
My brows furrow. “What do you mean he got caught once?”

She shrugs her pale shoulders and keeps quiet.

My lips purse. It seems like everyone knows Dane’s history except me.

“He’s a good man,” she muses, tapping her nails on the table. “One of the best.”

“Do you want him?” I ask bluntly, needing to know the answer.

Her blue eyes flare. “If he wanted me, yes I’d be with him in a heartbeat. But he only sees me as a friend. As his responsibility. And now that you’re in the picture well…”

“Well what?”

“Well, I wouldn’t even try get in the way of that. I’m not that kind of woman.”

My lip quirks.

She starts giggling and soon I join her.

“Yes, I’m a prostitute with morals, so what?”

I start to laugh even harder.

Chapter Nine

Today was the day.

My wedding day.

My dad had got me a dress made. It obviously wasn’t like a traditional wedding dress, with lace or silk, but it was still beautiful. It was white and off the shoulder, made from cotton. Form-fitting, it clung to my every curve. Kim, the seamstress, stitched in an in built bra kind of thing so I didn’t need to wear one, which was good because I didn’t have one that could be concealed. My blonde hair was down my back in a thick fishtail braid, with white flowers interweaved. For the first time in my life, I actually felt like a princess.

If only I had my prince to share the day with.

I cringe at my own description of Dane.

“What’s that look for?” Gina asks, smoothing down the bottom of my dress.

I look down. “Do you think it’s stupid to have a wedding ceremony? I don’t know, it just seems so insignificant in the scheme of things.”

“The world has fallen apart sweetie. Everyone is trying to grasp onto normal with both hands. You’re our leaders’ daughter. If anyone deserves a wedding, it’s you. Everyone will love it, trust me. You will be the talk of the castle.”

“That’s what I was worried about,” I grumble.

Gina laughs, looking me over from top to toe and nodding. “Dane’s missing out today.”

“His loss, Lars’s gain,” I attempt to joke.

She arches a brow. “Lars is hot. He isn’t the worst man in the world to kiss.”

I make a face. Yes, Lars was good looking, but he was… Lars.

My dad walks in, pride shining in his eyes. “You look beautiful. Just like your mother.”

I wish she was here right now. She would know exactly what to say, exactly what to do. Me? I wasn’t so sure. I was nervous, and not in a good way. My dad nods his head at Gina, then returns his gaze to me. “Are you ready?”

I nod, even though that wasn’t exactly true. Sad, but I kind of just wanted this over and done with. I didn’t know how I felt. Dane was supposed to be here with me. Today was supposed to be different than it was. But no one got what they wanted and I wasn’t any different. He offers me his arm, and I take it. Sucking in a deep breath, I squeeze my eyes shut and exhale.

I can do this.

I didn’t exactly have a choice.

My eyes widen at Lars as I see him checking me out. He looks me over from head to toe, a smile playing on his lips. I find my own lips twitching. I must have really transformed today because I’ve never seen him look at me like that before.

I come to a stop before him. My dad moves so he’s standing before us, changing part from father of the bride to celebrant. I can feel everyone’s eyes on me, but I don’t look their way. Instead, I keep my eyes between my dad and Lars. He’s wearing a thin white shirt and black pants. His hair is brushed away from his face, showing off his cheekbones. He really is a good looking man. The chapel is silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop. We all look to our leader, waiting for him to speak.

“Today my daughter will marry and secure her and her husband’s place as our future leaders,” he says, looking around the room. “Lars will be standing in for Dane, who is out on a dangerous mission.”

I ignore the whispers around the chapel.

My dad starts talking to the room, but I zone it out, instead studying the pair of lips I was going to have to kiss soon and wishing they belonged to someone else.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You can kiss the bride…”

Just how long did I zone out for?

Lars looks down, then steps to me, closing the space between us. Clearing his throat, I can see his hesitation. Rolling my eyes, I lift my palms to grip each side of his face, and go up on my tip-toes, fusing our lips together. Suddenly, I hear the chapel door open with a bang, and a familiar voice growl out, “Lars!”

Lars pushes me away like I’ve burnt him.

Still in shock, my jaw slack with surprise, I turn to see an angry looking Dane standing there, his chest heaving with each deep breath. He’s wearing all black, and his shirt is ripped at the sleeve and covered in dust.

He never looked sexier.

Throwing down his bag with a thud, he storms forward, his lips tightened to a thin line. Lars steps back and joins the crowd without a word. Dane takes his spot, his gaze hard on mine. I don’t know why he’s angry, it’s not like I wanted Lars to stand in for him.

Chantal Fernando's Books