Saving Dancer (Savage Brothers MC #2)(46)


“My son and I were very close. He was all I had in the world and he was taken away from me. Taken away, because of you.”

Fuck…this would be the unknown Phoenix…Dragon said he felt like things would happen soon. I wish he had been wrong.

“He tried to rape me!” Carrie defended. Just hearing that word kicks me in the gut and makes my hands shake. Now is not the time for a panic attack. I beat that shit back down. I hate feeling like this.

I hear a loud sound of a hand connecting with flesh. I peek around the corner and see that Phoenix has laid the gun down and smacked my woman. The hit was so violent, her head is thrown back and her chair scrapes backwards against the floor, almost tipping over. I don’t even think about it. I should. I would have liked to make him hurt more, for the hell he has put Carrie through—to make him suffer for touching her. I don’t, I stand up and aim my gun.

He looks at me in shock, but before he can even get a word out, I shoot the motherf*cker in the head. He goes backward with a crash as Carrie screams. I walk further in the room, my gun still trained on the man. When I step to the chair Carrie is sitting in I feel her arms going around me. Her face buries into my side, muffling her cries.

I look down at my enemy. Blood is leaking from his head and it looks dark against his pale skin. His eyes are open. He’s not coming back. Still, I shoot the remaining five shots into his head. There’s probably nothing deader than dead, but it can’t hurt trying for it. Every time I shoot, Carrie jumps. I wrap my free arm around her and hold her to me. When the chamber is empty I put the gun on the table and wrap both arms around her, pulling her up to me.

“Shhh… I got you, Care Bear. I got you.”

Chapter 26


I got you Care Bear, I got you.

The words echo in my head and Jacob holds me. I’m shaking like a leaf on a tree as he subtly shuffles me so I’m hugging his front now instead of his side. I wrap my arms tight around him. I know he’s protecting me from seeing the body. I don’t really want to see it, so that’s fine with me. I hold him tighter and breathe in his scent. I want to forget everything that just happened, but something is stopping me.


“Yeah, Care Bear.”

“He said he was going to kill me.”

“I know baby, but you don’t have to worry anymore. He won’t hurt you ever again.”

“I know but he…”

“I told you baby, you don’t have to…”

“Jacob! He has a bomb at least I think it’s a bomb,” I exclaim and I can hear the wild panic in my voice.


“Under his coat, Jacob! We have to get out of here!”

Jacob lets go of me to investigate. I look over his shoulder when he bends down. I don’t want to look at the dead guy, but I have to know if that is really a bomb. Jacob moves the coat back and the small timer device now has only a minute showing. Jacob grabs my hand, and pulls me to the door.

“Run!” I stumble to catch up because of the force he uses to get us through the door.


“Drag said Crush was in the garage! GO CARRIE!” He yells and I take off running as soon as I clear the door. Jacob must have decided I didn’t move fast enough, because he picks me up in his arms and takes off running.

We’ve almost made it to the garage when an explosion rocks and vibrates around us. Jacob is propelled downward from the force of the blast and we hit the ground. He braces himself so I’m not crushed beneath him. Even more, he uses his body to shield me. This is a man. This is the type of man you love for life. This is a good man. Please God, let me keep him.

My ears ring and sound becomes distorted either because of the loud noise of the blast, the gunshot or maybe both combined. Jacob is asking me if I’m okay, but it sounds like his voice is in a dark hole and being filtered before it gets to me. I can barely make it out.

Dragon and several others come running toward us. I look at the house and the entire right side is in flames. The roof is caved in over the area we just left.

“Bull! Where’s Bull?” Dragon growls when he makes it to us.

“Bull? What are you talking about? You only mentioned Crusher being in the garage?” Dancer responds, motioning over to where Poncho, the club doctor and a couple of the other boys are.

“Dani said Crush called Bull this morning and asked him to come watch Carrie while he did some things. We went back and checked the cameras. They picked up Bull getting here right after you left. It looked like they met outside and Bull went in the house while Crusher went on in the garage.”

“No one was here when I woke up,” I respond, feeling a sense of dread come over me. Could the man already have killed Bull?

“I didn’t see anyone in the house either,” Jacob adds. “Only rooms I didn’t check were the hall bath and the second bedroom.”

We all look back at the house engulfed in flames and I get physically sick to my stomach. The thought of Bull trapped in there…

“Fuck, let’s go around back. Maybe we can get in through a window,” Dragon orders.

“The bathroom window in Carrie’s room is already open, it’d be our best bet, plus it’s furthest from the main blaze.”

Jordan Marie's Books