Saving Dancer (Savage Brothers MC #2)(49)

Chapter 28


I’m exhausted and I don’t even know how Jacob is functioning. He couldn’t have slept much the night before and it’s midnight now. We’re all piled in the waiting room for trauma surgery. We had gone to the club. Jacob and I quickly showered (and by that I mean we showered together and since I had never done that before, I wished we had more time, but we didn’t). We got dressed and headed out just in time to load up in the SUV with Dragon and Nicole. Crusher was still in the local hospital and in no shape to travel, though he was raising the roof because no one would let him. Dani was watching over him closely and again I thought I saw something between them.

We got here around three in the afternoon and we’ve been here ever since. Dr. Lyn, who is apparently the chief resident and director of the trauma-care floor, directed us to this small waiting room. We got to see Bull once, but he didn’t know we were around. He went in for surgery about an hour ago. They’re putting a gage in to help relieve pressure on his brain. There’s swelling, bruising and several spots bleeding. With each minute that passes by, the pit in my stomach seems to grow. The old adage about no news being good news, I am totally not buying it. Anything would be better than the not knowing. The door opens and we all look up expectantly.

“Kane family?” Dr. Lyn asks as she comes into the waiting area. All four of us stand up.

“I assisted in Dorian’s surgery. We successfully put in the gage to monitor the swelling and pressure on his brain. Considering everything, the bleeding we found was not substantial.”

“Will he be okay?” Dragon asks the question we all want the answer to.

“We’re hopeful. The swelling on the cranium is measured on a scale. Mr. Kane’s swelling measures in at fifteen. While that is something to worry about, the real danger area is around twenty. He’s on a ventilator and we’re going to keep him in a medically induced coma for the next day or so to keep him calm. We’ll start to slowly bring him out of it after that. Hopefully then we can run some tests and try to ascertain the extent of the damage inflicted.”

“Can we see him?”

“I’m sorry that can’t happen right now. Mr. Kane is medically sedated but we can’t risk that something might agitate him.”

“Will you have one of the staff update us if there are any changes?” Nicole asks, while Dragon walks off to stand facing the wall away from us.

“I can, but I suggest you leave a number where we can reach you with the nursing station and get some rest. There’s nothing else you can do tonight.”

Nicole nods and the doctor gives a tight smile and walks away. I turn into Jacob’s arms while I look over at Dragon. Nicole puts her hands on Dragon’s back. He’s got his head bent down and he slaps his fist on the wall. I wince at the force of the hit.

“I can’t lose another brother Mama.”

“I know. Sweetheart, let’s go back to the hotel and get some rest so we can be here for Bull tomorrow.”

Jacob’s hands tighten against my back and I look up at him. I see the worry and fear on his face and do my best to give him a reassuring smile. I’m sure it falls short. We give our information to the nurses and make our way back to the SUV. We head to the hotel that Nicole booked before we arrived.


I’m sitting on the bed wearing one of the silk negligees that Dani gave me. All of my clothes were destroyed. Thankfully Dani and I are pretty much the same size. It is way too sexy and not something I would pick out on my own. I miss my pajamas. It is a deep purple color which I love though. Plus, it feels good against my skin. It has thin spaghetti straps with the delicate silk trimmed in the prettiest lace. The top is loose and falls about mid-thigh. The bottom is a barely there strand of silk that seems small even for a thong. I quickly put lotion on while Jacob is busy in the bathroom. If I can get this done and under the covers I won’t feel so self-conscious around him. I’m not used to being dressed like this and dressed like this in front of Jacob is intimidating.

I don’t quite make it. I feel the bed shift with weight behind me. Jacob’s arms come around me, as he pulls me close. His hands come up and brush my breasts teasingly before cupping them, while he buries his head into my neck.

“Care Bear, you are so f*cking beautiful.”

I lean back into him, my eyes close savoring this moment and holding it close. This moment, this exact moment and the feeling that Jacob pulls from me, is why I’ve held onto my love for him.

“Mmmm…I like this side of you, Jacob.”

“I like this get up you have on. You look good enough to eat.”

His voice is husky with need and that combined with his touch makes me instantly wet and ready.

“You should sleep,” I say because he should and I’m worried about him, but even I can hear the lack of conviction in my voice.

“After,” he says moving the strap away from my shoulder, his lips grazing the same path.

“After?” I gasp as he bites into the juncture of my neck and shoulder, sucking the same area. Will he leave his mark on me? I want that.

“After I f*ck you and make you beg to come.”

“I…Oh god…” I moan as he pulls the top off of me.

I try to turn towards him, wanting more, but he doesn’t let me.

Jordan Marie's Books