Torrent of Tears (Scourge Survivor Series Book 3)(70)

“So, is that a yes?”

“Hell yes. Fuck yes. A million times yes.” He brushed his lips along my jaw and ran his fingers across my bare back. “If Elani’s safe, I’m yours ‘til death do us part.”

Annnd that would likely be in ten hours when the guards returned.

Right. What did we have to lose?

With his jaw cupped in my palms I focused on his face. “Are you sure? You have to be positive this is what you want. If not, I’ll find another way—”

A completely lucid, almost spiritual resolve cut across his chiseled features. “I’m sure. I want you as my own. Whether we die tonight, tomorrow or grow old and grey, I’m sure.”

The kiss that followed was better than any handshake to seal a deal. With his arms tight around my back he pulled me to the edge of the countertop. My ankles linked behind his thighs as his erection pressed against my belly. I swallowed hard as a wild rush of damp lust hit me.

I gasped. “Let’s get Elani to safety and get this honeymoon started.”

His smile grew dark and erotic. “Great idea.”


Removing Elani’s collar was easier than I expected. The orichalcum vibrated to life under my touch and obeyed my will, much as the water had in the shower and again in the canal. Linking the mechanism closed around my neck, I marveled at the warmth of the metal against my skin. Rowan looked like he might faint. I was jazzed.

Maybe Balor knew what he was doing with Sera. Casting aside the fact that I felt like a Franken-Faery, the combined strength of the four elements was a boon. The passion and fight of Fire made me strong and with the added command of Water and now Earth, who knew what I could do? Nothing had shown up from Air yet, but I had no doubt it would. The question was—how would it help me in the future?

After Ydorus called Estes and arranged to meet him at one of the remote launch sites off the staff wing, Rowan and Elani said their goodbyes. He didn’t want her to know about us planning our impromptu ‘I do’s’, because she would panic about the obvious consequences and he’d never convince her to get onto the launch. So, we said nothing.

While the two of them said their goodbyes, I scanned the room for the peepshow camera. From the angle of the video Zale had shown me and the fact that it caught the whole room—aha, not even a challenge.

The finial of the curtain rod on the far wall was exactly where Julian would put it too. I adjusted the curtain to cover the lens and continued to search for cameras and bugs.

If I were the Queen I wouldn’t want my personal business hardwired to some security room somewhere with guys drooling over my sex tapes. That seemed a little much. Still, I had to be sure no one had eyes on us or this plan was busted.

Moving to the bar by the window I opened the cabinet doors. Bingo. Nothing seemed to be active so I was fairly sure nobody was monitoring the room.

At the click of the lock, I turned. Rowan stood staring at the back of that closed door.

“Here, Doc, drink this.” I handed him a snifter of an expensive-smelling liquor and he sucked it back like it was water. It must have been the booze burning its way down into his gut that brought him back into focus because he choked and pounded on his chest, sputtering rosy cheeked for a while.


When he nodded, I tipped the decanter and handed him round two. This time, he swirled the contents against his palm and moved to the fire. Leaning one hand on the mantle he sipped at his glass, watching the orange-gold of the flames flicker and snap. His worry for Elani made my chest ache—family—there was no bond like it.

It gave you the greatest strength and comfort when all was well, but hollowed your guts and left you raw when it wasn’t.

I downed my drink and blinked fast. My siblings and I might be struggling, but Reign had raised us. He worked every day for the past two decades to build our family’s unshakeable foundation, one shitstorm at a time. Our family was stronger than mistakes made and words spoken in anger. It was stronger than new loves taking hold and stepping on toes. It was stronger than . . . everything.

How had I forgotten that?

My mind filled with the images of the fight at the Gatehouse. They were trying to make me see that they were worried. I didn’t listen. They had come at me hard, but that was our way. I knew that, still I ran and hid. Like a Princess.

“Do you think she’ll be all right?”

I blinked and met Rowan’s worried gaze. “Yes. I do. Ydorus will get her safely to Estes, find your godfather at the dramas and be back here before we know it.” I laid my face against the broad span of his shoulders and wrapped my arms around his waist. His front was sizzling hot from the heat cast from the hearth. “Don’t worry. S’all good.”

Rowan snorted, his body bouncing with amusement. “Yeah, it’s a Faery tale come true.”

I’d give him that one. The weight of what we were facing washed over me. One minute I was fine and the next, it felt like I might be crushed. “I wish my dad was here. Reign would cut through all this dictator bullshit before the Queen and the Strati even had time to crap their pants.”

“That’s quite an image. Tough man, is he?”

“You could say that.”

Rowan set his glass on the mantle and turned in my arms. “And what will this tough man have to say about me marrying his daughter without his permission?”

J.L. Madore's Books