
After a few minutes I leave our room and head towards the gate. I see at least fifty men surrounding it. The issue of other humans was a difficult one. We had to make sure they’re weren’t bitten, and that they had good intentions. Letting anyone in put the others in danger. Not all humans were good. So while we wanted to help everyone we could, we had to do it in the right way. Trust didn’t come easy. My dad had created this safe haven in a time when humanity had no hope. To uphold it, we had to be careful with who we let enter.

I walk up to the group and spot Jase standing there, his arms crosses over his chest. “Who are they?”

He looks down at me. “Group of five men. Apparently just looking for a safe place to live.”

“What is Dane going to do?” I ask, searching for him through the crowd.

Jase shrugs. “I don’t know. I’d quarantine them in the dungeon if it were up to me.”

Sounded brutal, but I would probably do the same. “If they’re going to bring them in we need to put the castle on lockdown. I want as the fewest amount of people possible to have contact with them.”

“They will have to be stripped down to look for any signs of bite marks. It takes a week from being bitten to turn, then a few day after that until they look for food. So if we have them contained, it should be fine.”


Jase smirks. “You’re looking sexy tonight. Regular sex must be working for you.”

Just when I thought we were getting along.


“You’re the one getting dick. Every night. You’re loud too, you know.”

I sigh.

He grins.

“Oh come on princess, take a joke,” he says, bumping my shoulder gently. “It isn’t a crime to enjoy bed sport.”

I gape. “Just stop talking please.”

His body shakes with silent laughter.

“Seriously? Now is not the time!”

He sobers. “Everything is under control. Dane knows what he’s doing. He was Special Forces, you know? The man can deal with any damn situation. And it’s not like people haven’t come and begged entry before.”

“I know,” I reply. “But it’s the first time Dad hasn’t been here to deal with it. He’d make me stay in my room when it happened so I don’t even know the protocol for something like this.”

“There is no protocol,” Jase says. “Let Dane handle it the best way he sees fit. You chose him for a reason Olivia. The man knows his shit.”

“Olivia,” I hear Dane call my name. Turning to his voice, I see him storming towards me. “What are you doing here? I told you to stay in your room.”

I ignore Jase’s sniggering.

“I want to be involved with what’s going to happen to these people,” I tell him, my back straight. “Are we going into lockdown?”

Dane nods. “Yes, no one will leave their rooms until tomorrow morning. I’m going to take these men to the dungeon. Before you complain, they will be fed and looked after. They just need to be kept away from everyone else until I know their true intentions.”

I hold my hands up. “No arguments here. Dungeon sounds good to me.”

His eyes narrow. “You’re not going to argue with my methods?”

“Why would I? I agree with them. Everyone’s safety comes first.”

He tilts his head to the side. “Why did I ever not want to marry you?”

I shrug, feeling amused. “You didn’t know any better. But it’s okay, as long as you know now.”

He bends his head and kisses me. “Go and tell everyone about the lockdown. I’ll meet you in bed later.”

I nod and go towards the women’s rooms, planning to start there.

I only hope the men we bring into these walls were good men.

I wake when Dane’s warm body hits the sheets. “Everything okay?”

“They’re in the dungeon. Weren’t aggressive or anything, just wary.”

“How did they know about us?” I ask him. “Or did they just come across the castle?”

“People talk. Apparently people know there is a safe haven away from the disaster that is our world, they just don’t know where to find it. I think it was pure luck these men came across the castle. They saw smoke and knew people were here.”

I let that sink in, then ask, “Will you still be going away for supplies? With the men here?”

“Do you want me to stay?” he asks quietly. “They will be in the dungeon for a week. The men will feed them and take care of them. You don’t even have to see them. You’re safe Olivia.”

“I know,” I whisper. “We can manage fine while you’re on a hunt. Will Tegan be going with you to forage for berries and herbs?”

Sliding his arm under my neck, he brings me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.

“Why, are you jealous?” he asks, sounding amused.

“No,” I reply, a little too forcefully.

“I’ve never touched her before, and I would never do that to you. I take the vows you said to Lars very seriously.”

I pinch his nipple.


“You deserved that,” I tell him smugly.

Chantal Fernando's Books