Semper Mine (Sons of War #1)(30)

Walked into that one.

She settles on the other side of the tent. If the constant tap of some body part against the floor is any indication, she’s shivering.

“Where you been?” I ask.

“Around.” Her teeth are chattering.

Be cold, Iceman. “All right. Sleep well.”

It’s too dark to see in the tent. I can hear her rustling for a moment then sense her stretch out on the ground beside me.

I’m not going to do it. Not going to fall for it. Not going to get drawn in.

Not going to take mercy on her because she gave her sleeping bag to a nine-year-old orphan.

I know it’s a losing battle before I grate my teeth and sigh deeply.

“I’ll share,” I say reluctantly. “Shoes, socks and rain gear off. You can hop in with me.”

I am going to regret this. The last thing I want is to be so close to her, we’re touching the whole night.

Chapter Twelve: Katya

“I’m fine.” Wow. Can he be anymore insincere? What an ass.

I can’t feel any of my exposed skin, and my fingers are too numb to work right. Even so, I’d rather sit here and shake all night and risk freezing to death than trespass in his sleeping bag after such a forced offer.

“It’s not a request,” he says in the tone he uses with the kids.

I laugh. “Whatever. Like that shit works on me!”

He says nothing. Jesus, I’m cold!

“Come on, I’m serious,” he says.

“Yeah, you sound really eager to share. I’m fine.”

“Katya, you would make a terrible, terrible Marine. That said, you gave up your sleeping bag so Rory had one, which was a very sweet thing to do. The least I can do is share,” he says in a softer tone. “I don’t mind too much.”

There are times when he eggs me on and those when he says something I don’t expect. I touch my cheek. It’s hot, the only part of me that is, after my little tiff with Harris. No one’s ever slapped me before. It hurts more than I expected.

Then again, my hand does as well. Captain Mathis was right about the dangers of punching someone. My wrist feels swollen. It’s not the first time things got weird with Harris, but it’s the first that he actually hit me.

I’m not sure what to think about that.

“I’m okay here,” I respond, drawing myself out of my thoughts. “I appreciate it.”


I raise my head.


“You are not counting down like I’m –“ I snap, anger warming me from the inside out.


“Son of a bitch. Fine!” I sit.

“Shoes, socks, rain gear off,” he repeats.

I didn’t wear raingear, remember? I keep quiet. I’m too soaked to get in fully clothed. After fumbling with my shoes and socks, I pause, considering. He really doesn’t want me in there if I’m drenched and muddy. As reluctant as he is to share, I decide I’d rather be warm than anything else, like remain in these cold clothes. Besides, this might be a good chance to mess with him a little for his snide remarks about the menu I picked out this week.

Peeling off my clothes down to my bra and underwear, I sit, shivering. “Okay.”

He rustles around, making room I assume, and I scoot towards him. One foot finds the sleeping bag, and I slide it in. My god, it’s warm from his body heat and the insulation. I can’t wait to melt into it.

Captain Mathis’ hand finds my thigh, and I stop moving, struck by the heat and weight of his hand.

“What the … are you naked?” he demands quietly, the amount of surprise in his voice making me smile.

“Not naked,” I reply calmly. “I didn’t have raingear and was soaked to the bone. Move.”

For the first time since we’ve met, I’m pretty sure I just shocked the shit out of him. And I’m proud.

He shifts around again and I wriggle my way into the warm sleeping bag, my back at his solid one. A trickle of surprise and desire go through me. He’s naked to the waist, and his warm skin is pressed to mine.

“Oh, god, this feels good,” I groan. “I hate being cold.”

He says nothing. I can’t begin to imagine what’s going through his head right now. I do think that I’ve finally won a round between us. Warmth sinks into me, and I relax.

“Thanks,” I murmur.

“No problem.”

The words are forced, like his offer.

This guy really hates me. It’s kind of odd. I guess I’m not surprised, given our conversations. Yet there are times when I think the opposite, that there’s a part of him interested or at least, human. Maybe he only hates me part-time.

If that was the case, I don’t think he’d be freaked out about me being in my bra and underwear.

I’m not sure why that amuses me. Snug, warm and satisfied about surprising Captain Mathis, I drift off quickly, listening to the sounds of the rain and the distant rumble of thunder.


Some time later, I wrench out of deep sleep, alarmed. Lightning lights up the pup tent as bright as day. The smash of thunder immediately follows, strong enough to make the ground shake. My heart is flying, my adrenaline racing through my blood.

Lizzy Ford's Books