
“I’m sorry,” I say. “I should have been helping you.”

He shakes his head. “You’re hurting. I get it.”

“Tell me what needs to be done.”

I wasn’t usually emotionally weak, but this was my dad.

Dane sighs. “We need to decide what fruit and vegetables to grow that will last the season. The women in the kitchen are asking what meals we want prepared for the week. I’ve sent the men to patrol around the walls, just to see what’s out there. Just to be safe.”

“They aren’t out there?” I ask him, my voice breaking.

“Sometimes,” he replies. “A shot to the head will end them. Or cutting their head off. My men know what to do.”

I knew that. Sam had taught me exactly how to kill a zombie, if I ever came across one. They couldn’t get over the walls, so we were safe here. Nothing could penetrate these walls. The only weak point we had was the gate we used to come and go, and that was always heavily guarded.

“I will handle the crops, and the women in the kitchen. If anyone has an issue, tell them I will choose two days of the week and see them all then. We can sort out any minor disputes or problems anyone is having.”

“Are you sure?” he asks. “You can take more time if you need it.”

“I’m sure,” I tell him, picking up the bread and taking a huge bite. “I’m not helping anyone by staying in bed and feeling sorry for myself.”

“It’s understandable,” he replies quietly.

Dane nods, grinning. “Olivia.”

“Yes Dane?”

“Good to have you back sweetheart.”

My lips lift in a smile. The first one that’s been on my face since I heard about my dad. “Good to be back.”

A piece of my heart would always be missing.

But I had people to lead.

I wasn’t a princess anymore.

I was Queen.

Chapter Eleven

One Month Later

He slides into me slowly from behind, gripping my hips and thrusting rhythmically. He takes his time with me, and I don’t know which I love more; the slow love-making, or the hard, rough sex. It was just him. I love Dane, and I think he might love me back, but he hasn’t said the words which makes me question things. Increasing his thrusts, it looks like I’m getting both sides of him tonight. When he grabs both my arms and holds them behind my back, so I’m purely as his mercy, it feels so good that I want to cry. I love it when he takes control.

“Harder Dane,” I plead.

He bites the side of my neck. “You’ll take what you’re given Olivia.”

I would, but still…


“Love f*cking you,” he grits out, sweat from his forehead dripping onto my back. Wasn’t the proclamation I wanted, but I’d take it.

“Who are you Olivia?” he asks, letting go of my arms and reaching out his arm to play with my clit.

“I’m yours,” I pant, feeling myself on the verge.

“Yes you are,” he replies, smugness in his tone. “My Queen. And I want my queen to come in my mouth.”

Flipping me over, he slides to his knees and goes down on me, his tongue making me orgasm in seconds.

“Shit,” I whisper, pleasure overriding my system, filling my body. “Shit, shit, shit.”

Before I can come back to myself, he’s sliding back inside me. Biting on my lower lip I watch him as he comes. Half-lidded hazel eyes peer down at me.

“Hi,” I whisper, smiling, now feeling sated and sleepy.

“Hi,” he echoes, kissing my lips and then my forehead. “You okay?”


“You feel perfect,” he says, pushing his hips forward and then retreating.


“Yes,” he replies, pushing my hair back from my face.

I love you.

Say the words Olivia.

“I’m tired,” I blurt out.

Dane kisses my mouth and then rolls to the side. “Okay I guess I won’t wake you up for seconds then.”

“Romance is so dead,” I mutter, lip twitching.

“Oh come on,” he says, bringing my body closer to his. “I sleep with you in my arms. I’ve never done that with anyone else. That’s f*cking romance right there.”

I run my fingers down his smooth chest. “How come you do it with me then?”

He’s quiet for a few moments before he replies. “You’re just different. You’re my wife. I didn’t want one, but now that I have one, I’m going to take care of you Olivia. I’m the one you come to, to take care of all your needs and I’m not going to abuse that trust. It doesn’t matter how we came to be married, what matters is I’m yours and you’re mine. You like cuddling all night so I’m going to damn well cuddle you.”

I smile sleepily. “I’m glad I picked you.”

I’m almost asleep when I think I hear him say, “Me too.”

“She slept with my husband!” the woman, Elizabeth shrieks. I had no idea what to do. I was sitting in the hall room listening to the weekly disputes, but I had no idea what to do with a cheating husband. Why did she feel the need to bring this to me? What would my dad have told them?

Chantal Fernando's Books