nodded, seeming to accept my answer. “Okay, cool. I just wanted to touch base. I know all this shit with Delta and everything that happened last week has been a lot. You know you can talk to me if you ever need to?”

I smiled at his genuine offer, despite the fact that Dylan wasn’t exactly the most talkative of my new friends. “Thanks, Dylan,” I said with sincerity. “I appreciate it.”

From the living room, loud voices spiked, and we both glanced in their direction.

“Sounds like Jasper’s cheating,” Dylan commented, heading back through to investigate.

I laughed. “He does that often?”

“Way too often,” Dylan replied with a long suffering sigh then waded in to break up the heated argument between Jasper and Evan, which Beck was just sitting back and watching with an amused smile on his face.

While Dylan tried to mediate the argument between the two friends, Beck caught my eye and jerked his head in the direction of my bedroom. Then got up and sauntered his sexy ass in there all casual as anything, like he didn’t have a hard as fuck boner showing through his sweats. Then again, the other three were so deeply embroiled in their argument they probably didn’t notice a damn thing.

Fuck it.

Leaving them to their debate over whether it was cheating to interfere with the other player’s controller or not, I crossed the room and slipped inside my bedroom.

In a second Beck’s lips were on mine, his hands all over my body just like I’d been craving all evening. He picked me up and dropped me onto the bed without once breaking our kiss, pressing all of his hard body into mine as I almost silently moaned my encouragement. The guys were just in the next room, but if we were quiet enough we might have a shot...

Right up until my front door banged open and Eddy stepped inside my room, announcing loudly, “I’m here for my sleepover! Beck, that means you’re outta here.”

We froze where we were, my legs spread, Beck’s erection grinding into my naked crotch and his mouth on mine.

“Come on,” Eddy snapped, whacking Beck on the shoulder. “Move it. It’s girls’ night.”

“It is?” I asked, pulling back from Beck just a fraction.

“Since when?” he demanded, turning a glare over his shoulder at Eddy.

Typical of my new best friend, she just propped her hands on her hips and glared right back at him. “Since you all stole my girl for pizza and video games instead of letting her help me move. Now shoo. Go take a cold shower or jack off or something.”

Tate James & Jaymin's Books