
He sounds pissed off over the fact. My eyes widen at his admission.

“I didn’t see you all day, and I f*cking missed you.”

His jaw clenches. Nope, he doesn’t like that I’m getting to him one bit.

Secretly feeling thrilled, I’m about to reply when he lowers his head and kisses me. Falling into the kiss, I boldly wrap my arms around his neck, while his hands find my lower back. Bodies pressed together, I groan as his tongue plays with mine. He tastes good. He feels good. Everything about him makes me want more. Is this normal? To want someone so much? I wasn’t sure. He palms my ass, moaning and pulling me even closer to him. When he finally pulls away, I’m panting.

I’m so turned on, I think I will explode if he stops touching me.

“I came to say bye,” he rumbles.

Wait, what?

“Bye?” I manage to ask through the lust haze I was in.

“I have to leave Olivia,” he says, arms still around me. He rubs my back now, in soothing, calming motions.

My heart sinks.

“I didn’t know you were leaving so soon?” I say, dropping my hands.

With a sigh Dane moves away from me, and sits down on my bed and looks up at me. “I’ll try to be back as soon as I can.”

I remember my dad’s words about Dane and his responsibilities. “It’s okay Dane. You just make sure you and the others come back safely.”

He dips his head. “I will, don’t you worry about that Olivia.”

I sit down next to him. “I have a question.”

“What is it?” he asks, taking my hand in his and rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

I clear my throat. “How come Sam isn’t going with you? He’s one of your top men, is he not?”

Dane bobs his head. “He is. This is more of a personal mission, I guess you could say. I’m going alone Olivia.”

Alone? My pulse races. I didn’t think the thought of him going out there alone. How was he going to survive? And a personal mission?

“Right, now I definitely have no more questions,” I mutter sarcastically, making him chuckle.

“Just something I need to do, and it needs to happen now before more people are hurt.”

“Are you always going to be this cryptic?” I ask.

“Are you always going to be this beautiful?” he counters, pushing a tendril of my hair back behind my ear.

“I hope so,” I reply dreamily.

Damn him!

His finger trails down my jawline, and I think I stop breathing.

His lip twitches at my response. “The second I return, you’re mine.”

“Why not now?” I groan. “I don’t want to wait.”

He chuckles. Taking my hand he puts it on his dick. His extremely hard dick.

“I want you too, trust me. But I want to take my time with you, and I need to leave right now.”

“You should have come over last night,” I complain. My hand was still on his groin and the heat coming from it was almost burning my hand.

“You were mad at me yesterday. I was giving you time to cool down,” he says, taking my hand and holding it in his. I kind of wanted to touch his penis some more.

“I’ll probably be mad at you every day. I read that angry sex can be good too.”

He laughs, his body shaking with the effort. “We aren’t having angry sex for your first time.”

“Second?” I ask hopefully.

He shakes his head, eyes dancing with amusement. “I decide when, not you.”

I pout.

Dane pushes me down on the bed, bracing himself over me.

“What?” I ask as he studies me.

“You,” he murmurs.

“Me what?” I breathe.

“You aren’t what I was expecting.”

His eyes flash with an emotion I can’t pinpoint. I don’t know how to respond but we both stay there like that, our gazes connected, emotions flashing between us without words said.

A knock on my door makes us both jump.

“Dane, I know you’re in there,” comes a dry voice.

My father.

I cringe, but Dane just grins. “I’ll see you soon.”

Another kiss, this one quicker, and then he’s gone.

“Don’t be sad Olivia, you still have me,” Regan says, smiling.

“I know, thank you for keeping me company Regan,” I tell him, flashing him a grin before looking back down at the vegetables I was cutting. I was bored and I needed a distraction. Helping in the kitchen was only one of the tasks that I’d taken on today. I hand him a piece of carrot then finish up the rest. When I’m done, I look down at him, munching away noisily.

“What do you want to do now?” I ask.

He perks up. “Climb some trees?”

I look down at my dress. “Okay but let me get changed first.”

“I’ll wait outside,” he says, running out of the room. Grinning at his excitement, I head to my room to change. When I feel someone watching me, I sigh and spin around.

“Why have you been following me all day?” I ask Lars.

He shrugs. “Dane’s orders.”

“What were your orders exactly? I’m walking to my room and back. How much trouble could I possibly get into?”

Chantal Fernando's Books