Saving Dancer (Savage Brothers MC #2)(47)

Jacob stands up and he and Dragon start running towards the other side of the house.

“Be careful!” I yell, but I don’t think he hears me. I start to follow them, maybe I can help them somehow. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Freak.

“Where are you going?” Freak asks.

“I need to be close by in case they need help getting Bull out.”

“Dragon and Dance can handle it and Gunner and Frog are there too. You stay here where it’s safe. If you get closer to the house, you’ll just distract them.”

I don’t necessarily agree, but I give up trying to go after them. I don’t want to do anything that might distract Jacob and get him hurt.

In the distance I can hear sirens.

Freak leads me over to the garage. I look back at the house not wanting to leave Jacob. I want to see him the minute he gets free…

“We’re getting company, is Crush going to be okay?” Freak asks.

“Shit! There would have been less questions if we could have taken care of Crush at my place,” Doc says.

I turn around to see a very pale Alexander, a white bandage stained with red blood on his chest, up close to his shoulder. Dani is standing close by and there are tears in her eyes. It could be nothing, but it seems like more. I finally decide it is my imagination, since she makes no move to touch him.

“Shot in his chest, but you could tell the man either didn’t know what he was doing, or was in a hurry. If Crush hadn’t hit his head on the fall down he wouldn’t have been out of commission. It went straight through, so there was a lot of blood, but it was clean.”

“Shouldn’t you be glad an ambulance is here to take him to the hospital?” I ask confused. The others say nothing.

Alexander gives me a weak smile. “I’ll be okay, Red. I’ve had worse.”

I don’t think I believe him, but I’m too worried about Jacob, Dragon and Bull to say anything else.

Please God, let them be okay.

Chapter 27


I make it back to the window. I can’t see fire in the room itself, so I jump in without wasting time. I hear Dragon fall in behind me. There’s smoke, lots of f*cking smoke, but no real flames. It seems the blaze has been limited to the site of the homemade bomb. Thank f*ck it was a homemade bomb and small. It took out half of the kitchen and started a fire, but had the man been a professional, there would have been nothing left.

You can’t see a damned foot in front of you for the smoke and haze. I’m holding my breath and I’ve got my arm up over my mouth and nose, but soon I could be in real trouble.

I feel my way through Carrie’s bedroom and out into the hall. I can hear Dragon behind me, but I can’t stop to check on him. I have to hurry. If Bull is in here, there’s a limited time to get to him. He’ll die of smoke inhalation. Hell, I can already feel the burning in my lungs. I make it to the hall bath first.

“Bull!!!” I call out, but can’t find him anywhere, even with the low visibility, had he been in there I would have.

That only leaves one room. Holding onto the wall I make my way to the spare bedroom. The door is locked. I use my shoulder and ram it, Dragon joins in and it breaks away from the frame and opens up. Lying on the bed is Bull. He’s unconscious, that much is clear. Still, even through the smoke I can see the blood. A f*cking lot of blood coming from his head! I don’t have time to inspect him further, I grab him in a fireman’s hold and start back the way I came. Dragon leads the way to our escape route, none too soon. The heat is closing in on us and you can hear the crack of wood all around. We need out of here before the whole damn place collapses on us.

“Damn Bull, you are a big motherf*cker,” I say to no one in particular, as I struggle to carry this hulk of a man.

We make it back to the bathroom much quicker, but by now the flames have spread and they are reaching out towards us like deadly hands. The creaking of weakening beams becomes louder.

Dragon helps me carefully get Bull out the window, handing him out to Gunner and Frog. He then insists I go out the window first and since we’re both coughing like little bitches, I don’t argue. He plows out just seconds behind me and we drag our tired asses from around the house and back to the garage.

I see Carrie the minute I turn the corner and she runs straight at me. She’s a damn mess, but at the same time so achingly perfect. She is the answer to every dream I’ve ever had.

I grunt as she connects with my body at full force. She wraps her arms around me and I grab hold of her ass and lift her up. A second later her legs are locked at the back of my ass.

“I was so worried,” she whispers against my lips. I push into her mouth kissing her hard. My throat is burning and dry but I do not give one damn. I need this. Our lips break away slowly and I give her one more chaste lip touch before pulling away completely.

“Care Bear. I’m okay.”

“I love you, Jacob.”

The words give me the familiar kick in my gut and a speeding heart. They also bring me a feeling of joy. I can’t stop myself from kissing her again—this time with everything I’ve got inside of me. Our tongues dance and mate and then war with each other, fighting for dominance. Even the taste of smoke can’t stop the flavor of Carrie from coming through. This woman is better than a drug. She’s like pure air and I need her to survive.

Jordan Marie's Books