Fire In His Eyes (Secrets & Seduction #1)(64)

After the news had been shared with Julianna, she even allowed Snoopy to come over to her house on the weekends. So Snoopy spent the week with us, and every weekend with Stacey, one with us, and one with Stacey and her mom. I had even met Julianna, and she had been pleasant, wanting to meet me and know the woman who would be helping to raise her daughter. She accepted me, it seemed and even seemed happy to see Victor happy with me.

Victor pulled me down to the sand, onto the blanket we had placed there, and we continued to watch Stacey throw sticks for Snoopy to fetch. Snoopy bounded after the sticks and raced them back to Stacey barking at her to do it again. Eventually, the tired duo made their way back to us, and Stacey plopped down on the blanket at our feet, Snoopy’s head immediately in her lap.

“Tired kiddo?” Victor asked as his daughter sighed and leaned back onto her forearms.

“Yes, a bit,” she stated, “But before we go, I wanted to ask you guys something.” She looked serious.

Victor looked at me a little fearfully, and I shrugged my shoulders indicating I did not know what was on his daughter’s mind.

“What is it, sweetheart?” he asked giving her his full attention.

“I was wondering when you guys were going to get married,” she blurted out. “Mom, said the divorce was final this past week and that you might be planning on getting married.” She looked at me and then at her father. Victor looked to me. We had decided to not rush into a marriage, even though we both wanted to have that bond, that symbol of marriage that would tie us together for eternity, but we wanted Stacey to be ready for it. When Victor did not speak up at first, I decided to be candid with her.

“We haven’t really set a date yet, Stacey. We love each other and we want to get married, but we wanted to give you time to get to know me better,” I stated honestly.

“I know good people when I see it, Monica,” she gave me a dazzling smile, just like her fathers. “And you are good people. I don’t think you should wait. You make my dad so happy, and I love you for that.”

A lump formed in my throat. “Thank-you,” I choked out over the restriction in my throat and reached out to her. She grasped my hand and squeezed it. Victor laughed quietly beside me squeezing my other hand.

“So, when do you think we should get married?” he asked her earnestly.

She turned her head to the side, apparently mulling it over for a few seconds. “This summer. Summer weddings are beautiful and romantic. We should do it on the beach.” She stated matter-of-factly looking around her taking in the view.

“On the beach, huh?” He looked at me quizzically.

I laughed. Was this conversation for real, I wondered? They both were looking at me expectantly. “A beach wedding. I like the sound of that,” I stated tentatively.

“Great!” Stacey laughed clapping her hands. “Let’s do it in June on dad’s birthday.”

My mind spun rapidly counting. “June!” I croaked. “That is four months away.”

“Yeah, four months is plenty of time.” She brushed the note of concern in my voice away and jumped up. “I will be a bridesmaid, though, not a flower girl! Do you like purple, Monica?”

“Yes, I like purple, and lavender,” I stammered. Victor just looked from me to his daughter with love in his eyes for the both of us. He reached and took ahold of my other hand, holding them both and gaining my full attention.

“I’d love to marry you in June, Monica. It would be the best birthday present ever,” he stated sincerely blue eyes beginning to flame.

“Then it is settled,” Stacey added gleefully and turned to whip the stick out into the breeze as Snoopy gave chase, and she after him.

I was in shock. Four months. “Monica?” Victor interrupted my thoughts as I looked at Stacey’s retreating figure and returned my gaze to him. “Will you marry me in June?” he asked.

I looked into the eyes of the man I loved more than anything else in the whole world. Everything I needed I saw in those eyes. I saw the fire begin to smolder, and I knew now that only I could put it there. His heart had been ice, but now he burned for me. I had no doubts. Not anymore. No reservations.

“Yes. I will marry you in June,” I whispered and crawled onto his lap. As his head dipped to mine to seal our pact with a kiss, his blue eyes burst into flames, and I melted into him. I was where I belonged.

MJ Nightingale has been a teacher for twenty–two years. She graduated from University in Canada with a Bachelors of Arts degree majoring in English, and honoring in American History. She went on to get her Bachelors of Education Degree in Secondary Education.

Reading has been a part of her life since she was a child. She has been an avid lover of classical English and American literature, but romance has always held a special place in her heart. She devours romance novels all summer long, and any type of fiction; thrillers, crime, suspense, and drama. She has published poetry, lyrics for song scores and short stories under a different name.

She has taught Creative Writing to high school students for over fifteen years, several who have gone on to publish works of their own.

She currently lives in Florida, where she continues to teach, with her wonderful husband of eight years, and her twin sons. She plans on pursuing her writing career full time very soon.

M.J. Nightingale's Books