The Words We Leave Unspoken(72)

And when I feel as if it is all too much, I remember Gwen’s wish, to be fearless. And I imagine her flying in the wind, arms outstretched without a care in the world, feeling many things but none of them fear. And I think, I can do this. I can be strong for her.

I’ve come to realize that love comes in all different sizes and shapes, all different faces. For my mother it looked like an ultimatum, a choice, a sacrifice. For Gwen, it came in the name of courage and surrender. And for me, it came through forgiveness. It came when I needed it the most, and fought it the hardest. They say that sometimes you don’t realize your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness. I believe this to be true. Love came when I was most fragile, lifted me up and made me whole. I was wrong about love. It doesn’t rob you of your strength, tear you down, and leave you vulnerable like I had feared for so long. Love comes from within, builds you up. Love is my strength and I feel stronger than ever.

Note From The Author

This story was never intended to be about Gwen’s cancer or her battle with the disease but rather about what happens behind the scenes. It is about how people react and change in the face of devastating circumstances. Although I researched Metastatic Breast Cancer and different forms of treatment, Gwen’s experience is a fictional account and any mistakes are my own. I have met so many women, many of them young mothers like Gwen, who are fighting cancer or in some instances, living with it. I am in awe of their strength and their positive energy. And I am always surprised when I learn their story, because from the outside you would never know their internal battle. Out of respect for these women and anyone battling a life-threatening disease or accepting a terminal one, I leave that part of Gwen’s story to them. Because it isn’t my story to tell.

L.D. Cedergreen's Books