Soul of Flame (Imdalind Series #4)(110)

“Are you saying I’m bitter?” I asked, my voice snapping as the last of my fear and anger left me. Ryland didn’t seem to notice, however. He only laughed.

“No, I am saying that Ilyan has made you sweet. Perfect.”

“Do you mean that, or are you going to turn around and try to attack me?”

“I mean it.” His voice was so honest that it almost broke me into pieces, scattering me and my emotions across the cave floor.

I stiffened at the realization, at hearing him admit to something that had worried me so much. I knew I should have given him thanks—said anything—but I couldn’t. My shock had frozen all capable speech, and I looked toward him, careful to keep my breathing even as his eyes met mine.

My breath caught as his did, neither of us looking away, lost in each other’s eyes as we both battled the demons that lived inside of us. As I tried to ignore the scream to kill him that was echoing in my mind.

I swallowed and forced my eyes away, not trusting myself to push it even further.

“I won’t attack you, not right now,” he whispered, his voice even.

My fingers wrapped around Ilyan’s hand subconsciously, even though his fingers were limp in sleep. His magic responded to the contact, warming me, helping me.

“What changed?” I asked, my voice a gasp as my nerves swallowed it up.

“My father is too far away. The soul’s blade is too far away. He’s been using it against me, manipulating me.”

“Manipulating your soul?” I asked, my insides tangling in physical pain, the memory of how my soul had ached by being separated from Ilyan.

I had given him back his heart, but it hadn’t been enough.

“I’ll fix this, Ry.” My voice was hard as I spoke, my words more of a vow than a promise. I felt the conviction deep down inside, my need to help my friend a burning that I was determined to heal.

I looked at him, waiting for him to turn, but he stayed still, his eyes focused above as his lips turned up.

“See, that’s what I mean. You’re better,” he whispered, and I couldn’t help it, I smiled.

“I like seeing you smile. Your smile… it never used to hit your eyes; it never used to make the diamonds sparkle, not like it does now. I saw it first this morning. I saw them shine.”

I was unable to look away from him, my smile fading as his words began to sink in. I didn’t understand what he meant. No, that was wrong, I didn’t want to understand because even I felt the difference in me. It wasn’t just strength; it was something more, something that I wasn’t even sure I understood yet.

“I am happy for you, my diamond girl.” His voice drifted away as he turned away from me, the familiar phrase sounding somewhat foreign to me now.

I couldn’t look away from his back as his broad chest rose and fell, the rhythm slowing as he fell back to sleep. I sat still as his breathing joined the others, my heart caught between happiness and confusion.

I couldn’t be sure, but I thought that Ryland had given me his blessing. That he really was happy for me. Somehow, that made everything in my life seem a little more perfect, a little less hopeless.

I sighed and leaned back against the rock as I looked away from Ryland, away from the fire toward the heavy black of the cave that stretched far ahead of us. The black tunnel that would serpentine through Europe until we found Prague, the city I had never seen with my own eyes.

But I had seen it.

I had seen it in my sights, in my vision of the trap that was ahead of us.

Somewhere, beyond the black in front of me was a battle that waited for me.

And tomorrow, I would meet it.





Episode One: The Beginning

Episode Two: The Darkness

Episode Three: The Blue


Visit for more information


Sometimes there are not enough words to convey the thanks you feel to all the people who supported you.

This is one of those times.

I love you all.

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Rebecca Ethington has been telling stories since she was small. First, with writing crude scripts, and then on stage with years of theatrical performances. The Imdalind Series is her first stint into the world of literary writing. Rebecca is a mother to two, and wife to her best friend of 14 years. She was born and raised in the mountains of Salt Lake City, and hasn’t found the desire to leave yet. Her days are spent writing, running, and enjoying life with her amazing family.

After years of writing scripts for children’s theatre company’s across the country, Rebecca is happy to be making her debut into the world of fiction with Kiss of Fire, the first in The Imdalind Series.

Eyes of Ember, the second book in The Imdalind Series and Book Three, Scorched Treachery, are out now.

Rebecca Ethington's Books