Defiance (The Protectors #9)(28)

Because kissing Vincent, or being kissed by him, rather, since I wasn’t doing anything but trying to survive the onslaught, was unlike anything I could have even perceived. My entire body came alive the second his hard lips ground over mine, and I felt tears stinging my eyes as an emotion I never would have ever considered bombarded me.


Humiliation went through me as Vincent gentled his kiss and then pulled back just a little. “Nate?” he whispered, and then the rough pad of his thumb was swiping through the silent tears that were skimming down my face.

I shook my head and tried to keep myself from completely breaking down. Because I really wanted his mouth back on mine. “I’m sorry,” I said as I shook my head.

“Why are you sorry?”

He tipped my head up, forcing me to look at him. I felt like a foolish child instead of a grown man. I shook my head again. No way I could tell him.

His lips brushed over mine tenderly. “Tell me,” he urged.

I laughed as he held me there like that, and I knew he was going to strip me raw without even trying. I didn’t recognize my own voice as I whispered, “It’s like I can finally breathe.” I released one of my hands from his waist long enough to wipe at my eyes. He didn’t move his own hand away. “I know that doesn’t make sense,” I stammered as I struggled to keep looking at him. When he didn’t say anything, I tried to pull away so I could escape the humiliating moment.

But he held me firmly in place and then his mouth brushed over mine again. “It makes perfect sense,” he said softly, and then he was kissing me again. The onslaught was devastating and all I could do was cling to him. When his tongue sought entry into my mouth, a voice in my head told me I needed to stop this, that I had already crossed a line that would be hard enough to come back from, but I didn’t listen. I opened for him and eagerly let him angle my head however he wanted.

I nearly stopped breathing when his tongue stroked over mine in greeting. I’d hated kissing girls like this. But I could never explain why.

Now I knew.

The texture of their lips, the softness of their mouths, the hesitation as they’d demurely returned my kisses – it had all been wrong.

This…this was right. And at the moment, it was the only right thing in my whole goddamned life.

Vincent wasn’t just kissing me. He was taking, he was owning, he was consuming. I had no control, but I also had no fear as I tried to kiss him back. My body was thrumming with excitement and need and I quickly wrapped my arms around his back and tucked them over his shoulders, ignoring the pain in my injured hand. I couldn’t stop shaking as I began rubbing up against him like a cat in heat. Whimpers were falling from my throat and when he pulled his mouth from mine, I tried to follow. Instead, his hand slid into my hair and tightened so his hold was bordering on painful. But even that just stoked my lust instead of easing it. Teeth scraped over my exposed throat as he forced my head back.

“Oh, God,” I grated out as he gently bit down on the sensitive skin where my neck met my shoulder. His tongue was sliding over the spot a second later, soothing it. He took his time working up the other side of my neck, licking, biting and kissing as he went. At some point, he’d wrapped his free arm around my waist and pulled me so tight against him, there wasn’t room for even a wisp of air between us.

When his mouth covered mine again, all bets were off and I knew he was done gently easing me into my first kiss with a man. And I’d never been more grateful for anything in my life. I was also done being a passive participant. I sifted my fingers into his hair and held on as I pushed my tongue into his mouth. I didn’t care how awkward it probably was. All I cared about was getting as close to him as I could. All I wanted was more of his hands everywhere.

“Touch me!” I demanded as I kissed him with no finesse. In theory, I knew what I was asking for, I just didn’t know how to ask it.

But luckily, Vincent knew what I wanted, and the second his hand closed over my cock through my pants, I began humping his palm. I couldn’t breathe, so I had to stop kissing him. His mouth latched onto my ear as he began murmuring things into it. How hot I was, how good I felt. Didn’t matter what he was saying. All I cared about was his voice urging me on and his hand giving me the pressure I needed. But it wasn’t enough and when I told him so, he kissed me again as his fingers fumbled with my pants.

The sound of my zipper being drawn down set off warning bells in my head, but my body was too far gone to care.


“Don’t stop!” I demanded as I searched out his mouth again. I knew that even if he gave me the chance to stop, I wouldn’t take it, despite my brain trying to remind me how wrong all of this was.

“I don’t care,” I told myself, unconcerned that I’d said the words out loud.

As soon as Vincent’s hand closed around my shaft, I could feel my orgasm taking over.

Although it wasn’t like any orgasm I’d ever known. I wrapped my arms around Vincent’s neck and buried my face against his shoulder as I ruthlessly fucked his hand. My body was in complete control and my mind was only along for the ride. The pleasure began rolling over me in building waves that weren’t quite enough.

“Vincent,” I cried out desperately, willing him to fix this…to fix me.

“I’ve got you, baby,” he whispered, and then his hand began stroking me in earnest, the roughness of his skin heightening the sensation. Definitely a man’s hand…no mistaking it for anything else.

Sloane Kennedy's Books