
“Wow,” I mutter.

Some of the heat leaves him. “Sam get your hands off her unless you want a round with me.”

Sam slowly slides away.

Sweaty, Dane leans over me and stares right into my eyes. “Don’t touch another man Olivia.”

“You’ve been training without me?” I ask, my voice coming out all breathy.

“Went for a run,” he says, scanning my face.

He licks his lips.

I stare at his mouth.

“Kiss me.” A soft demand.

I kiss him. No tongue, just a sweet, sensual kiss. He pulls back, making a deep sound in his throat that makes me want to jump him.

“You’re not a traditional woman, are you?” he asks.

“No. Why?” I reply, feeling dazed both from his kiss and from being in such a close proximity to him.

“Good. I want you in my bed. Tonight.”

With that, he walks off, leaving me staring after him.

I turn to Sam, to see him adjusting himself. “Fuck, that was hot.”


“What?” he says, shrugging. “You better f*ck him tonight or I will.”

We both burst into laughter.

That night, I was a wreck.

I was nervous, I was excited. I was impatient.

Was it going to hurt? Moments like this, I wish my mother was alive. I couldn’t imagine having these talks with my dad. I didn’t have a large choice of options in regards of what to wear. I had a black lace bra set, but I hadn’t worn it since the day we found the castle. I’d been wearing it the day Mother died. Fingering the lace material, I decide to put it on. It was the nicest set I owned. We had a wonderful seamstress here, but material wasn’t always easy to come by. Looking in the mirror, I let my robe drop to the floor and slide the lace up my thighs. Then I place the bra on. It’s a little snug, but makes my breasts look good. I’d taken a long bath, taking extra time to make myself look good. Now, I was just waiting for Dane.

Hours later, when he still hasn’t arrived, I go to sleep.

I wake up in the worst mood. Was this what sexual frustration felt like? I didn’t like it. Storming to the kitchens for breakfast, I ignore everyone I come into contact with. I see Sam sitting at a table with Jase, so I grab my food and join them.

“Morning,” I mumble, taking a bite out of the fresh bread roll.

Sam looks to Jase, then me. I know he wants to ask me what happened, but can’t in front of Jase.

“Morning,” he replies. “Sleep well?”

I rip another chunk of bread and shove it into my mouth. “Wonderfully.”

Jase smirks. “What’s with you princess? I think you need a good hard f—”

“Shut your mouth Jase,” Dane snaps. “That’s my future wife you’re talking to.”

Shockingly, Jase shuts up. I refrain the urge to flash him a smug smile.

Dane looks a little worse for wear, I notice, his hair messy and his eyes looking tired.

“Can I speak to you?” he asks quietly.

“I’m busy eating,” I reply, just as quiet.



“Fine,” he growls, dropping into the seat next to me.

No one speaks, and it’s awkward as hell.

When Gina joins the table, I’m considering dining with the zombies instead.

“Gina,” Jase purrs, checking her out.

I watch Dane to see if it annoys him that Jase is flirting with his ex but his gaze is solely on me.

“Jase,” she replies, winking at him before turning to Dane. “Thanks for your help last night Dane.”

I still, the bread in my hand dropping to my plate.

I was no longer hungry.

No, I was just pissed.

He left me waiting there, waiting to give him my virginity while he was out helping her? Helping her with what? Maybe he was helping her with her sexual frustration. Oh no, wait, she works in a brothel.

After that uncharitable thought, I stand up, and everyone looks at me. “I’m no longer hungry. Sam I’ll see you later,” I say before storming off. Maybe I’ll go punch something.

“Olivia,” I hear Dane call out behind me, but I ignore him. Hearing the steps behind me, I know that he’s following me, like a lion stalking its prey.

“Will you wait,” I hear him say, sounding disgruntled. I quicken my pace, turning left on the hallway that leads to my room.

“Olivia,” he grits out, grabbing me by the hips and pulling me into a corner. He pins me against the wall, his body pressed against mine. “I wanted to come last night, more than anything but I couldn’t. I’m sorry, all right?”

I had wanted to come too.

“Do we have to talk about this right now? I’m feeling surprisingly bitchy,” I say, smiling coldly.


“It’s a big thing for me, losing my virginity,” I continue. “I was nervous, you know? Excited too.”

His eyes soften. “Fuck I’m sorry baby.”


“And now I’m sexually frustrated,” I say as if he never spoke. “Which is apparently something I’m not handling very well.”

Chantal Fernando's Books